
Where to go for help when you want to leave an abusive relationship

Are you experiencing domestic violence, or worried about someone who is? Here’s how to find help in South Australia.

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If you or someone you care about is experiencing abuse or domestic violence it can feel overwhelming and like there is no way out. But help is available across South Australia. Here’s where to start.

What if I need immediate help in a crisis?

In an emergency situation first ring SA Police on triple-zero. Officers can put in place an interim intervention order, which can prohibit an abuser from contacting you or coming near you. Police also operate a dedicated Public Protection Branch and the Multi-Agency Protection Service to respond to domestic violence cases.

The State Government has funded a mobile app which can connect people at high risk directly to police and other services. Women’s Safety Services SA assesses victims’ eligibility to have the app installed on their phone.

At any time you can call the 24-hour SA Domestic Violence Crisis Line where specialist workers can help you relocate to a secure shelter.

If you have been the victim of a sexual assault Yarrow Place Rape and Sexual Assault Service offers a 24-hour response service, medical care, collection of forensic evidence and counselling.

I’m not in an emergency but my partner’s behaviour worries me sometimes. Can I find out if they’ve been violent before?

You can apply to the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme to have SA Police conduct a background check on a partner or ex-partner. You can also apply on behalf of a loved one. Officers can only reveal offences relevant to domestic violence, not conduct such as fraud or speeding fines.

If you’re concerned about a male partner’s behaviour, you could also refer them to the Don’t Become That Man counselling service, or the Men’s Referral Service.

Who can help me plan to safely leave my abusive partner?

For wide-ranging support contact the National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service on 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732). It also offers a web chat service and advice about safely planning. Important things to ask include checking if your abuser has put you under surveillance - such as a tracking or recording app on your phone - and which documents to have ready when you decide to leave.

Visiting your GP and ensuring they document any medical impacts of abuse (physical or mental) will help.

If you can do so safely, take photos of any injuries or property damage, take screenshots of harassing or abusive text messages or social media posts, and try to send copies to friends or family as a back up.

Where can I go once I leave?

If you need emergency accommodation there are a range of welfare organisations across the state which operate secure shelters. In Adelaide Catherine House offers crisis and longer-term housing while Centacare’s Louise Place offers beds for young women with children or who are pregnant. Specialist workers staffing the SA Domestic Violence Crisis Line can help you make arrangements.

Can I bring my pet?

Vinnies’ 20-bed Women’s Crisis Centre allows you to bring your pets. Otherwise the RSPCA’s Safe Kennels project can potentially organise emergency care for your animal.

I’m worried I might not be able to afford to leave my partner. Is there financial support available?

You may be eligible for income from Centrelink, such as a one-off payment, Family Tax Benefits or Jobseeker.

The State Government can cover the cost of short-term emergency accommodation in hotels or motels.

Charities such as the Salvation Army or TreasureBoxes can also provide goods including clothing, linen, kitchenware and furniture to help set up a new home.

Is there a way I can stay in my own home?

If it’s safe to do so, you may be able to have your abuser removed by police instead. The State Government recently opened nine beds for male perpetrators. The Victim Support Service has long-run the Staying Home, Staying Safe program which provides safety upgrades to houses, such as duress alarms, surveillance cameras or security doors.

What if I get caught up in a legal battle over criminal charges or custody of children?

South Australia’s Commissioner for Victims Rights can provide information and support to navigate the legal system.

The Women’s Domestic Violence Court Assistance Service (run by the Legal Services Commission of SA) is dedicated to helping women affected by domestic violence, including with intervention orders.

The Women’s Legal Service (SA) also provides free legal help, including to the regional and remote areas of Port Augusta, Coober Pedy and the APY Lands.

The Victim Support Service (SA) runs a court support program.

What help is available if I live in regional SA?

The State Government has recently opened Women’s Safety Hubs in Port Augusta, Gawler, Berri and Murray Bridge offering face-to-face support and information.

In 2020 the State Government opened 17 new shelter beds across the Murray Mallee, Eyre and Western and Limestone Coast regions.

Welfare organisations such as Centacare, Uniting Country SA and UnitingCare Wesley also run shelters in regional centres.

What about support tailored to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people?

The Women’s Safety Service partners with organisations with specialist knowledge, including Nunga Mi-Minar. You could also try KWY, which runs women’s, men’s and family programs, or the Help a Sista Out program run by the Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement.

Once I’m safe, who can help me regain my confidence and move on with my life?

Zahra Foundation Australia helps women who have escaped abusive relationships to manage their finances and work towards enrolling in study, finding work or starting their own business.

Voices for Change is a program which trains survivors of domestic violence to confidently and safely tell their story publicly, in a bid to raise awareness.

Originally published as Where to go for help when you want to leave an abusive relationship

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