1/12Marieville Esplanade playground at Sandy Bay.
Popular playgrounds around Hobart
Popular playgrounds around Hobart
2/12Playground at Waterworks Reserve, Ridgeway.
3/12Long Beach playground, Sandy Bay.
4/12The Dru Point playground at Margate.
5/12Blackmans Bay beach playground.
6/12Annabelle Race, 3, of Cygnet, shoots down the slide at the Parliament St Park playground in Sandy Bay.
7/12The pirate ship playground at Princes Park, Battery Point.
8/12Brothers Oliver and Kobi Scolyer, of Lauderdale, enjoying the play equipment at Princes Park playground, Battery Point.
Original URL: https://www.themercury.com.au/news/tasmania/popular-playgrounds-around-hobart/image-gallery/99450a3fb2188b4b286e64085cd13358