1/23Reader picture for your Focus on Tasmania.Gordon River in south west Tasmania. Picture: Ryan Kincade ***ONE TIME USE ONLY***
Can you picture this? Readers cracking photos
Tasmania is a special place and the photos our readers share say it all. Here is a gallery of some of the beautiful places across our state.
2/23Readers picture for Your Focus on Tasmania. Moon on its way down only a few minutes before the sun was due to set in the opposite direction at Midway Point. Picture: Elly Bolt ***ONE TIME USE ONLY***
3/23Reader picture for your Focus on Tasmania. Mountain Road, kunyani. Picture: Neville Hodges ***ONE TIME USE ONLY***
4/23Reader picture for your Focus on Tasmania. Russell Falls, National Park. Picture: Neville Hodges ***ONE TIME USE ONLY***
5/23Reader picture for your Focus on Tasmania. Russell Falls. Picture: Ryan Kincade ***ONE TIME USE ONLY***
6/23Reader picture for your Focus on Tasmania. St Helens Pier. Picture: Neville Hodges ***ONE TIME USE ONLY***
7/23Reader picture for your Focus on Tasmania. Picture: Ryan Kincade ***ONE TIME USE ONLY***
8/23Readers picture for Your Focus on Tasmania. The Rocking Stone South Wellington. Picture: Jon Deeprose ***ONE TIME USE ONLY****
9/23Reader picture for your Focus on Tasmania. Silvereye on cotoneaster bush Austins Ferry. Picture Bob Holderness-Roddam. ***ONE TIME USE ONLY***
10/23Reader picture for your Focus on Tasmania. Interlarken Picture Dianne Machen ***ONE TIME USE ONLY***
11/23Reader picture for your Focus on Tasmania. Steel wool photography on Bellerive Beach. Picture: Neville Hodges ***ONE TIME USE ONLY***
12/23Reader picture for your Focus on Tasmania. Horsehoe Falls National Park. Picture: Neville Hodges. ***ONE TIME USE ONLY***
13/23Reader picture for your Focus on Tasmania. Oatlands. Picture: Neville Hodges ***ONE TIME USE ONLY***
14/23Reader picture for your Focus on Tasmania. Midway Point Picture Elly Bolt ***ONE TIME USE ONLY***
15/23Reader picture for your Focus on Tasmania. Clumner Bluff Wild Dog Creek Picture Mieke Devries. ***ONE TIME USE ONLY***
16/23Reader picture for your Focus on Tasmania. Cape Tourville walk to the lighthouse. Picture Jan Blyton. ***ONE TIME USE ONLY***
17/23Reader picture for your Focus on Tasmania. Norfolk Bay Picture Elly Bolt ***ONE TIME USE ONLY***
18/23Reader picture for your Focus on Tasmania. Fairy umbrellas at Styx River area. Picture: Nick Creasey ***ONE TIME USE ONLY***
19/23Reader picture for your Focus on Tasmania. Golden hour under Mt Strelecki Flinders Island Picture Ryan Kincade. ***ONE TIME USE ONLY***
20/23Reader picture for your Focus on Tasmania. Coalmines Saltwater River. Picture: Neville Hodges. ***ONE TIME USE ONLY***
21/23Reader picture for your Focus on Tasmania. Dusk at Cosy Corner, Bay of Fires, north east Tasmania Picture Ryan Kincade. ***ONE TIME USE ONLY***
22/23Readers picture for Your Focus on Tasmania. New Town Falls kunanyi/ Mount Wellington. Picture: Liz Osborne ***ONE TIME USE ONLY****
23/23How to submit to The Mercury's readers pictures.