
Punjabi Society Tasmania: Deepinderjeet Singh was loved by his community

Tasmanian communities are mourning the tragic loss of Deepinderjeet Singh, who drowned in Hobart’s waterfront on Monday night. A vigil will be held for Mr Singh, who has been remembered as ‘kind-hearted’.

Deepinderjeet Singh is being remembered as kind-hearted. Image: Supplied.
Deepinderjeet Singh is being remembered as kind-hearted. Image: Supplied.

•A vigil will be held at Franklin Square at Midday on Saturday for Deepinderjeet Singh

A man who drowned in the Hobart waterfront is being remembered as ‘kind hearted’ and ‘full of humour’, as the community prepares to come together for a vigil in his memory.

Deepinderjeet Singh was sitting with a friend at the edge of the wharf, when he was allegedly pushed into the water.

His friend managed to swim to safety, but Mr Singh, could not be saved.

Police say the alleged push came from a youth attempting to steal a handbag, and on Wednesday, a 17 year old was charged with manslaughter.

Those who knew and loved Mr Singh are in mourning after the tragedy, and preparations are being made for his body to be returned to his family in India.

Deepinderjeet Singh is being remembered as kind-hearted. Image: Supplied.
Deepinderjeet Singh is being remembered as kind-hearted. Image: Supplied.

“He was very kind hearted and full of humour,” Punjabi Society Tasmania vice president Satwinder Kaur said.

“He was a wonderful young person who was committed to contributing to society … he had a bright future, he had dreams of having his own business.

“He was very lively, took good care of his friends.”

Mr Singh came to Australia five years ago to study civil construction.

Mrs Kaur said he was also an active member of the community and he worked several jobs.

“He was happy here, he loved being at UTAS, he just loved it and he loved the community,” she said.

Deepinderjeet Singh is being remembered as kind-hearted. Image: Supplied.
Deepinderjeet Singh is being remembered as kind-hearted. Image: Supplied.

Ms Kaur said the loss had devastated not just the Punjabi community, but other multicultural communities.

“It’s been really really very hard on us,” Mrs Kaur said

“This is something nobody can believe it’s such a shocking incident.

A GoFundMe page to raise funds to send his body to India has already raised more than $28,000.

Meanwhile the Punjabi community has organised a vigil to be held on Saturday at midday at Franklin Square.

Mrs Kaur said a gathering had been held at the Multicultural Council of Tasmania to discuss the next steps.

“We wanted to meet to figure out the next steps, sending his body back home and organising prayer meetings for him,” she said.

“So many people attended. Everybody grieved together, everyone was in tears it’s been really hard.

“There was not one soul who did not have tears in their eyes.”

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