1/18Smoke intensifies behind the Great Lakes Store. Picture: LUKE BOWDEN
Bushfire gallery
A bushfire emergency warning is current for Miena in Tasmania’s Great Lakes district, and Tahune in southern Tasmania. See the Mercury’s photos, taken as the situation has escalated.
2/18Personnel from the ACT Rural Fire Service head out from The Great Lakes store to the fire front near Miena. Picture: LUKE BOWDEN
3/18Personnel from the ACT Rural Fire Service head out from The Great Lakes store to the fire front near Miena. Picture: LUKE BOWDEN
4/18North Regional Chief Officer Jeff Harper (right) giving an update on the fires surrounding Miena as advice level advances to Emergency Warnings. Picture: LUKE BOWDEN
5/18Police and Emergency Services Minister Michael Ferguson and North Regional Chief Officer Jeff Harper (right) giving media an update on the fires surrounding Miena. Picture: LUKE BOWDEN
6/18Colin Fitzgibbon (centre) from NSW Rural Fire Service speaks to Police and Emergency Services Minister Michael Ferguson. Picture: LUKE BOWDEN
7/18Fire intensifies west of Miena. Picture: LUKE BOWDEN
8/18Police and Emergency Services Minister Michael Ferguson speaks to a police officer on Marlborough Road, Miena. Picture: LUKE BOWDEN
9/18Pictured at Tasmania's TFS (Tasmanian Fire Service) Headquarters briefing the media about the upcoming fire conditions is one of the control rooms. PICTURE: MATT THOMPSON
10/18Pictured at Tasmania's TFS (Tasmanian Fire Service) Headquarters briefing the media about the upcoming fire conditions is one of the control rooms. PICTURE: MATT THOMPSON
11/18Pictured at Tasmania's TFS (Tasmanian Fire Service) Headquarters briefing the media about the upcoming fire conditions is (L-R) Mark Bryce, Director of Operations, Tasmanian National Parks. PICTURE: MATT THOMPSON
12/18Pictured at Tasmania's TFS (Tasmanian Fire Service) Headquarters briefing the media about the upcoming fire conditions is (L-R) Jeremy Smith, Regional Chief Officer. PICTURE: MATT THOMPSON
13/18Pictured at Tasmania's TFS (Tasmanian Fire Service) Headquarters briefing the media about the upcoming fire conditions is (L-R) Chris Arnol, Chief Officer. PICTURE: MATT THOMPSON
14/18Smoke from the Northern end of the fire near Miena. Picture: LUKE BOWDEN
15/18Fire intensifies west of Miena. Picture: LUKE BOWDEN
16/18Fire intensifies west of Miena. Picture: LUKE BOWDEN
17/18The smoke cloud from the fire at Miena seen from St. Patricks Plains Picture: LUKE BOWDEN
18/18Smoke intensifies over Miena. Picture: LUKE BOWDEN
Original URL: https://www.themercury.com.au/news/tasmania/bushfire-images/image-gallery/04a4a2c544ec6c01e50cd8fcd66f3149