
West Ulverstone host cautioned after party with 15 guests

A party host has been written up by police for breaching coronavirus restrictions and hosting a get-together with more than triple the allowed amount of guests.

What are the coronavirus restrictions in Tasmania?

THE host of a large gathering has ended up in trouble with police after they breached COVID-19 restrictions.

The host of a party at West Ulverstone was slapped with a police caution over the weekend for flouting COVID-19 laws with a gathering of 15 guests.

Police have reminded Tasmanians not to become complacent about the rules or potentially face on-the-spot fines, a summons to court or an arrest, following the introduction of emergency legislation in March.

Currently, Tasmanians may host five guests at their home or gather in groups up to 10 for certain types of celebrations such as weddings.

Tasmania Police Acting Assistant Commissioner Jo Stolp said police were also investigating alleged hooning offences at the same West Ulverstone gathering over the weekend.

She said police were currently reviewing all COVID-19-related charges.

“This has been an unprecedented situation as this is the first time a State of Emergency has been declared in Tasmania, and as such, the first time these powers have been enacted,” Acting Ass. Comm Stolp said.


“Therefore, it’s appropriate for us to review all the charges during the period.

“Our key message throughout this period has been to educate people and only initiate formal proceedings as a last resort.”

Tasmania Police is now able to issue on-the-spot fines for breaching COVID-19 rules.

Previously, police could only warn alleged offenders, summons them to a court date or make an arrest under the legislation introduced in March.

Under the Public Health and Emergency Management Acts, failing to comply with a lawful direction is punishable with fines up to $16,800 or imprisonment up to six months.

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