
Queenslanders outraged by Wellcamp fiasco

Courier-Mail readers have criticised the Government and the “dumb idea” that cost taxpayers nearly $240 million.

Qld govt to mothball Wellcamp quarantine facility

Courier-Mail readers have branded Queensland’s abortive Wellcamp quarantine hub a disaster, with nearly $240 million in taxpayers’ funds splashed.

The purpose-built facility near Toowoomba was this week mothballed by the State Government due to lack of use in the new era of Covid-19.

By yesterday a jaw-dropping $237 million of taxpayer money had been spent on the facility, which is leased from Toowoomba’s Wagner family, with a mere 730 people having stayed there so far.

This equated to about $325,000 per person to stay there – half the average median price of a Brisbane home.

In a Courier-Mail poll about the Wellcamp decision, 97 per cent of voters agreed the Wellcamp quarantine facility was a waste of money.

One commenter said Toowoomba’s Wagner family, who own the facility, must be “laughing all the way to the bank”.

“So the Wagners get a nice new facility and the people of Queenslanders get to pay for it,” Sean B commented. “Thanks Anna (Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk), this money could (have) been well spent on infrastructure and housing.”

Leon said: “It would have been cheaper to put them all in hotels and not build Wellcamp.”

But Peter defended the expenditure, saying it could have “cut back a bit – but to build it, even though not needed, was a wise decision”.

Almost all of the 200-plus comments criticised the Government and the “dumb idea for quarantine”.

“They (Anna and crew) don’t have the decency or backbone to admit a monumental error of judgment that has cost us citizens squillions,” Perry said.

“Since day one Wellcamp was always going to be a disaster,” DenLo said. “(Palaszczuk) was so determined to try to show up (then prime minister Scott) Morrison that she couldn’t see the forest for the trees.”

Another outraged commenter, Pedro, said the whole deal was a bad idea.

“It was ill-conceived and was a deliberate political gamesmanship in the federal election,” he said.

“Annie and Milesy (Deputy Premier Steve Miles), these two brainstormers thought up Wellcamp, and now she’s trying to get absolute decision making powers for the Olympics,” Maria said. “Please do not let this happen.”

Wayne agreed, saying Wellcamp was a perfect example of why Ms Palaszczuk shouldn’t be handling the Olympics funding, as it would be “another disaster waiting to happen”.

“This waste of money is a slap in the face to every taxpayer in Queensland,” Trevor commented.

“We all knew it wasn't needed, and our children’s children will now suffer the debt.”

Gary commented: “Any reasonable-thinking person could see once vaccination rates were up the quarantine facilities would not be needed.”

“The waste of money on this and other projects is plain for us all to see, and this rabble they call a Government don’t seem to care one little bit,” Ross commented.

The Wellcamp quarantine hub yesterday. Picture: Nev Madsen.
The Wellcamp quarantine hub yesterday. Picture: Nev Madsen.

Negative comments were rarely rebutted by a positive poster.

However Christine said the Wellcamp facility was needed.

“Unfortunately it should have already existed as a standby medical facility,” she said. “It took a pandemic for the government to build it.

“Every state should have such a facility (or perhaps a couple of them, depending on the state’s size) that can be used year-round, not just for medical use but for such things housing flood victims, emergency shelters.”

Other commenters took a stab at Ms Palaszczuk’s reluctance or refusal to answer questions and her alleged red carpet priorities.

An unimpressed commenter said Ms Palaszczuk “sent her deputy attack dog Miles to try to justify the spending on Wellcamp”.

“PRIORITIES… $320,000 per 14-day inmate at Wellcamp, that’s over three fully qualified NURSES’ wages for a WHOLE year.... Priorities? Sport, red carpets, celebrity,” he commented.

“The Wellcamp facility was not needed,” Johmar said.

“It is over 100km from an international airport, and Toowoomba hospital would be unable to handle an outbreak that could result from there.”

Christopher argued that it was entirely possible that a new Covid-19 variant could emerge whereby the Wellcamp would be needed.

“That largely evades existing vaccines, or an entirely different pandemic, that will require us to have sufficient isolation facilities in place,” he posted.

Originally published as Queenslanders outraged by Wellcamp fiasco

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