
Alleged Reedy Marsh murder victim named as Mike Hawkes

A Tasmanian government official has paid tribute to his friend and former driver, revealed as the victim of an alleged murder in Reedy Marsh. READ THE TRIBUTES + POLICE LATEST >>

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Former Deputy Premier and now Burnie Mayor Steve Kons has described his former parliamentary driver Michael Hawkes as “not a traditional” driver but someone you could have a great chinwag with.

Police have officially confirmed the identity of the 70-year-old man found allegedly murdered at a property at Reedy Marsh on Tuesday night as Mr Hawkes, with tributes quickly flowing in Tasmania’s political circles.

Former driver to politician Steve Kons, Mike Hawkes. Photo: The Mercury archives
Former driver to politician Steve Kons, Mike Hawkes. Photo: The Mercury archives

Mr Hawke’s wife, who also lived at the Larcombes Rd property, was also injured in the allegedly violent incident and is being treated for lacerations.

It is understood the couple had lived at the isolated property since the 1990s.

Mr Kons said Mr Hawkes had been his driver for about five years from 2002.

“You get to know someone very well when you spend a lot of time in a car with them,” Mr Kons said.

“He was not a traditional driver. He was very interested in politics and different portfolios and government as a whole really.

“We would talk a lot.”

Mr Hawkes and his wife were also very into fitness, Mr Kons said.

The Reedy Marsh residence belonging to Mike Hawkes. Source: CoreLogic
The Reedy Marsh residence belonging to Mike Hawkes. Source: CoreLogic

Robert Gerard, 47, was taken into custody on Wednesday afternoon after a 24-hour search in connection with the alleged murder.

The Waverley man appeared in the Launceston Magistrates Court on Thursday afternoon charged with murder.

Meander Valley Mayor Wayne Johnston said he understood Mrs Hawkes worked at a bank in Deloraine and the couple were well known and well liked in the community.

“The Deloraine and Reedy Marsh communities are upset by what has happened,” Mr Johnston said.

“They would be upset to hear such a thing had happened anywhere but they are more saddened and very disappointed this has happened here.

“I extend my deepest condolences to the family.

“Deloraine is seen as a quiet and safe place to live, it has its characters like anywhere else, but this is the first thing like this to have happened.”

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