
Day of snow fun at Mt Mawson, but calls for better access

As the ski season opens this weekend, calls are growing from tourism operators for a roundtable discussion on how to improve access to the snowy slopes of Southern Tasmania.

LET IT SNOW: Mt Mawson ski patroller Matt Davis helps dig out the ski tow at Mt Field National Park on Saturday. Picture: PETER DAVIS
LET IT SNOW: Mt Mawson ski patroller Matt Davis helps dig out the ski tow at Mt Field National Park on Saturday. Picture: PETER DAVIS

AS the ski season opens this weekend, calls are growing from tourism operators for talks on how to improve access to the snowy slopes of Mt Field National Park.

The Southern Tasmanian Ski Association has also called for improvement, and wants a grader or snow plough to allow faster clearing of snow on Lake Dobson Rd so skiers can have more reliable access to Mt Mawson.

This weekend marks the opening of the ski season in southern Tasmania, and fortunately the road remained open on Saturday for the crowds headed to fresh snow.

But the previous weekend was a different story, with the road closed all day Saturday and half of Sunday because of snow. The road was also closed all of Monday.

Derwent Valley tourism group co-founder Fiona Weaver said the closures were creating “missed opportunities and disappointment”.

“It’s so beautiful and so magical, but it’s a shame that 16km of road is causing so many problems,” said Mrs Weaver, who also runs Tassie Bound Adventure Tours.

Snowboarders getting on to the Mawson Ski tow at Mt Mawson Ski Field. Picture: PETER DAVIS
Snowboarders getting on to the Mawson Ski tow at Mt Mawson Ski Field. Picture: PETER DAVIS

She said a Lake Dobson Rd upgrade should be considered because many motorists became stuck trying to reach the snow, and there was no overtaking lane or means for them to turn around.

Rachel Power, co-owner of Waterfalls Café at Mt Field, said tourism to the area was soaring but little was being done to improve access the snow.

She said Lake Dobson Rd was being closed too often during good snowfall, which was when the greatest numbers headed to the area.

The Waterfalls Café Facebook site has become the unofficial means of checking whether the road is open, but many tourists and local day-trippers still make the long car trip without realising access is closed.

“There was a lot of disappointed kids all dressed up in their snow gear who couldn’t get up there,” Mrs Power said of last week’s snowfall.

She said a discussion was needed between all stakeholders to determine whether a shuttle bus was needed or a better way of clearing snow from the road.

A shuttle bus running year round would not only improve access to the snow, but take people to other seasonal attractions such as fagus, spring flowers and fungi.

Peter Davis, of the Southern Tasmanian Ski Association, said the road closures during heavy snowfall were a concern for the not-for-profit volunteer ski association.

“The best skiing conditions at Mt Mawson ski field also coincide with snow low down on the Lake Dobson Road, and so it is imperative fresh snow is quickly cleared to allow vehicular access to Lake Dobson,” Mr Davis said.


“There have been a couple of occasions in the past when the road has been closed for a number or days, with a significant negative impact on the operations of the ski field,” he said.

“It is highly desirable that a grader or snow plough is available at the Mt Field base to allow rapid clearing of the road following snow falls, particularly on weekends.”

Mr Davis said yesterday’s opening of the ski season had a large crowd enjoying sunshine and fresh snow.


Ski club volunteers had to first dig out the top of the Mawson ski tow which had become buried in the blizzard earlier in the week, he said.

A Department of State Growth spokesman said there were currently no plans to upgrade Lake Dobson Rd.

“The road runs through a highly sensitive national park environment and any changes would need to be carefully considered and subject to the relevant national park management plans,” he said.


“Our maintenance contractor is on standby to clear the road throughout winter, however in heavy snowfalls it is sometimes not possible to safely clear the road.”

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