1/13Lake Malbena helipad site
Halls Island standing camp proposal
Images from the development application for a standing camp on Halls Island on Lake Malbena.
2/13Images from the development application for a standing camp on Halls Island on Lake Malbena.
3/13Sphagnum peatland (foreground) with emergent Gleichenia and Empodisma, from the Halls Island development application.
4/13Helipad 1, foreground, Helipad 2, clear ground behind the buttongrass, from the Halls Island development application.
5/13The preferred helicopter landing site, central-left of image, from the Halls Island development application.
6/13Images from the development application for a standing camp on Halls Island on Lake Malbena.
7/13Images from the development application for a standing camp on Halls Island on Lake Malbena.
8/13Images from the development application for a standing camp on Halls Island on Lake Malbena.
9/13Images from the development application for a standing camp on Halls Island on Lake Malbena.
10/13Images from the development application for a standing camp on Halls Island on Lake Malbena.
11/13Lichen lithosphere within the potential impact area of hut number 1, from the Halls Island development application.
12/13Images from the development application for a standing camp on Halls Island on Lake Malbena.
13/13Daniel and Simone Hackett, the proponents of a luxury camp on Halls Island in the Walls of Jerusalem. Picture: CHRIS KIDD
Original URL: https://www.themercury.com.au/news/tasmania/halls-island-standing-camp-proposal/image-gallery/6f9922a632056252326d82f5a266dd23