
Shane Ross’ widow and Cameron Martin’s father ask for public help to solve brutal Gold Coast slayings

The widow of Shane Ross and father of Cameron Martin have made a plea for information to catch whoever killed the two men in Gold Coast bushland last year. It comes as police release video of a vehicle seen in the area of the time of the killings. WATCH THE VIDEO

Shane Ross murder investigation: Police chase information on white ute (9 News)

THE widow of slain Gold Coast bikie Shane Ross has made an emotional plea for public help to solve the murder, saying their three-year-old daughter wants to know ‘will he stay dead forever?’

Mr Ross, 36, and friend and business partner Cameron Martin, 47, were gunned down in a Tallebudgera park last October and police admit they are struggling to solve the brutal double murder.

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Alex Ross breaks down as she pleads for help to solve the murder of her husband, Shane Ross.
Alex Ross breaks down as she pleads for help to solve the murder of her husband, Shane Ross.

Mr Ross’s wife Alex and Mr Martin’s father Ted today fronted a police media conference to appeal for information.

Fighting back tears, Mrs Ross said the ‘despicable’ crime had robbed their daughters of a father.

“I ask that you look beyond the tattoos, many of which were in honour of my daughters and I, including the ‘A’ that was inscribed on his face,” she said.

Shane Ross and Cameron Martin.
Shane Ross and Cameron Martin.

“Stop feeding into rumours and innuendo and understand that a young father has had his life cut short in the most despicable way. There is no justification for that.

“Shane was not an arrogant or aggressive man and a choice (to be a Commancheros bikie) from his very distant past did not define him as a human being, despite what has been circulated in the media.

“Shane was a gentleman – he was kind, caring incredibly funny and he loved our children beyond words.

“We were his everything and alike he was ours.

Police at Martin Sheils Park in Burleigh Heads where Shane Ross and his business partner Cameron Martin were gunned down.
Police at Martin Sheils Park in Burleigh Heads where Shane Ross and his business partner Cameron Martin were gunned down.

“It’s hard to fathom how anybody could justify taking his life in such a horrific way and give no thought to the devastating impact that this will continue to have on our family.

“He’s been robbed of the opportunity to watch our daughters grow.

Alex Ross, the wife of Shane Ross and Ted Martin, the father of Cameron Martin.
Alex Ross, the wife of Shane Ross and Ted Martin, the father of Cameron Martin.

“They no longer have the privilege of their dad tucking them in of a night and wishing them sweet dreams.

“They can’t tell him about their day at school and they don’t have him to guide them through life any more. They desperately miss that.

Friends and family attend the funeral of Comanchero bikie Shane Ross at Southport Church of Christ.
Friends and family attend the funeral of Comanchero bikie Shane Ross at Southport Church of Christ.

“Our three-year-old daughter wants to know if her daddy is coming back, she wants to know when he’s coming home, why did he leave and will he stay dead forever Mummy?”.

Police have released CCTV of a white SUV seen at Martin Shiels Park at Tallebudgera around the time Mr Ross and Mr Martin were shot.

Mr Martin was found dead with a gunshot wounds to the chest about a kilometre from the park after crashing his car into a tree.

The two men had earlier been drinking at the Pimpama Tavern.

Shane Ross with fellow Gold Coast resident Nick Dalton.
Shane Ross with fellow Gold Coast resident Nick Dalton.

Regional crime co-ordinator Detective Superintendent Brendon Smith said a reward for information was also being finalised.

Supt Smith said police we’re battling a ‘cone of silence’ from the two men’s associates but neither man deserved to die, despite their murky backgrounds.

“The people who are the cause of these deaths need to be brought to account,” he said.

Originally published as Shane Ross’ widow and Cameron Martin’s father ask for public help to solve brutal Gold Coast slayings

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