
AI stereotypes: We asked the artificial intelligence algorithms to find stereotypical Tasmanians by town or suburb

From Burnie to Bicheno – and beyond. We asked an AI tool to generate what it thinks typical folks look like from key Tassie towns and suburbs – here’s the results.

Tassie stereotypes: Do the AI robots really know what we look like?
Tassie stereotypes: Do the AI robots really know what we look like?

This is Mark.

Mark resides in Glenorchy, a working class city in Tassie with a strong community focus.

He’s in his early 40s and most likely has a job in manufacturing.

Mark enjoys a spot of walking in Wellington Park. He is stoked on Glenorchy’s mix of urban convenience and outdoor lifestyle.

And then there’s Anna.

Anna lives in harbourside hamlet Strahan, on Tasmania’s rugged and windswept West Coast.

She is in her early 50s, most likely working in the education, tourism or fishing sector and has fallen in love with the slower pace of life there.

But Mark and Anna aren’t real.

They are merely the figments of the electronic imagination spat out when we used ChatGPT and art program Midjourney to work out who these artificial intelligence programs think we – as Tasmanians – actually are.

"Mark" – an AI-created typical Glenorchy man. Picture: Supplied.
"Mark" – an AI-created typical Glenorchy man. Picture: Supplied.
"Anna" – an AI-created typical Strahan woman. Picture: Supplied.
"Anna" – an AI-created typical Strahan woman. Picture: Supplied.

And should we fear the rise of AI, likened to the evil robot HAL in 2001: A Space Odyssey?

A leading researcher from Adelaide University’s Australian Institute for Machine Learning, Dr Dr Ehsan Abbasnejad, thinks not.

He told NewsCorp while there were certainly “concerns” about the technology, people “shouldn’t take it too seriously”.

“A lot of this technology is still in its beta, or experimental, phase. We shouldn’t be using the outcomes of these models for decision making beyond what they’re designed for,” he said.

Dr Abbasnejad said some of the concerns around privacy, data collection and the verification of truth had merit, but he believed that the rise of AI would ultimately have many more benefits that drawbacks.

“It’s a polarising question – there are people who are really scared about AI and people who are optimistic about it,” he said.

“I’m on the optimistic side. I feel like there are lot of opportunities and the potential to solve a lot of problems we have in the world today.”

Meet your typical Tasmanians below:

William, Hobart

"William" – an AI-created typical Hobart man. Picture: Supplied.
"William" – an AI-created typical Hobart man. Picture: Supplied.

“Meet William, a resident of Hobart, Tasmania. William is likely in his early 40s, in line with the demographic of Tasmania’s capital city.

William probably works in sectors such as healthcare, education, or public administration, reflecting the common industries in Hobart. Given the city’s cultural heritage and booming tourism industry, he might also be involved in sectors like arts, entertainment, or hospitality.

Living in Hobart, William enjoys a unique blend of city life and natural beauty. He often spends his free time exploring the local arts scene, hiking in nearby Mount Wellington, or enjoying the city’s rich culinary offerings.

William likely lives in a family household, as Hobart is known for its family-friendly environment and strong sense of community. He appreciates the blend of cultural heritage, natural beauty, and the vibrant lifestyle that characterises life in Hobart.

William’s lifestyle embodies the charm of Hobart – a city known for its arts, its close-knit community, and its connection to the stunning natural landscapes of Tasmania.”

Emily, Hobart

"Emily" – an AI-created typical Hobart woman. Picture: Supplied.
"Emily" – an AI-created typical Hobart woman. Picture: Supplied.

“Meet Emily, a resident of Hobart, Tasmania. Emily is likely in her late 30s to early 40s, aligning with the demographic of Tasmania’s capital city.

Emily probably works in sectors such as healthcare, education, or retail trade, which are common industries in Hobart. Given the city’s vibrant arts scene and thriving tourism industry, she might also be involved in cultural, arts or hospitality sectors.

Living in Hobart, Emily enjoys the combination of urban life and natural splendour. She often spends her free time exploring local art galleries and museums, hiking in the nearby Mount Wellington, or sampling the city’s burgeoning food and wine scene.

Emily likely lives in a family household, as Hobart is known for its family-friendly environment and strong sense of community. She values the blend of cultural heritage, natural beauty, and the energetic lifestyle that characterises life in Hobart.

Emily’s lifestyle is a reflection of Hobart’s unique charm – a city marked by its cultural vibrancy, close-knit community, and its rich natural surroundings.”

Mark, Glenorchy

"Mark" – an AI-created typical Glenorchy man. Picture: Supplied.
"Mark" – an AI-created typical Glenorchy man. Picture: Supplied.

“Meet Mark, a resident of Glenorchy, Tasmania. Mark is likely in his early 40s, in line with the demographic of this city in the northern suburbs of Hobart.

Mark probably works in sectors such as retail trade, healthcare, or manufacturing, which are common industries in Glenorchy. With Glenorchy’s strong community focus, he may also work in community or social services.

Living in Glenorchy, Mark enjoys the benefits of suburban living while being close to both Hobart and the natural beauty of Tasmania. He might spend his free time in local parks, participating in community events, or exploring the nearby Wellington Park.

Mark likely lives in a family household, as Glenorchy is known for its family-friendly environment and strong sense of community. He appreciates the balance of urban convenience, community spirit, and the outdoor lifestyle that characterises life in Glenorchy.

Mark’s lifestyle reflects the essence of Glenorchy – a city known for its community-oriented lifestyle, close proximity to Hobart, and access to Tasmania’s natural beauty.”

Lisa, Glenorchy

"Lisa" – an AI-created typical Glenorchy woman. Picture: Supplied.
"Lisa" – an AI-created typical Glenorchy woman. Picture: Supplied.

“Meet Lisa, a resident of Glenorchy, Tasmania. Lisa is likely in her late 30s to early 40s, fitting the demographic of this city in the northern suburbs of Hobart.

Lisa probably works in sectors such as healthcare, retail trade, or education, reflecting the common industries in Glenorchy. Given the city’s community focus, she may also be involved in community or social services.

Living in Glenorchy, Lisa enjoys the balance of suburban life with the natural beauty of Tasmania. She often spends her free time in local parks, engaging in community events, or exploring the nearby Wellington Park.

Lisa likely lives in a family household, as Glenorchy is known for its family-friendly environment and strong sense of community. She values the mix of suburban living, community connection, and the proximity to both urban Hobart and Tasmania’s stunning landscapes.

Lisa’s lifestyle embodies the spirit of Glenorchy, a city known for its community-oriented lifestyle, close proximity to Hobart, and access to the natural beauty of Tasmania.”

James, Sandy Bay

"James" – an AI-created typical Sandy Bay man. Picture: Supplied.
"James" – an AI-created typical Sandy Bay man. Picture: Supplied.

“Meet James, a resident of Sandy Bay, Tasmania. James is likely in his early to mid-40s, aligning with the demographic in this suburb of Hobart.

James probably works in sectors such as education, healthcare, or professional services, which are common industries in Sandy Bay. Given the proximity to the University of Tasmania, he might be involved in academia or related services.

Living in Sandy Bay, James enjoys a balance of suburban comfort and natural beauty. He might spend his free time exploring local parks, sailing or rowing in the nearby Derwent River, or dining in one of the many cafes and restaurants in the area.

James likely lives in a family household, as Sandy Bay is known for its family-friendly environment and strong sense of community. He values the blend of quiet suburban living, community connection, and the scenic coastal views that characterise life in Sandy Bay.

James’s lifestyle embodies the charm of Sandy Bay – a community marked by its academic influence, family-friendly atmosphere, and beautiful coastal setting.”

Anna, Sandy Bay

"Anna" – an AI-created typical Sandy Bay woman. Picture: Supplied.
"Anna" – an AI-created typical Sandy Bay woman. Picture: Supplied.

“Meet Anna, a resident of Sandy Bay, Tasmania. Anna is likely in her late 30s to early 40s, fitting the demographic of this suburb of Hobart.

Anna probably works in sectors such as education, healthcare, or retail trade, reflecting common industries in Sandy Bay. Given the proximity to the University of Tasmania, she might be involved in the educational sector or related services.

Living in Sandy Bay, Anna enjoys the tranquillity of suburban life paired with the natural beauty of the area. She spends her free time walking along the beach, sailing in the nearby Derwent River, or enjoying the local cafes and boutiques.

Anna likely lives in a family household, as Sandy Bay is known for its family-friendly environment. She values the community spirit, the peaceful lifestyle, and the stunning coastal views that characterise her suburb.

Anna’s lifestyle embodies the essence of Sandy Bay, a community known for its blend of suburban comfort, strong educational influence, and its connection to the natural beauty of Tasmania.”

David, Burnie

"David" – an AI-created typical Burnie man. Picture: Supplied.
"David" – an AI-created typical Burnie man. Picture: Supplied.

“Meet David, a resident of Burnie, Tasmania. David is likely in his early 40s, in line with the demographic of this city on the North West coast of Tasmania.

David probably works in sectors such as healthcare, retail trade, or manufacturing, reflecting the common industries in Burnie. Given the city’s history as a major port, he might be involved in related industries or services.

Living in Burnie, David enjoys a balance of city living and natural beauty. He often spends his free time exploring local parks, visiting the nearby beach, or participating in the vibrant community events.

David likely lives in a family household, as Burnie is known for its family-friendly environment and strong sense of community. He appreciates the blend of urban living, community connection, and the coastal lifestyle that characterises life in Burnie.

David’s lifestyle embodies the essence of Burnie – a city known for its community spirit, its connection to the sea, and the natural beauty of Tasmania.”

Sarah, Burnie

"Sarah" – an AI-created typical Burnie woman. Picture: Supplied.
"Sarah" – an AI-created typical Burnie woman. Picture: Supplied.

“Meet Sarah, a resident of Burnie, Tasmania. Sarah is likely in her late 30s to early 40s, aligning with the demographic of this city on the North West coast of Tasmania.

Sarah probably works in sectors such as healthcare, education, or retail trade, reflecting common industries in Burnie. Given the city’s maritime history and continued relevance as a major port, she might also be involved in sectors related to logistics or maritime services.

Living in Burnie, Sarah enjoys the blend of urban living and natural beauty. She often spends her free time exploring local parks, visiting the nearby beach, or engaging in community events.

Sarah likely lives in a family household, as Burnie is known for its family-friendly environment and strong sense of community. She values the mix of urban convenience, community spirit, and the coastal lifestyle that characterises life in Burnie.

Sarah’s lifestyle embodies the essence of Burnie – a city marked by its community spirit, maritime heritage, and the stunning natural beauty of Tasmania.”

Daniel, Launceston

"Daniel" – an AI-created typical Launceston man. Picture: Supplied.
"Daniel" – an AI-created typical Launceston man. Picture: Supplied.

“Meet Daniel, a resident of Launceston, Tasmania. Daniel is likely in his early 40s, reflecting the demographic of Tasmania’s second major city.

Daniel probably works in sectors such as healthcare, retail trade, or education, which are common industries in Launceston. Given the city’s position as a regional commercial and administrative hub, he might also be involved in professional, scientific, or technical services.

Living in Launceston, Daniel enjoys the balance of urban life and natural beauty. He often spends his free time exploring the stunning Cataract Gorge, visiting local wineries, or enjoying the city’s rich heritage architecture.

Daniel likely lives in a family household, as Launceston is known for its family-friendly environment and strong sense of community. He values the blend of city conveniences, community spirit, and access to Tasmania’s stunning landscapes that characterises life in Launceston.

Daniel’s lifestyle reflects the spirit of Launceston – a city known for its blend of cultural heritage, community connection, and access to the beautiful natural landscapes of Tasmania.”

Sophie, Launceston

"Sophie" – an AI-created typical Launceston woman. Picture: Supplied.
"Sophie" – an AI-created typical Launceston woman. Picture: Supplied.

“Meet Sophie, a resident of Launceston, Tasmania. Sophie is likely in her late 30s to early 40s, fitting the demographic of Tasmania’s second major city.

Sophie probably works in sectors such as healthcare, education, or retail trade, reflecting common industries in Launceston. With Launceston being a regional commercial and administrative hub, she might also be involved in the professional, scientific, or technical services sector.

Living in Launceston, Sophie enjoys the blend of urban convenience and the area’s natural beauty. She often spends her free time exploring the famous Cataract Gorge, visiting local wineries, or indulging in the city’s vibrant arts scene.

Sophie likely lives in a family household, as Launceston is known for its family-friendly environment and strong sense of community. She values the mix of city living, community connection, and easy access to Tasmania’s stunning landscapes.

Sophie’s lifestyle embodies the spirit of Launceston – a city known for its cultural heritage, community focus, and its beautiful natural surroundings.”

Sam, Blackmans Bay

"Sam" – an AI-created typical Blackmans Bay man. Picture: Supplied.
"Sam" – an AI-created typical Blackmans Bay man. Picture: Supplied.

“Meet Sam, a resident of Blackmans Bay, Tasmania. Sam is likely in his early 40s, aligning with the demographic of this beachside suburb of Hobart.

Sam probably works in sectors such as healthcare, education, or retail trade, reflecting common industries in the area. Given Blackmans Bay’s proximity to Hobart, he might commute into the city for work in the professional, scientific, or technical services sectors.

Living in Blackmans Bay, Sam enjoys the balance of suburban comfort and coastal living. He often spends his free time at the beach, exploring local parks, or enjoying a meal at one of the local restaurants.

Sam likely lives in a family household, as Blackmans Bay is known for its family-friendly environment. He values the blend of peaceful suburban living, coastal lifestyle, and the strong sense of community that characterises life in Blackmans Bay.

Sam’s lifestyle embodies the spirit of Blackmans Bay – a suburb known for its scenic coastal views, strong community spirit, and close proximity to Hobart.”

Emily, Blackmans Bay

"Emily" – An AI-created typical Blackmans Bay woman. Picture: Supplied.
"Emily" – An AI-created typical Blackmans Bay woman. Picture: Supplied.

“Meet Emily, a resident of Blackmans Bay, Tasmania. Emily is likely in her late 30s to early 40s, fitting the demographic of this beachside suburb of Hobart.

Emily probably works in sectors such as healthcare, education, or retail trade, reflecting common industries in the area. Given Blackmans Bay’s proximity to Hobart, she might commute into the city for work in professional, scientific, or technical services.

Living in Blackmans Bay, Emily enjoys the balance of suburban comfort and the joys of coastal living. She often spends her free time on the beach, exploring local parks, or enjoying a meal at one of the local eateries.

Emily likely lives in a family household, as Blackmans Bay is known for its family-friendly environment. She values the combination of peaceful suburban living, beachside lifestyle, and the strong sense of community that characterises life in Blackmans Bay.

Emily’s lifestyle embodies the spirit of Blackmans Bay – a suburb known for its scenic coastal views, community connection, and its closeness to Hobart.”

James, Clarendon Vale

"James" – an AI-created typical Clarendon Vale man. Picture: Supplied.
"James" – an AI-created typical Clarendon Vale man. Picture: Supplied.

“Meet James, a resident of Clarendon Vale, Tasmania. James is likely in his early 40s, reflecting the demographic of this suburb of Hobart.

James probably works in sectors such as retail trade, healthcare, or manufacturing, reflecting common industries in the area. Given Clarendon Vale’s proximity to Hobart, he might commute into the city for work in the professional, scientific, or technical services sectors.

Living in Clarendon Vale, James enjoys the balance of suburban life with the natural beauty of Tasmania. He often spends his free time in local parks, participating in community events, or exploring the nearby coastline.

James likely lives in a family household, as Clarendon Vale is known for its family-friendly environment and strong sense of community. He appreciates the blend of suburban living, community connection, and access to Tasmania’s natural landscapes.

James’ lifestyle embodies the essence of Clarendon Vale – a suburb known for its community spirit, closeness to Hobart, and access to the stunning beauty of Tasmania.”

Jessica, Clarendon Vale

"Jessica" – an AI-created typical Clarendon Vale woman. Picture: Supplied.
"Jessica" – an AI-created typical Clarendon Vale woman. Picture: Supplied.

“Meet Jessica, a resident of Clarendon Vale, Tasmania. Jessica is likely in her late 30s to early 40s, fitting the demographic of this suburb in Hobart.

Jessica probably works in sectors such as healthcare, education, or retail trade, reflecting common industries in the area. Given Clarendon Vale’s proximity to Hobart, she might also commute to the city for work in the professional, scientific, or technical services sector.

Living in Clarendon Vale, Jessica enjoys the balance of suburban life and the natural beauty of Tasmania. She often spends her free time in local parks, engaging in community events, or exploring the nearby coastline.

Jessica likely lives in a family household, as Clarendon Vale is known for its family-friendly environment and strong sense of community. She values the mix of suburban living, community spirit, and easy access to Tasmania’s stunning landscapes.

Jessica’s lifestyle embodies the spirit of Clarendon Vale – a suburb known for its community connection, proximity to Hobart, and the beautiful natural landscapes of Tasmania.”

Ethan, Cremorne

"Ethan" – an AI-created typical Cremorne man. Picture: Supplied.
"Ethan" – an AI-created typical Cremorne man. Picture: Supplied.

“Meet Ethan, a resident of Cremorne, Tasmania. Ethan is likely in his early 40s, aligning with the demographic of this beachside suburb in Tasmania.

Ethan probably works in sectors such as healthcare, education, or retail trade, reflecting common industries in the area. Given Cremorne’s proximity to Hobart, he might commute into the city for work in the professional, scientific, or technical services sectors.

Living in Cremorne, Ethan enjoys the balance of peaceful suburban life and beachside living. He often spends his free time at the beach, exploring local parks, or enjoying a barbecue with family and friends.

Ethan likely lives in a family household, as Cremorne is known for its family-friendly environment. He values the blend of relaxed suburban living, coastal lifestyle, and the strong sense of community that characterises life in Cremorne.

Ethan’s lifestyle embodies the spirit of Cremorne – a suburb known for its scenic coastal views, community connection, and close proximity to Hobart.”

Sarah, Cremorne

"Sarah" – an AI-created typical Cremorne woman. Picture: Supplied.
"Sarah" – an AI-created typical Cremorne woman. Picture: Supplied.

“Meet Sarah, a resident of Cremorne, Tasmania. Sarah is likely in her late 30s to early 40s, fitting the demographic of this beachside suburb of Tasmania.

Sarah probably works in sectors such as healthcare, education, or retail trade, reflecting common industries in the area. Given Cremorne’s proximity to Hobart, she might commute into the city for work in the professional, scientific, or technical services sector.

Living in Cremorne, Sarah enjoys the balance of peaceful suburban life and the joys of beachside living. She often spends her free time on the beach, exploring local parks, or enjoying the tranquil coastal views.

Sarah likely lives in a family household, as Cremorne is known for its family-friendly environment. She values the combination of relaxed suburban living, beachside lifestyle, and the strong sense of community that characterises life in Cremorne.

Sarah’s lifestyle embodies the spirit of Cremorne – a suburb known for its scenic coastal views, community connection, and its closeness to Hobart.”

Andrew, Bicheno

"Andrew" – an AI-created typical Bicheno man. Picture: Supplied.
"Andrew" – an AI-created typical Bicheno man. Picture: Supplied.

“Meet Andrew, a resident of Bicheno, Tasmania. Andrew is likely in his late 40s to early 50s, aligning with the demographic of this seaside town on Tasmania’s East Coast.

Andrew probably works in sectors such as hospitality, tourism, or retail trade, reflecting Bicheno’s status as a popular tourist destination. He might also be involved in sectors related to the sea, like fishing or marine services.

Living in Bicheno, Andrew enjoys the coastal life, often spending his free time by the beach, boating, or exploring the rich marine life in the area. He’s fond of the iconic Bicheno Blowhole and enjoys frequent encounters with local wildlife, including little penguins and Tasmanian devils.

Andrew likely lives in a family household, as Bicheno is known for its close-knit community. He appreciates the slower pace of life, the stunning natural beauty, and the friendly, welcoming nature of his town.

Andrew’s lifestyle embodies the spirit of Bicheno – a town known for its natural beauty, marine attractions, and a strong sense of community.”

Grace, Bicheno

"Grace" – an AI-created typical Bicheno woman. Picture: Supplied.
"Grace" – an AI-created typical Bicheno woman. Picture: Supplied.

“Meet Grace, a resident of Bicheno, Tasmania. Grace is likely in her late 40s to early 50s, fitting the demographic of this seaside town on Tasmania’s East Coast.

Grace probably works in sectors such as healthcare, education, or hospitality, reflecting the community needs and Bicheno’s status as a popular tourist destination. She might also be involved in sectors related to the sea, like fishing or marine services.

Living in Bicheno, Grace enjoys the coastal lifestyle, often spending her free time on the beach, partaking in boating activities, or exploring the local marine life. She loves the iconic Bicheno Blowhole and enjoys frequent encounters with local wildlife, including little penguins and Tasmanian devils.

Grace likely lives in a family household, as Bicheno is known for its close-knit community. She values the slower pace of life, the stunning natural beauty, and the friendly, welcoming nature of her town.

Grace’s lifestyle embodies the spirit of Bicheno – a town known for its natural beauty, marine attractions, and a strong sense of community.”

Jack, Strahan

"Jack" – an AI-created typical Strahan man. Picture: Supplied.
"Jack" – an AI-created typical Strahan man. Picture: Supplied.

“Meet Jack, a resident of Strahan, Tasmania. Jack is likely in his early 50s, aligning with the demographic of this harbourside village on the west coast of Tasmania.

Jack probably works in sectors such as tourism, fishing, or retail trade, reflecting the characteristics of Strahan as a popular tourist destination and fishing port. He might also be involved in the local mining industry or forestry services.

Living in Strahan, Jack enjoys a life close to nature, often spending his free time on the harbour, exploring the surrounding rainforests, or boating along the Gordon River. He appreciates the historic significance of his town, known for its involvement in Tasmania’s convict past.

Jack likely lives in a family household, as Strahan is known for its close-knit community. He values the slower pace of life, the stunning natural beauty, and the strong sense of history that characterises Strahan.

Jack’s lifestyle embodies the spirit of Strahan – a town known for its natural beauty, historical significance, and strong sense of community.”

Anna, Strahan

"Anna" – an AI-created typical Strahan woman. Picture: Supplied.
"Anna" – an AI-created typical Strahan woman. Picture: Supplied.

“Meet Anna, a resident of Strahan, Tasmania. Anna is likely in her early 50s, fitting the demographic of this harbourside village on the west coast of Tasmania.

Anna probably works in sectors such as healthcare, education, or tourism, reflecting the needs of the community and Strahan’s status as a popular tourist destination. She might also be involved in sectors like fishing or retail trade.

Living in Strahan, Anna enjoys a life close to nature, often spending her free time on the harbour, exploring the surrounding rainforests, or taking scenic boat rides along the Gordon River. She appreciates the historic significance of her town, known for its convict past.

Anna likely lives in a family household, as Strahan is known for its close-knit community. She values the slower pace of life, the stunning natural beauty, and the strong sense of history that characterises Strahan.

Anna’s lifestyle embodies the spirit of Strahan – a town known for its natural beauty, historical significance, and a warm, welcoming community.”

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