Integrity Commission backflip leaves Libs on razor’s edge
A review was once a condition by key independents to support the minority government but it has now been scrapped. One MP has described the move as a ‘load of crock’.
A review was once a condition by key independents to support the minority government but it has now been scrapped. One MP has described the move as a ‘load of crock’.
The state government’s push to ‘bypass’ councils with an independent panel continues to garner opposition, who branded the proposed legislation as ‘undemocratic’.
Amid speculation the new Spirit of Tasmania could be used to house Ukrainian refugees, two independent MPs say it could create a “meaningful legacy”. The latest >>
Protesters have staged a demonstration outside the offices of Liberal Senator Claire Chandler over her role in the dumping of the artist producing Australia’s entry to a prestigious exhibition.
A 1.2km zip line down the front of kunanyi/Mt Wellington is an adventure activity compatible with the area’s management plan and should be approved by Hobart City Council, its proponents say.
Labor leader Dean Winter has emerged as one of the party’s major donors during the 2023/24 financial year, the Australian Electoral Commission’s transparency register reveals.
The Tasmanian Planning Commission has issued the Macquarie Point Development Corporation a pointed reminder of how the proposed Hobart AFL stadium will be assessed. What they say is missing.
Labor says the public ‘have a right to know’ where the Spirits might be leased to while also reiterating calls for the new ship to be moved to Tasmania from Scotland.
The Tasmanian government is proposing to pave the way for property developers to build almost 10,000 new homes in the outlying suburbs of Greater Hobart. Here’s where it could go.
Bookmakers have backed an early favourite to win the pivotal seat of Lyons as Liberal candidate Susie Bower and her high-profile Labor opponent Rebecca White are set to face-off.
My attempt to recall childhood on the plateau might well be an unreliable memoir, but I know there was never the slightest thought of the 26th of January, writes Charles Wooley
The new Spirit of Tasmania IV, which is currently berthed in Scotland, may remain there for up to an additional month at a cost of more than $23,000 a week to taxpayers.
Hobart’s ballooning urban rabbit population would be managed as a sustainable food resource with a cull by shooters, the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party says. Here’s how.
It costs more to keep a young offender at the Ashley Youth Detention Centre for a day than it would to fly to London for a night in a top hotel, federal figures show.
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