

South Australian MP under SafeWork SA investigation for ‘historical complaint’

A South Australian MP is under investigation by SafeWork SA over a “historical complaint”.

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A week after SafeWork SA told parliament to clean up its behavioural act after a “workplace audit’’, the independent body is investigating an unrelated “historical complaint’’ made against one MP.

In a statement the organisation said: “SafeWork SA is making enquiries into a historical complaint relating to one South Australian Member of Parliament.’’

However, it said the new investigation was “not related to a recent SafeWork SA compliance audit of Parliament House’’.

“As enquiries are ongoing, no further details can be provided at this time.’’

House of Assembly Speaker Leon Bignell said his office had not been contacted about the investigation. Legislative Council president Terry Stephens also said he was unaware of the SafeWork investigation.

Special Minister of State Dan Cregan, who has responsibility for MPs electorate staff, said his office had not been informed.

House of Assembly Clerk Rick Crump, who has oversight of parliamentary staff, also confirmed he had not been contacted by SafeWork.

Both Premier Peter Malinauskas and Liberal Opposition leader Vincent Tarzia also confirmed they were unaware of the investigation.

A state MP is under SafeWork SA investigation over a historical complaint. Picture: Naomi Jellicoe
A state MP is under SafeWork SA investigation over a historical complaint. Picture: Naomi Jellicoe

The Advertiser is not aware of the identity of the MP under investigation, and does not suggest it is anyone named in this story.

Last week, SafeWork SA gave state parliament three months to fix issues related to workplace safety including managing the hazards associated with alcohol and drugs.

SafeWork SA inspectors audited Parliament House in August with a focus on health and safety risks arising from psychological hazards, including sexual and discriminatory harassment, in the workplace.

They issued six improvement notices, which identified other issues such as failing to demonstrate that a system is in place for managing and resolving grievances or complaints associated with third parties who enter the workplace.

“Improvement notices are a commonly used tool by SafeWork SA in relation to work health and safety issues,” a SafeWork statement said.

The SafeWork audit was a recommendation that emerged from a review into harassment in parliament which was released in 2021 by the Equal Opportunity Commissioner.

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That report had concluded that “sexual and discriminatory harassment is prevalent in the parliamentary workplace” and almost 30 per cent of staff surveyed reported they had experienced sexual harassment in the workplace.

There was also a report of one male exposing himself in front of co-workers.

The Equal Opportunity Commissioner was asked to do its review in 2020 following allegations of inappropriate behaviour by former Liberal MP Sam Duluk at a parliamentary Christmas party.

Mr Duluk was found not guilty of assaulting Legislative Councillor Connie Bonaros but was criticised by a magistrate for his drunken behaviour at the party, calling him “rude, insensitive, uncouth and disrespectful”.

Mr Duluk lost his seat at the 2022 election but was this week appointed as the Liberal Party’s state treasurer.

Originally published as South Australian MP under SafeWork SA investigation for ‘historical complaint’

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