
Tassie farmer says technology goes hand-in-hand with farming

One Tassie farmer finds access to data and technology is now almost as essential as having a tractor. Now a million-dollar funding boost will spread that tech across the state.

Agriculture minister Julie Collins said adopt ag-tech solutions to boost productivity and efficiency. Picture: Nikki Davis-Jones
Agriculture minister Julie Collins said adopt ag-tech solutions to boost productivity and efficiency. Picture: Nikki Davis-Jones

The federal government has announced a further $20 million for the On-Farm Connectivity Program, which will help Tasmanian farmers utilise new technology.

Wesley Vale farmer James Terry said being able to have new technology means he can be more productive.

Wesley Vale farmer James Terry uses technology to farm smarter.
Wesley Vale farmer James Terry uses technology to farm smarter.

“I don’t live and work on the farm 100 per cent of the time,” he said.

“It [technology] enables a lot more remote connectivity to the day-to day-of what’s happening.”

Mr Terry said technology for farming was becoming “essential.”

“The Remote Connectivity tool is just as important, potentially as a tractor,” he said.

While still using “touch-and-feel”, Mr Terry incorporates data into decision-making, such as having weather stations and a soil probe.

“You’re able to build up data on timing of irrigation or to spray or seed because of climatic conditions,” he said.

Mr Terry said using technology with farming can increase the bottom line.

“It gives you a lot more of an ability to manage things that you can actually control,” he said.

Agriculture minister Julie Collins said the program was “already supporting thousands of farmers.”

“The huge response to this program shows just how innovative Aussie farmers and primary producers are,” she said.

Sheep in the midlands area of Tasmania. Picture: SAM ROSEWARNE.
Sheep in the midlands area of Tasmania. Picture: SAM ROSEWARNE.

“This additional $20 million will enable even more farmers to and invest in their future.”

Mr Terry said Tasmanian farmers will benefit greatly from accessing agricultural technology.

“Tasmania is very mixed in its agriculture so being able to switch enterprises or switch to what you think is a good opportunity any given year – data helps that,” he said.

Given the inherent expense of technology, the program gives farmers an opportunity to get rebates of up to 50 per cent for eligible equipment and technology of up to $30,000.

Farmers can also get support through the Regional Tech Hub.

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