
Cancer Council Tasmania’s transport2treatment cars vandalised in Launceston

Three vehicles that help sick Tasmanians get to cancer treatments have been struck by vandals, Cancer Council Tasmania says.

Three transport2treatment vehicles have been vandalised this month, Cancer Council Tasmania says.
Three transport2treatment vehicles have been vandalised this month, Cancer Council Tasmania says.

Sick Tasmanians are having to change their plans for essential cancer treatments after vandals struck three Cancer Council Tasmania cars.

The transport2treatment cars parked at the Northern Cancer Council in Launceston have been vandalised over the past fortnight, Cancer Council Tasmania chief executive Alison Lai said.

The first alleged incident damaged fuel tanks to two cars on March 15, while this past weekend another t2t vehicle was vandalised.

Vandals strike three Cancer Council Tasmania’s transport2transport cars parked at the Northern Cancer Council, Launceston. Picture: Supplied
Vandals strike three Cancer Council Tasmania’s transport2transport cars parked at the Northern Cancer Council, Launceston. Picture: Supplied
Vandals strike three Cancer Council Tasmania’s transport2transport cars parked at the Northern Cancer Council, Launceston. Picture: Supplied
Vandals strike three Cancer Council Tasmania’s transport2transport cars parked at the Northern Cancer Council, Launceston. Picture: Supplied

“Fuel was spilt all over the carpark which was a serious fire hazard which could have been disastrous for the Centre and surrounding neighbourhood,” Ms Lai said.

“These sponsored vehicles provide a free and life-changing transport to treatment service to Northern Tasmania’s cancer patients.

“Due to the damage and cars being out of action, some clients had to make alternative arrangements to reach their vital appointments.”

She said police attended the incident at the Launceston Support Centre last week and said it’s believed similar vandalism has occurred at two other organisations.

Vandals strike three Cancer Council Tasmania’s transport2transport cars parked at the Northern Cancer Council, Launceston. Picture: Supplied
Vandals strike three Cancer Council Tasmania’s transport2transport cars parked at the Northern Cancer Council, Launceston. Picture: Supplied

The damage to the vehicles is set to impact transporting materials to and from the Penguin Relay For Life this weekend.

“We are extremely grateful Relay For Life event sponsor Budget Truck Rental, which stepped in at the eleventh hour and provided a van, in addition to the truck they had already supplied, to assist the team transport event materials between venues.”

Ms Lai said the cost of repairs will have impact funds Cancer Council Tasmania has available to deliver services to Tasmanians impacted by cancer.

Tasmania Police confirmed the incidents had been reported to police and was under investigation.

Anyone with information should contact Launceston Police on 131 444 and quote OR769556. Information can also be provided to Crime Stoppers Tasmania, and you can stay anonymous.

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