
Tasmanian Legislative Council election candidates have their say before May 4 poll

Still unsure who to vote for in the Legislative Council elections? The Mercury has compiled this handy list of who is running in the seats of Nelson, Pembroke and Montgomery and what they stand for.

Tasmanian Legislative Council. Picture: MATT THOMPSON
Tasmanian Legislative Council. Picture: MATT THOMPSON

With the Upper House election almost upon us, it’s more pertinent than ever to find out who the candidates are and what they stand for. The Mercury has compiled this handy list of who’s running for the seats of Nelson, Pembroke and Montgomery.




SOCIALS: Collins SBA new building opening, Collins SBA Murray St. (L-R): Rebecca Reid, South Hobart. Anthony Laning, Kingston and Robert Manning, Sandy Bay.
SOCIALS: Collins SBA new building opening, Collins SBA Murray St. (L-R): Rebecca Reid, South Hobart. Anthony Laning, Kingston and Robert Manning, Sandy Bay.


Independent, Sandy Bay

Lived in Nelson for 35 years

Experience in business — 32 years in private legal practice, providing advice to Tasmanian businesses and representing and advocating for a broad range of individuals and businesses.

Community engagement through experience in the not-for-profit sector including:

seven years on the board of Diabetes Tasmania (with the past four as president);

four years on the board of Diabetes Australia; seven years on a committee for the provision of pro bono legal assistance.

Experience in lobbying for amendments to draft and existing legislation. Nine years as a member and current chair of the Property and Commercial Law Committee of the Law Society of Tasmania.

The primary role of the Legislative Council as a house of review requires truly independent thinking and open-minded, dispassionate, objective analysis, best achieved with representatives who are: moderates and not political zealots and who understand and reflect the values and views of the electorate; independent of party endorsement, allegiance or influence, past or present; and without predetermined positions. I have the objectivity, capacity, skills to be a voice for Nelson.

Vica Bayley. Picture: EDDIE SAFARIK
Vica Bayley. Picture: EDDIE SAFARIK


Independent, 19-year resident in Nelson, currently living in Taroona

Vica is married to Steph and a father of two teenagers. He is a trained property valuer and teacher who has worked for the last 16 years in the conservation sector, advocating for proper process and the protection of the things that make Tasmania special. Age: 48

As a local, independent member in the Upper House, Vica will work to change the culture of politics by increasing transparency and accountability and closely scrutinising the legislation and business of government. Known as an experienced, effective advocate, Vica commits to championing progress on both local and state issues, including health, education and transport services, action on climate change and the protection of things that make our island special, including our lifestyle. Vica will seek to establish an inquiry into donations at the 2018 state election, reform donation laws, pursue a container deposit scheme and support efforts to remove pokies from pubs and clubs.

Meg Webb. Picture: NIKKI DAVIS-JONES
Meg Webb. Picture: NIKKI DAVIS-JONES


Independent, West Hobart

I’m a sixth generation Tasmanian. I spent some time away and felt the call of home and returned to Hobart in 2000. I’m probably best known for my work campaigning for poker machine reform.

I’ve spent my professional life advocating for Tasmanian families.

I’m the manager of Anglicare Tasmania’s Social Action and Research Centre.

I have two girls and boy ranging in age from 11 to 24 years, and my partner Peter has two sons. Age: 44

We need true independents in the upper house to provide a strong safeguard, not just a rubber stamp. I have the experience and the tenacity to hold the Government to account and to champion the interests of our community. It comes from a career spent helping those who find it hard for their voices to be heard and their lives to be seen.

I aspire for all Tasmanians to enjoy a healthy and connected community, a strong economy and a beautiful natural environment . I am a choice for Nelson voters who want an honest, gutsy and independent representative.

Nic Street. Picture: NIKKI DAVIS-JONES
Nic Street. Picture: NIKKI DAVIS-JONES


Liberal, Blackmans Bay

Small business owner/operator for 12 years and former Member for Franklin in the House of Assembly from 2016-18. Age: 30

This election is about who can deliver results once they’ve been elected. As a member of the Hodgman Liberal Government I will be a strong advocate for the people of Nelson and ensure that issues like traffic congestion, housing affordability and maintaining our outstanding lifestyle are dealt with sensibly and effectively.

Tasmania has a great future ahead of it but we need leaders with a positive vision. Population growth and increasing tourism numbers need to be seen as an opportunity not as a threat.

For results and accountability Vote 1 Nic Street for Nelson

Blair Brownless. Picture: MATT THOMPSON
Blair Brownless. Picture: MATT THOMPSON


Independent, Seven Mile Beach

Currently Director at Guilford Young College Hobart. Previous Assistant Principal and Teacher. Former Clarence Footballer. Age: 50

I’m not a career politician. I will be an independent voice for Nelson and consult widely with the whole community on the issues that matter to them.

I will work with the community to find the right balance of continued economic growth and protecting our unique way of life here in Tasmania.

I will work tirelessly for sensible solutions to traffic congestion and strongly advocate to ensure Nelson continues to enjoy quality education opportunities and access to a full range of health services.

I will fight to ensure Nelson has the infrastructure and services it deserves.

Deborah Brewer. Picture: SUPPLIED
Deborah Brewer. Picture: SUPPLIED


Greens, Sandy Bay

I live in Nelson and grew up in Hobart, went to school at Albuera Street Primary, and Rose Bay High. I am married, and have a large family that includes four sons, two amazing women, who are my older two sons’ partners, and one brand-new beautiful grandson, all of whom I am incredibly proud of. Age: 59

Greens guarantee social, economic and environmental policies that are rock solid in response to the many issues we face because of climate change. Greens are all about socially and culturally appropriate development and shared prosperity.

We need to provide outer-Hobart areas with a public transport system that works for them. It is time to establish a comprehensive (river and land) public transport system. Light rail is needed for Hobart.

We must take the pressure off our hospital Emergency Department. The Greens’ plan is to have two outer-urban Hobart 24 hour ‘urgent response’ centres, and after one year analyse their helpfulness to their community, and effectiveness in reducing wait times and demand on the RHH ER.

I oppose the cable car.

Madeleine Ogilvie. Picture: LUKE BOWDEN
Madeleine Ogilvie. Picture: LUKE BOWDEN


Independent, South Hobart

I’ve had an international career in law and business and have parliamentary experience. I have worked for Allen’s Law Firm, CSIRO, UNESCO, Ernst & Young and have been a GM with Telstra Corporation. I’ve lived in Indonesia, France and the USA. I am married with three children. I attended the Friends’ School (Dux) and Hobart College.

I have an arts degree in classics from Melbourne Uni, law degree UTAS, and business qualifications from AGSM. Age: 50

We can fix the traffic, build houses and a Kingston aquatic centre, keep our uni in Sandy Bay, deliver accessible healthcare and secure our Tasmanian AFL team. All are achievable with strategic planning, funding, hard work and, above all, leadership. With parliamentary skills and extensive global experience in commerce and law, I have the capacity to deliver results. I will use my legal skills to ensure proposed laws coming before the Legislative Council are fair, well drafted and given proper community consultation. For open and transparent government — please vote 1 for Ogilvie. It would be a privilege to represent you.

John ‘Polly’ Farmre. Picture: MATT THOMPSON
John ‘Polly’ Farmre. Picture: MATT THOMPSON


Independent, Sandy Bay

I’ve been a political cartoonist for over 30 years. I’m truly independent, having no allegiance to anything other than good decision making. I’ve got a very keen bullshit detector and a well-honed ability to see through to the heart of an issue. I have lived in Nelson for the past 23 years. Age: 55

Some will argue for a steady-as-she-goes approach to government. I’m arguing that we need to shake things up. We’re heading into a complex future with a barely functioning House of Assembly, a Legislative Council that lacks relevance and too many local councils. Now is the time to begin the process of reform that will give us the modern, progressive and effective government structures.

I’m the candidate the people of Nelson can vote for if they want to tell our current elected representatives that they recognise we need things to change. If Nelson says we need reform there’s a good chance other electorates would, if asked, say the same.

A better functioning parliament will deliver better outcomes for our health system, for education, for infrastructure, for the environment and for all areas of government.

Richard Griggs. Picture: RICHARD JUPE
Richard Griggs. Picture: RICHARD JUPE


Independent, New Town

Lawyer in Sandy Bay. Tasmanian Director of Civil Liberties Australia (voluntary role). Lead petitioner for a Tasmanian Human Rights Act. Married with two young children.

Age: 36

Tasmania is at a critical crossroads. We face significant challenges in health, education, housing, transport and climate change to name a few.

We also have unique economic opportunities due to increasing global recognition of the quality of Tasmanian products and experiences.

To ensure government best addresses these challenges and harnesses these opportunities, I will put the tough questions to government and apply scrutiny where it is needed most.

I will advocate for solutions that best meet community needs, are evidence based, and will benefit future generations.

For example, free public transport in peak hours to reduce traffic congestion.

Lorraine Bennett. Picture: SUPPLIED
Lorraine Bennett. Picture: SUPPLIED


Shooters, Fishers, Farmers Tas



My platform is to approach this role with an open mind because this is the “House of review”. Not a clone of the Lower House.

I will not make promises on how I will vote as I believe the role requires a person who will look at the legislation presented, talk to interested groups and make decisions that will benefit Tasmania and its people, not politicians.

I support:

Firearm legislation improvements.

Mandatory sentencing for violent crimes involving firearms.

Cable car — with consultations.

No more half-truths and sensational outlandish comments without evidence based facts.  The time of scaremongering is over.


Cheryl Fuller. Picture: SUPPLIED
Cheryl Fuller. Picture: SUPPLIED


Independent, West Ulverstone

Training organisation manager

As a councillor for Central Coast — the only local government area which is entirely encompassed by Montgomery — a former chair of the Cradle Coast Authority, involved in local sporting groups, employed by a small business in the training and manufacturing sector, while living and working in Ulverstone, I know Montgomery well.

As someone who has elderly parents, teenage children, a mortgage and worries about our natural and built environments, I know Montgomery’s worries well.

No political party or person has all the answers, and unlike politicians who represent parties, I know your interests are best served by someone who can encourage good policy, welcome professional advice and independently analyse it.

I will work for you by finding the right balance through collaboration and compromise.

On May 4 put the only independent, Cheryl Fuller, first.

Leonie Hiscutt. Picture: LUKE BOWDEN
Leonie Hiscutt. Picture: LUKE BOWDEN


Liberal, Howth

Sitting Legislative Councillor/farmer

I was born and bred on the North-West Coast, having gone to Burnie High School and farming on a property in Howth that has been in my family since 1867.

Representing the people of Montgomery has been enormously rewarding over the past six years, and I am proud to run on my record of delivering for the community.

I have been a strong voice for the community during my time in office and any number of people can attest to my ability to get things done for the community.

If I am re-elected, my priority will be to continue listening to and assisting the community with the things that will make their lives easier and better under the Hodgman Liberal Government.

I will also focus on delivering important legislation that Tasmanians voted for at the 2018 election and is opposed by Labor, such as guaranteed jail time for child sex offenders.

Michelle Rippon.
Michelle Rippon.


Labor, Devonport

Primary school teacher

I have lived in the North-West with my family for most of my life and I care deeply about our place and our people.

As a primary school teacher for over 30 years, I know how important education and training are to getting a good job. I’ve seen too many young people miss out on finding employment because they don’t have access to the skills, training and education they need.

I’ve personally seen the crisis in our hospital system which has meant that people can’t access adequate health services. We deserve better.

I am standing for Montgomery to fight for our health, TAFE and education systems.

If elected, I will be an active and visible member, focused on the people of the North-West. I will always put people first.

Brenton Jones. Picture: SUPPLIED
Brenton Jones. Picture: SUPPLIED


Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Tas, Melrose

Maritime master and engineer

Brenton has the strong belief Tasmania should be a place where the interests and wellbeing of every citizen are accommodated and valued. He is concerned in the past certain interests of the “powerful or perceived popular” have overridden those who have less influence or voice in our community.

Hebelieves that everybody’s input and contribution is vital for Tasmania to be strong socially and economically. There should be no conflict between tourism and forestry/fish farming.

We all need each other and so should support each other. No group should be vilified in order to promote another.

This must be reflected in government as well as in the community including the media that has seemed in the past all too eager to chant for the powerful and demonise the unpopular. Owing nothing to anybody, Brenton will not be bound by secret deals and arrangements as have others had been when in positions of power.


Ron Cornish. Picture: SUPPLIED
Ron Cornish. Picture: SUPPLIED


Independent, Rose Bay

Retired. Pembroke resident who has lived in the electorate for 33 years; permanently since 2000.

I am opposed to any weakening of Tasmania’s Firearms Laws.

A wealth of parliamentary experience with a proven record of performance.

A truly independent candidate who cannot be directed by a political party to toe the party line and vote as directed.

Possessing the maturity, common sense, tenacity and experience to make a difference.

Will work with any party to arrive at a sensible solution to ease the Eastern Shore’s growing, three-pronged traffic congestion.

The only candidate fighting for Tasmania’s 20,200 Self Managed Superannuation Fund holders, against Labor’s retiree tax grab.

Fighting for freedom of speech.

Kristy Johnson. Picture: RICHARD JUPE
Kristy Johnson. Picture: RICHARD JUPE


Liberal, West Moonah

Fitness Club Owner/Manager

I was born in Tasmania and I’m a third generation small business owner.

As a single mother of 11-year-old twin girls I know the struggles that families have from week to week. I believe that families are the foundation of Pembroke and your family matters to me.

I care about a positive quality of life for the people of Pembroke. I will be active and intentional in engaging the residents to ensure you are represented with a voice in state parliament.

I will continue to knock on doors and be available to my community once elected.

I am here to serve the people of Pembroke. Please vote 1 Kristy Johnson.

Tony Mulder. Picture: SAM ROSEWARNE
Tony Mulder. Picture: SAM ROSEWARNE


Independent, Howrah

Clarence Councillor

My wife and I are long-term locals who live on the Eastern Shore where we raised and educated our five children.

The Eastern Shore has lost its voice. The parties control Pembroke, Rumney and Prosser. Pembroke voters can fix that by voting for an experienced independent from the sensible centre.

As MLC for Rumney I always reviewed legislation to see what was best for the community. I amended the Labor-Green forest bill and blocked Liberal moves to destroy the Industrial Commission. As a former police commander and parliamentarian, I have the experience and common sense to deliver.

Jo Siejkla. Picture: SUPPLIED
Jo Siejkla. Picture: SUPPLIED


Labor, Bellerive

Legislative Councillor

I live locally and I am passionate about Pembroke, Tasmania and the people I talk to every day.

Since becoming the Member for Pembroke I’ve seen first-hand the issues many Tasmanians are facing every day — issues like poor health services, housing affordability, traffic congestion and lack of employment opportunities.

The Pembroke community needs a passionate, hardworking and experienced representative in the Legislative Council.

To be a true local member, it’s critical to represent the best interests of your community.

I have spent the 18 months since being elected focusing on local issues.

I pride myself on being a member who is always accessible, always fair and hardworking and who wants results for our community.

Carlo di Falco. Picture: SAM ROSEWARNE
Carlo di Falco. Picture: SAM ROSEWARNE


Shooters, Fishers, Farmers Tas, Forcett

Council employee

I am running to provide more open and transparent governance. Evidence-based legislation can only come about with a clear view of the problem.

I will make it a priority to provide more funding and resources to the Ombudsman’s office, which has been progressively rundown until it now has only one investigator.

I am concerned about chameleon candidates who claim to be independent but have policies that are aligned to parties who are less than independent.

Allegiances should be disclosed.

Quite often major parties will not listen to the concerns of the voters that don’t align with the party line. Shooters, Fishers and Farmers do listen, which explains the party’s increasing success on the mainland.

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