
Tasmania election: Discover the issues that matter in Bass

The mother of all elections is almost here. But where do Launceston mothers stand on what issues matter most in the Bass electorate?

Bass electorate heads to the polls: Beaconsfield mother Annie Sherlock who will cast her vote in Bass, said she was closely following funding changes to disability support education. Picture: Stephanie Dalton
Bass electorate heads to the polls: Beaconsfield mother Annie Sherlock who will cast her vote in Bass, said she was closely following funding changes to disability support education. Picture: Stephanie Dalton

Childcare affordability and paid parental leave are weighing heavily on the minds of mothers in Northern Tasmania as they prepare to vote in the state election.

Beaconsfield mother Annie Sherlock who will cast her vote in Bass, said she was closely following funding changes to disability support education.

“I would love to see better funding for public education, particularly for our support schools” she said.

“My five-year-old son is disabled, and it is a bit worrying that there isn’t enough funding for specialised education schools.

“We only have on school like this in Northern Tasmania, so he might be forced into mainstream education which wouldn’t suit him as well just because there’s not enough spots in the disability schools.”

Ms Sherlock said she would also like to see more support for both mothers and fathers returning to the workforce after they had children, and more funding for paid parental leave.

“I’d like to see more support for families, especially for dads as well as mums in terms of getting more paid parental leave,” she said.

“I know it’s more of a federal issue, but parents should be able to take on equal roles as caregivers.”

Bass electorate heads to the polls: Launceston mother Rosie Grubisic said when she heads to the polls on March 23 she would vote based on education and childcare issues. Picture: Stephanie Dalton
Bass electorate heads to the polls: Launceston mother Rosie Grubisic said when she heads to the polls on March 23 she would vote based on education and childcare issues. Picture: Stephanie Dalton

Launceston mother Rosie Grubisic said when she heads to the polls on March 23 she would vote based on education and childcare issues.

“I think those mothers who choose to go back to work full time or even part time, I’d like for them to have a little bit more support,” she said.

“More generally, I’d like to see more support for the education and childcare sectors, especially financial support to keep the industry going.

“I’d also like more support for mothers of kids under five, like toddler friendly things that can get mums and their little ones out and socialising.”

Bass electorate heads to the polls: Mother-of-one Teagan McAdam said she would like to see state politicians weigh in on important international issues.  Picture: Stephanie Dalton
Bass electorate heads to the polls: Mother-of-one Teagan McAdam said she would like to see state politicians weigh in on important international issues.  Picture: Stephanie Dalton

Mother-of-one Teagan McAdam said she would like to see state politicians weigh in on important international issues.

“There’s a lot of issues that they need to address housing and health wise,” she said.

“But a big issue for me right now is the lack of acknowledgment of what’s happening in Gaza.

“Another big issue for me is the shortage of midwives in Tasmania. I’d love to see more options for training here in Tasmania, so our talented soon-to-be midwives don’t have to leave to train.”

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