SOS to landlords from Tasmanian Housing Connect partners
SUPPORT groups are appealing to landlords for help to fix the state’s housing emergency.
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TASMANIA’S community sector is calling on property owners to make homes available to help relieve the state’s housing crisis.
Housing Connect partners say they have sourced six properties in the past fortnight with another two under negotiation.
The properties have housed homeless Tasmanians camping at the Hobart Showground and a former caravan park at Berriedale.
But more properties are needed to further ease the situation as winter arrives, a statement from the group said.
“We continue to look for appropriate accommodation as further requests arise and would welcome any properties that may be available for this purpose,” Housing Connect said in a statement.
The group includes Anglicare, Colony 47, Hobart City Mission, the Salvation Army and CatholicCare.
The State Government has made $500,000 available to assist with emergency accommodation.
Property owners willing to help should contact Housing Connect on 1800 800 588.