

Senator Tammy Tyrrell one of 26 federal pollies to take the AUSactive ‘Fit for Office’ challenge

Two Tasmanian federal politicians have signed up to a new campaign highlighting Australia’s woeful record on obesity, with one of the pair’s launch going pear-shaped at a playground. Watch the video.

Senator Tammy Tyrrell tumbles on Cataract Gorge's hamster wheel

Tasmanian federal politicians Bridget Archer, the Liberal member for Bass, and Senator Tammy Tyrrell have backed a four-week exercise campaign highlighting Australia’s obesity epidemic, with the latter’s launch ending with her flat on her back.

More than 120 political staffers and 26 federal politicians, including the two Tasmanian representatives, have signed up for AUSactive’s ‘Fit for Office’ exercise campaign.

Modelled on similar campaigns in the United States and UK, participants’ exercise over four weeks will be monitored, with winners determined across four categories.

Launceston-based Senator Tammy Tyrrell, pictured here at Cataract Gorge, is one of 25 national pollies that have signed up to AUSactive's 'Fit for Office' campaign. Picture: Ken Drake Photography
Launceston-based Senator Tammy Tyrrell, pictured here at Cataract Gorge, is one of 25 national pollies that have signed up to AUSactive's 'Fit for Office' campaign. Picture: Ken Drake Photography

Senator Tyrrell, launching her four-week campaign, posed for pictures at Launceston’s Cataract Gorge before trying her hand at the First Basin playground’s beloved hamster wheel – which proved too hot to handle for the first-term senator.

Launceston-based Senator Tammy Tyrrell, found Cataract Gorge's First basin playground hamster wheel too hot to handle while launching AUSactive's 'Fit for Office' campaign. Picture: Supplied
Launceston-based Senator Tammy Tyrrell, found Cataract Gorge's First basin playground hamster wheel too hot to handle while launching AUSactive's 'Fit for Office' campaign. Picture: Supplied

Video capturing the tumble was shared with the Mercury. It shows the wheel gathering speed before the senator goes to ground, arising rubbing her elbow.

Senator Tyrrell said it was an important campaign.

“I’m a 53-year-old woman who comes from a family with significant health issues. My mum died at a similar age on a waiting list for surgery,” she said.

“It’s an important reminder to me every day that I need to try and be as healthy as I can be.

“A healthier me means I can be a better politician – I’ll have better mental clarity and better endurance.”

Launceston-based Senator Tammy Tyrrell, pictured here at Cataract Gorge, is one of 25 national pollies that have signed up to AUSactive's 'Fit for Office' campaign. Picture: Ken Drake Photography
Launceston-based Senator Tammy Tyrrell, pictured here at Cataract Gorge, is one of 25 national pollies that have signed up to AUSactive's 'Fit for Office' campaign. Picture: Ken Drake Photography

According to data collated by AUSactive, 67 per cent of Australian adults are overweight or obese, the country ranks 140 out of 146 OECD nations for physical activity by adolescents, and inactivity costs the economy $2.4bn per annum.

“There are huge savings to be made to the Australian health budget by increasing physical activity and AUSactive’s position is that prevention is better than cure,” he said.

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