
Spring Bay ‘impasse’ sparks legal action by millionaire Graeme Wood to wind up Triabunna Investments

MULTI-millionaire Spring Bay Mill proponent Graeme Wood has taken legal action against Jan Cameron, his business partner in the Triabunna project.

Graeme Wood at the former mill site who is the owner of Spring Bay Mill at Triabunna. Launch of Spring Bay Mill at Triabunna.
Graeme Wood at the former mill site who is the owner of Spring Bay Mill at Triabunna. Launch of Spring Bay Mill at Triabunna.

MULTI-millionaire Spring Bay Mill proponent Graeme Wood has taken legal action against his business partner in the Triabunna project, reclusive businesswoman Jan Cameron.

Mr Wood said in a statement today he had started proceedings to “wind up” Triabunna Investments, the company he and Ms Cameron created to buy the woodchip mill from Gunns.

“This was an unfortunate course of action but necessary for the Spring Bay Mill tourism venture to proceed,” Mr Wood said.

“Ms Cameron does not want to invest in the development and so far has refused to sell or lease me the right to do so.

“Given the impasse that we have reached, my only course of action is to wind up Triabunna Investments,” he said.

Mr Wood said he had set up a new company, Spring Bay Mill Pty Ltd, which would finalise Triabunna Investments’ legal obligations under the Environment Protection Notice.

He said the new company would also “ensure we deliver on our commitment to project partners”.

“The decision has been made because I want Spring Bay Mill to proceed as planned,” Mr Wood said.

The Mercury is seeking to contact Mr Wood and Ms Cameron.

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