
Future Tassie Survey: All your comments

More than 1300 Mercury readers completed our recent Future Tassie survey with well over 600 taking the time to give their opinions on what they see as the most important the issues our politicians should tackle. Read all the ideas.

MORE than 1300 Mercury readers completed our recent Future Tassie survey with well over 600 taking the time to give their opinions on what they see as the most important the issues our politicians should tackle.






Here are all your ideas:

• A pay increase for state workers. Presently the lowest paid in Australia. The govt can’t say how well the state is doing but not increase wages. Where is this “golden age”?

• Labour /Liberal? Wouldn’t vote for either at the moment. Solution for student accommodation: Let pensioners who wish to let students board with them do so without it affecting their pensions. They have company, helps with their living costs, and students have a place to stay rather than a “cold room” in residence.

• Get the people off Manus and Nauru now. Stop the destruction of the ABC and the Public Service.

• We need, and are entitled to, a Bill of Rights as a matter of urgency.

• I want politicians to state their position on a Tasmanian ICAC and for all campaign funding to be publicly declared BEFORE an election. There should also be a regularly published list of lobbyists so the public can see who is trying to influence who in parliament and the government.

• Climate change and renewable energy.

• Support clean, green businesses. Preserve the environment. Keep high-end private development out of public places like National parks and big business like fish farms out of sensitive areas. Stop favouring the rich.

• Reducing income inequality, improving health and education provisions, taking responsibility for creating a kinder community. These things benefit everyone.

• Address the cable car saga that the greens are stopping, get on board and support it!

• Corruption

• Climate change More renewable energy, such as wind Better public transport

• Community consultation about major development projects, and addressing climate change.

• Sustainability of lifestyle, natural and built environment, connection to place instead of place being lost to tourism. Tourist entrepreneurs need to be made accountable if they push into the public space like our skies, our waterways, changing the nature of our small communities etc. Our politicians should be working for the greater good of our comunity, not for vested interests.

• More quality parking in & around the CBD, longer stay parking around Salamanca/wharf areas for people to attend the market, go for long relaxing lunches/dinners & go for boat cruises etc. State government should fund council areas for their tourism needs by merit on application. Councils should not have to bear the burden of ‘tourism’ alone as they don’t get much out of it financially! Instead of talking about taxing the tourists - maybe the businesses who benefit greatly could ‘chip in’ to help fund additional infrastructure!! There should be a “by-pass” road running North/South around Hobart to ease traffic congestion in the CBD. More hospitals need to be built - at least one needs to be located south of Hobart in the Huon & another in the Sorell area - does not need to be world beaters … but need to cope with the basic stuff to take the pressure off the RHH!!

• CLIMATE CHANGE: actively controlling emissions, increasing use of renewable energy and recycling more.

• Ethics and transparency in government. Cap on top end wages. Increased wages and qualification requirements for child and elderly care service workers. Lots of integrated child and elderly care centres. Teaching of Aboriginal culture in all schools from primary. Infant school Aboriginal story telling program. Desexing of all domestic pets with only licenced breeders able to own fertile animals. New Tasmanian integration / support programs. Restrictions on non-Australian resident land and property purchasing rights.

• Education: funding/support for students who have extreme behavioural issues. Training for staff and support for families around drug, alcohol use and DV.

• Planning protectin for ensuring development doesn’t destroy the appeal of the state’s cities and regional centres. Protecting kunanyi & National Parks from inappropriate development.

• Absolutely imperative that money is directed into health. The A&E situation in public hospitals is disgraceful and unacceptable, the double shifts being done by nurses will cause deaths through fatigue & mistakes, I have written to mr Ferguson a number of times, dating back to 2014, he promises everything will improve. It doesn’t. I am a retired nurse, and the widow of a specialist Dr who worked in Launceston public hospitals for 32 years, things were SO much better in his time (1961–1993 ) how is it, that the health system is so much worse now, with advances in technology and research, It should be better

• Arts Education Environment Sports and Tourism Should be the main focus to strengthen the Tasmanian identity

• Transparency of where donations come from. Must be recorded and lodged with AEC immediately. Otherwise we will have the same results of the last election and no one will ever know the truth. A newspaper that gives all sides a fair go. Murdoch papers are basically run their own agendas and hence I dint buy or support the Mercury.

• Real-time political funding disclosure. No pokies outside casinos. FOI improved. Wages commensurate with mainland for health workers to stop drainage. Battery storage for Tas power. No bankrolling of election by pokies owners.

• Give honesty and transparency a try. Stop playing games. Get stuff done.

• Adequately funding our disgraceful hospital system - this is supposed to be a first-world country.

• Pokies are a disgraceful drain on the poor. Bikies must be run out of the state. Focus on getting kids fit (free community health facilities for all kids that can show a valid school card). State tax on all junk food. More money to public education - the private schools will survive (my daughter went to Friends - they’ll get by with less money).

• To have a sustainable economy we cannot rely on just a few industries (Education, Tourism, Agri and Aqua- culture). We need to solve the freight problem and set an environment for technical entrepreneurs to flourish, because, who knows where the next big thing will come from?

• Renewable energy advancements More teacher aides

• Address urban decay of Tasmania both at tourist and population levels. Preserving natural heritage is a priority.

• Greater investment in maintaining our National Parks, treat our environment with respect, don’t allow vested interests to spoil our natural environment, ie no helicopter landing at Malbena. Prioritise investment in improving the State’s infrastructure before even contemplating an increase to our population. Prioritise investment in health and education.

• Arts funding to support music in the pubs. The Pokies are a blight in the community and should be removed and banned.

• New taxes on real estate investors. Resistance to Canberra’s foreign policy. More autonomy for Tasmania.

• Climate change is in crisis now. Education give teachers decision making tools. No pokies outside the Casino like WA.

• Reduce size of state service to save revenue. Too many office jockeys who wouldnt survive in private enterprise

• 2PP is dead. Independents are the way forward, so we need real (Independent) leadership. The City Deal is a way of the federal government going against the Constitutional requirements & (with the State government’s sign off) directly dictating the activities of Local government, which was always unconstitutional. The Tasmanian government & local governments of Hobart Launceston Devonport Burnie could play a major role in key issues affecting the coming generation such as global warming & the glacial crash & sea level rises caused by melting in the Antarctica. If the City Deal is banning that participation it needs to be changed by State & Local govt. Our children’s future is key.

• The cable car, it will reduce the number of cars on the mountain road, provide better access for both locals and tourists, and reduce emissions and traffic hold ups.

• The uncontrollable nature of air bnb. They must be regulated and heavily taxed. Wages increases to match inflation. An anti corruption body making all donations to political parties viewable to the public (such as the federal group to the liberal party last election).

• Removing pokies from Tasmania. Not developing private business on public land, including national parks and on Mt Wellington. Increasing drug and alcohol rehabilitation services. Improving aged care facilities. Preserving and valuing the environment. Preserving animal corridors and habitat around the city.

• Honesty declaration of donations revealing of reports/RTI’s etc and no dixers in QT

• Climate change - there is no greater issue.

• Actions to address climate change, including more options such as wind farms to supplement existing hydro power - and reduce reliance on Basslink. Implement strategies to reduce waste to landfill and plastic pollution. Encourage clean energy and clean agriculture businesses. Address issues with interstate and overseas investment driving up the cost of housing. Protect World Heritage Areas and our water sources to maintain our pristine environment and image.

• Maladministration is endemic in Tasmania. Government departments seem to be chaotic. Too often decisions are made with an eye to the benefits to friends and family rather than the proper management of the state or of the service in question.

• No public land gifted to private developers to profit from. NO CABLE CAR ON KUNANYI.

• Teacher’s wages are abysmal and do not reflect the 20+ hours of overtime worked each week. This needs to be addressed.

• Climate change is the single biggest threat to the health and wellbeing of the people of Tasmania. The state and business must each do their fair share in dramatically reducing emissions and adapting to inevitable change

• Taking climate change seriously and not selling out Tasmanians to appease political alliances.

• This survey is misleading, as the health care section of the survey scale was swapped. Making the results for these sections confounding (worthless).

• State government take over the cable car proposal Stop councils refusing building heights for the city driving away investors

• Eugenic sterilisation for all people born in Tasmania

• Climate change, renewable energy incentives Health, push for bulk billing and medical clinics 24/7 to relieve pressure on ED at hospitals

• Education- class sizes are too big, ambulance ramping, more free facilities for children (parks, sports grounds, free park), activities), traffic congestion at peak hours

• As the largest employer in the state, the government must commit to wage rises of more than 2%, as this will help pave the way to increasing wages in the private sector.

• We need to focus on the uniqueness of Tasmania and promote that. Copying tourism functions that already exist in other cities hardly makes Hobart unique. And sometimes it’s not jobs first and everything else second. What we do has to be done with thought and consideration for future generations. Tassie has a clean green reputation for a reason. Look at those reasons and promote that but in a sustainable fashion.

• Safety for pedestrians and cyclists around the city, eg Molle street crossing. It is the busiest unassisted crossing in Hobart, cars speed through and there are near misses daily. Kids have to cross there and some one will be killed if nothing is done. Cable car is not financially viable, just put a toll on the road for visitors to increase funding for community management of the mountain

• Think of the wider community first.

• Limit (preferably stop) international ownership of Tasmanian agricultural land, residential housing and businesses. Internationals, particularly Asians, are buying up Tasmania making it unaffordable for locals and it’s becoming over crowded. I’m really worried about how our state is embracing international investment. Once it’s sold, we will never get it back.

• We need a Soccer ground as KGV need refurbish new Changeroom for lady’s & Man and a proper ground

• A dedicated soccer stadium should be funded for Tasmania. This is long overdue. At the end of the more kids pay soccer than any other sport (this will only increase with immigration and multiculturalism) and if this sport is invested in it will lead to better health outcomes for Tasmanians. The more established sports in particular afl and cricket receive much more government funding than needed when you consider how much they already receive from their respective bodies and from sponsors. Also it will lead to opportunities for interstate and international investment.

• Adjust gun laws - using sensible approach and effectiveness, and not panicking/yielding in front of emotional & irrational (actually misinformed) rhetoric. Stop wasting time on useless topics such as gender on birth certificates, and get to fixing the state’s issues. Immigrants need help to better integrate, local communities/groups etc need help and more resources to support these immigrant families.

• We need a cable car Now! AFL is dead in the water. Spend money on Soccer and Basketball. Restrict short stay accommodation. Restrict foreign ownership. Councils should not decide on areas used by all Tasmanians.

• 35 seats in House of Assembly, reducing staff making the change cost neutral. Container deposit legislation. Tarkine world heritage national park.

• Southern outlet - reduce congestion

• Mostly concerned with keeping Tasmania clean and simple. Our natural environment is the most attractive part of our state and keeping it pristine should be a priority. Any developments to encourage tourism to popular attractions and national parks, should be kept at a distance and not placed within the area, as pretty soon these places will turn into mini cities and no longer have the simplicity and serenity, that are the draw cards for tourism in the first place.

• Planning for the sustainable future of Tas, building smart cities & incorporating & improving old infrastructure to support a growing population. Planning for the future of our next generation - improving their education & academic level, the economy, health care services & the structure of our state & local political systems. Tasmania is years behind the planning & master plans already in place in other states.

• Climate change, renewable energy, please save the future for our kids.

• Western by-pass to take kingston and huonville traffic out of the city centre.

• Purpose built soccer stadium and funding so Tasmania can support a team in the A-League

• A purpose built soccer stadium so Tassie can get an A league team

• Need a rectangular stadium for soccer as so many kids play it.

• Review the investment in sport, school participation of all sports. The media in the south of the state only report on Football and Cricket,

• Tasmanian A league team and build a suitable soccer stadium.

• A purpose built football (soccer) ground so we can have an A-League side

• Getting an Aleague team down in Tassie

• Health, including dentistry. Education Highway bypass around the hills ( My Stuart etc) like Europe.

• Gambling health

• I would love to see a Tasmanian A-league team and although I don’t follow it as much an AFL and/or basketball team too. It’s time for Tasmania to grow up and forge its own identity in national sporting leagues. More planning and inner city development of affordable housing with a focus on transport by bicycle or walking commutes. Regulation of airbnb and greater rights and assistance for renters. Tax on empty homes. Vaible public transport development with significant housing development based off future plans for transport. Ban on suburban pokies. A plan to keep the state at forefront of cultural arts festivals.

• Build a Rectangular Stadium for Football (Soccer) at the Domain.

• Remember the funds are for all Tasmanians, and priority should be given to low income earners and individuals and businesses in need to ensure equal growth across the state.

• Get Tasmania an A-League team, protect Hobart’s heritage vibe by carefully vetting new developments, put more funding into community building, social justice, and education

• Encouraging universal use of renewables, taking climate change seriously. Invest in and manage the public health and education systems responsibly and fairly. STOP funding high fee-charging private schools. Stop toeing ridiculous party lines and drag yourselves into the 21st Century.

• Encourage developers to build high quality apartments in Hobarts CBD. This will help take the strain off expensive infrastructure and pollution that comes with urban sprawl.

• Airbnb must be regulated & limited. More hotels out of the city in regional centres (Huonville, New Norfolk, Orford, Richmond) will help take the strain off the CBD. Hotels in regional centres will give tourists the opportunity to explore Hartz area, Mt Field, & east coast while bringing employment to those areas

• Bear in mind that AFL particularly have money to invest in their sport at the local grassroots level. But despite that, their participation numbers seem to be decreasing. On the other hand, soccer is the highest participation sport in the country, and yet one of the least funded. And local councils spend more time catering to AFL and cricket, leaving many soccer clubs with outdated facilities at best, while costs to use those facilities is not subsidised to the degree of other sports - I had a staff member from a local council say this to me directly.

• Brooker traffic is banking up at the Risdon lights - the traffic MUST FLOW. Build a underpass.

• Embrace our potential as a leading example as 100% renewable energy provider. Levy interstate migrants to put to infrastructure. Consider independence as a nation to reflect our unique culture and values. Be a leader in equal gender representation.

• Need to support a Tassie A League team, around 5k people currently watch football / Soccer and AFL media bias is so clear - sort it out.

• Intelligent politicians who are not there to boost their own egos and feather their own nests.

• Political donations and truth in political advertising.. The 2018 election was tainted by the massive support the pokies industry gave to the Libs, based on lies, with the simple aim of continuing their harmful activity.

• Bring all of the incarnated people of Manus and Nauru Substantially increase pay and conditions for nurses and allied staff

• Strategic settlement planning including a Tasmanian plan and greater Hobart plan. Better integration of services and infrastructure for Greater Hobart by amalgamation of Council’s.

• Please fund more doctors, nurses and hospital beds and increase emergency capacity. A network of dedicated cycle lanes to assist commutes to CBD and schools, linked to the northern suburbs bike track. More affordable, reliable, frequent public transport using renewable energy eg electric buses (modern version of Hobart’s historical trolley buses with chargeable batteries instead of overhead cables.) Better pedestrian and cycle access to cross the Derwent River. The narrow path on the Tasman bridge is not adequate. This is a barrier discouraging the use of alternative transport. Better access would encourage less cars entering the CBD. A BETTER NETWORK of dedicated CYCLE LANES linking the CBD, suburbs of greater Hobart and the existing northern suburbs bike track. Continuous cycle lanes on major roads. A subsidy for purchasing an ebike to encourage renewable energy transport and ease traffic congestion. Build better capacity in our road system especially at bottle necks to encourage traffic flow. (Widen some roads, add extra lanes, build road bridges to maximise available lanes in the available space) A dedicated public transport Lane on the southern outlet to encourage the use of public transport and reduce traffic congestion.

• To carry out policies promised,and stop in house slanging matches.

• To grow our regrowth forests Support second inderstrys of our raw resources Reopen the tarkine 4wd access More investment in inderstrys

• Hobart needs a higher building height limit to encourage larger developments in the CBD. A 75 metre limit would be about right.

• Real time disclosure of political donations, health services, nurses pay, listen to the people who employ them.

• Affordable housing, a regulated rental market, bulk billing doctors, improving roads and transport, improving the health and mental health sectors, increased wages, regulate petrol prices, power prices etc, reduce councils and council fees

• Tidy up the waterfront - get rid of cars and parking and support and accelerate Jan Gehl’s plan for Hobart City adopted by HCC - it includes many of the points I’ve nominated above!

• bulk billed GP superclinics to take the pressure off emergency department

• Keep what is currently beautiful about Tasmania in place. Having left for 20 years and come back again the best thing about Tasmania is access to wilderness, open space and beauty, including small cities with character that DO NOT look like suburbs of Sydney or Melbourne due to overdevelopment. However, over-access by tourism will ruin these things. Our chance to retain this is now - here’s hoping they don’t blow it. Tourism revenue is great but if we lose Tasmania’s ‘it’ factor we could shoot ourselves in the foot and reduce what’s attractive to high-spending tourists.

• Speak up for the majority and stop letting small vocal minority group dictate what happens in the state

• Reduce immigration. Reduce politicians pay packets and perks. Make them earn the money they get

• I’d like more bulk billing doctors open for longer hours. And doctors clinics with X-ray to check for broken bones on the weekends. This would free up emergency at the hospital. And I would like $25 fee for an ambulance. It may stop some misuse of the ambulance service. The $25 fee could be waived if the person was admitted to hospital.

• Light rail from Kingston area to Hobart and having proper railway to Launceston and Devonport and the east coast would help the economy, tourism, get more cars off the roads and create jobs. Rail to the West Coast would really progress tourism and therefore the economy there too. Plus a new hospital at Kingston would alleviate the pressure on the Royal in Hobart, with the channel and Huon valley people not having to go into the Royal. Commuter ferries are also a great idea. Should be large parking areas available for commuters from outlying areas to be able to use the proposed light rail system and should have good security measures in place so people feel safe using it; otherwise they won’t want to use it.

• No money to be given to Mona or interstate football teams

• The increasing divide between those with more or less money and resources is growing fast and could lead to major social disruption. Those in government need to take heed and put in place measures to address this, not deny it is happening. Boasting about “growth” and a booming economy shows a lack of appreciation for those worse off.

• More discussion and understanding of micro and small business. Its okay to pour millions into the big projects that will employ a couple of hundred people but that same millions could employ many hundreds more people via micro and small businesses

• Stop trying to use 19th century roads in the 21st century (Macquarie & Davey Streets) and either plan to build tunnels or a ring road in Hobart for future city growth.

• Housing affordability is a very significant issue especially for those who are renting. The average weekly rent for a property in the northern suburbs ranges anywhere from $300 to $400 for a 3 bedroom house which in my situation is more than half of my wage, even as a public sector worker.

• Elections need to have all campaign funding provided by the government to remove the strangle-hold that special interest groups have over political parties, policy and elections. We saw gambling and the gun lobby tip the balance in the last election. We also need an independent body to fact check claims by politicians, so voters can vote based on truthful statements/answers, and so that policy can be evidence-based. Greater weight should be given to independent scientific advisory panels - this would stop pollution, habitat destruction, poor hospital health outcomes etc

• Building heights and inappropriate development.

• leave the national parks alone. wind back wood chip industry.

• Need to address climate change. Most important problem in world today.

• Investigate other public transport options rather than those listed.

• Health and education

• Urgent need to address loss of native habitat and animals/birds, particularly outside the designated parks. There are a plethora of organisations able to give accurate information on the increasing extermination of native wildlife e.g. Birdlife Tas, Tas Land Conservancy, Wilderness Soc, conservation groups, Bonorong and Raptor Refuges.

• The current make-up of the Hobart City Council will destroy the economy and financial investment the city has been striving for years to create. Investors have been attracted by our political and financial stability. This is at risk of being destroyed. Aldermen need to be taking steps to encourage continued investment in what is good for the future of the city not about their current biassed personal views. We only get this opportunity once.

• Strengthen communities, improve education and health at local levels. Establish a second transport link so that outer suburbs have equal access and can become growth centres.

• Stop blaming past governments and focus on the needs of the community today and for the future. Fix the roads and get Police out into the community to educate and enforce (as needed) - start driver education programs, compulsory vehicle checks before registration. Fix health system.

• Tourism has pushed the prices up for everyone including locals. the greed of operators, shop owners etc, looking to earn off tourism will result in the downfall. visitors from Perth exclaimed how expensive tassie has become...that says it all!

• Fix our education system so that students know that it’s ok to make mistakes, and that failing isn’t a bad thing. It’s how you learn! Too many children get moved onto the next class, next grade, next school without anything actually done to fix basic numeracy and literacy skills. Stop prioritising UTAS over Vocational training, treat then equally and fund Vocational Training appropriately in the state!

• I want the Cable Car and Higher attractive buildings

• Stop International investors buying our land both residential and commercial.This has to stop now.

• Specialist wait times.

• 1.) Get the Mt Wellington cable car approved and built. 2.) Stop the selfish anti-everything NIMBY minority determining what is built and where. 3.) Allow high rise development in Hobart.


• Less immigration to our state by people who refuse to assimilate and who hold different ideals and beliefs. We live here for a very specific reason and to swamp us with new arrivals to shore up the states income will drive us out. If i wanted to live in western Sydney i would, but i dont !!

• Light rail all the way to New Norfolk with plenty of car parking at stations then housing and industry will follow that will remove a lot of congestion from CBD that will need a proactive gover ment that thinks out-side the square.

• Please consider the light rail to Bridgewater. I live in Rosetta but the amount of cars from Bridgewater traveling to Hobart and back is huge and just think how many people would use the train if it sent up to Bridgewater.

• Transparent public process.

• I’m not sure why you changed the position of the important/not important halfway through the survey, you are almost guaranteeing that the results won’t reflect the intentions of the respondents. I was very nearly caught out by this.


• Make decisions for long term gain for the state, as limit the amount of fish farms, limit the amount of intrusion in national parks and construct and maintain infrastructure in keeping with the increasing population and tourists .

• Be very careful who they select for seats. Tired of same old same. Get new young talent for us to vote for.

• Traffic management by better traffic light sequencing. Put cyclists onto footpaths during peak hour traffic to give an extra lane. Plan bus, ferry, rail interchanges & parking facilities. Multi mode tickets Police clearways

• Immigration was not mentioned why? I dont think we should be flooding ourselves with immigrants,housing is a problem here already&traffic as well as crime ect

• Get rid of Poker machines in pubs and clubs, they should only be in casinos. It is disgusting that the profits go to the Farrell group. More money into education for more teachers and teacher aides

• Climate change, waste, our failing health system, inequalities public school students face because of less funding.

• Ask them not to forget about the hard health issues that are outside the hospitals and GP system. Things like alcohol and other drugs which are causing issues but get very little attention but have such impact.

• Stop pandering to the big business end of town. They and the politicians are getting richer and the politicians are widening the gap between rich and poor. The majority of us are now poor and the politicians are arrogant inept policy deciders and have brought about this shocking situation that the poor suffer with every day on struggle street. The workers keeping the show rolling are barely keeping their heads above water.

• My biggest concern at present is the purchase of our properties especially agricultural land by overseas buyers. Nowhere else in the world is it made so easy to buy property in another country or state as it is for overseas students or their families in Tasmania/Australia - Do what other countries do and lease them the land. Unfortunately there is always some sort of hidden agendas that seem to pop up after their purchase. This is only pushing the prices higher and at an unsustainable rate for our children to try and keep up. Unaffordable it now is. Once we have sold to overseas interests say goodbye to our land. We will never get it back and the revenew that it generates will be shipped overseas....

• Only state without light rail - needs to change. Local councils should be scrapped

• FIX HOUSING. My family, with 3 young children is homeless. There are no rentals.

• Assuming we are talking about the federal election now: Global warming and phasing out of fossil fuels starting with coal, an end to the pursuit of growth- seek instead for sustainability, less disparity between incomes, better oversight of businesses to prevent the sort of excesses we have seen revealed by the banking royal commission, better protection of our environment on land and sea, reconciliation between indigenous and other Australians, an ethos of compassion. We have the capacity to build a sustainable, fair and compassionate society and at the same time look after our environment. Much of our angst over the perceived need for growth stems from the increasing inequality and greed. It doesn’t have to be this way. Right now we have an urgent need to tackle climate change and to protect our natural environment. This needs to be done in a way that does not hurt the poorest and most vulnerable. Big changes are needed (and rapidly because we have left it so late), so we need to ensure that those who lose their jobs (coal miners for instance) are well looked after and retrained into meaningful and rewarding employment. There will of course be plenty of jobs in renewable energy but we need to manage the transition so as not to create losers from this upheaval.

• Stable government that has foresight past simply their next election period and to STOP the endless blame games. We are sick to death of seeing politicians blame each other and argue instead of actually governing. We need Gov that acts for medium and long term, not just an election term. Tasmanian way of life is irreversibly changing rapidly and not for the better as we become so focused on growth just like every other overcrowded city in the world, of which many I have lived. High-rise buildings, traffic jams, highways as far as you can see, massive apartment blocks, pollution, and endless population growth with ‘development at all costs’ is NOT what Tasmania should be about. Once its gone, its gone forever.!

• Something has to be done about the traffic congestion and rule breaking by motorists especially around Hobart. Also, we need 24 hr medical centres in areas such as Sorell, Kingston and Clarence for people to attend and take the pressure off the RHH emergency dept.

• Transparency and restriction of political donations

• Climate change, affordable housing, bike lanes in the CBD

• Support and recognition of the public sector and the work they do to improve Tasmania.

• The growing influence of overseas investors, particularly in the areas of real estate, business and politics. Stop selling Tasmania to China, and place greater priority on maintaining our “clean, pristine wilderness” instead of getting drunk on the tourist dollar.

• No development in our National Parks and WHA’s. Development should take place outside the boundaries. I do not want to see commerical development in these areas. Management of facilities etc should be in the control of the State i.e. the people of Tasmania. This EOI process introduced by the Tasmanian Liberals did not have a mandate of the people. A crack has been introduced which will lead to a massive chasm in the future and we will not be able to mend it.

• Freedom of information. De-corporatisation of public services. Environmental and Social outcomes prioritised.

• Height restrictions in CBD need to be removed. Assess each proposal on its merits without imposing idealological arbitrary limits.

• someone needs to silence the greens from having any say in our progress or we will never get anywhere!!

• Introduce travel levy’s But not for Tasmanian Tourists (like what Mona has in place). I haven’t been able to go to places such as Port Arther and the Tahune Airwalk and Hastings caves because it is too expensive. I feel disappointed that it is too expensive for me to visit because I live in Tasmania and have lived here all my life but I can’t visit the beautiful things that make this place my home. I love the system Mona has in place as I can enjoy the museum because I live here. My husband and I are 22 year old recently married uni students on a single income and I really want to enjoy the beauty and history of the place I call home.

• Just build the train. Call out those ‘leaders’ that promised to build it and were lying. Get rid of the pokies. Ignore the Nimbys.

• more police road presence

• Fixed time limit 8 years maximum lower house service. Return lower house to 35 members and reduce salaries by 20%.

• Equity of federal funding to non marginal electorates. A city deal with money attached to it. Again an equity issue and a necessity for top end infrastructure improvements.

• Get beyond thinking about the next election and govern for the longer term. Increase transparency in donations and decision-making. Appoint to the public sector on merit and stop dumping cronies and childhood friends in key positions. Don’t be afraid of an apolitical public sector who’ll give you frank and fearless advice

• The Royal Hobart Hospital crisis sorted, the current conditions and waiting times are appalling!!!

• Sensible changes to firearm laws.

• A co-ordinated grand vision for the whole waterfront area of Hobart - taking in CSIRO all the way to Macq 1. We also need One planning organisation to approve projects as councils get politicised and officers are out of their depth. There should be a ‘how can we help you make your development or project happen’ rather than all the reasons it can’t!! Local government is the main culprit. We also need strong leadership at political level to make things happen - the negative minority hold too much sway.

• Building height restrictions to be raised.

• ageing demographic and its implications

• Lower house numbers from 25 to 35. Powerful new state integrity commission.Complete election spending disclosure. No third party election advertising. Euthanasia. Red tape blocking low cost housing/stratum title/smaller houses/backyard infill.Sugar tax, ad bans.

• Working together rather than political point scoring. More accommodation for students. Improve provision of supported housing. Better regulation of Air B&B


• Greater control of Airbnb which is destroying Hobart. Much greater investment in housing for middle and low income residents. Real time disclosure of donations to politicians. Stop encouraging migration here until the housing, health and transport crises (which are seriously destroying the quality of life here) have been dealt with

• The extreme disconnect between the experts our taxpayer money pays to advise our politicians and the eventual policies they craft for the house. We have had Expert after Expert resign over the last 5 years, from the Technology head Liberals promised would make their NBN the best. (Left because that was a physical impossibility.) Trigg’s report on off shore procesing and detention which was laughed out and has come back to haunt us as our nation is liable for and has already lost court cases to pay damages due to these policies. If Liberals want even the slightest chance at Victory they would need to reconnect with the facts over their factions of hardline supporters. If Labor wants to win it needs to stop pandering to Liberal Policy when it is clearly at a huge detriment and risk to the nation. If Greens want to win all they need to do is firstly stop focusing on the same facet of the issues, for example only espousing in depth the natural value and not the tourist economic value in dollars as well as convince more people to read their policy documents and the supporting evidence. They are always far more fleshed out with proofs and validating data than Liberals.

• Housing unavailability is the major problem that needs to be addressed with urgency. Basically l don’t think anything much will ever be achieved unless and until the two major parties learn to work together. More time, resources and effort are spent on playing sillybuggers than actually looking after our interests.

• 1. Build a world class stadium to attract major acts/sporting events, and have it close to Hobart so people can have a drink before/after the game. 2. Merge Ambulance Tasmania into Emergency Services (out of health), and fine the RHH for ramping paramedic resources for hours at a time. 3. User pay for non-emergency ambulance call outs (ie. anything other than cardiac arrest, major trauma, major medical condition; asthma, stroke, heart attack) 4. Stop wasting money on rubbish pedestrian bridges and cable cars. They are not going to bring this place money, just old people in a caravan.

• Housing, inquiry in UTAS, education standards, raise the minimum wage, raise welfare, make youth allowance more accessible(reclass dependant and independent). Also, no school should be able to discriminate against a student for their sexual preference.

• Climate change, climate change, climate change, climate change - oh wait and corruption. Not that the LNP will address that, because they are the most corrupt.

• Build a cable car and/or don’t close the mountain road every time it’s a bit cold.

• Hobart ring road/bypass similar to Auckland. Reviewing commercial fishing licences and utilising up to date science from appropriate scientific bodies to set quotas/catch limits. Increase funding for renewable energy Support and upscale renewable-focussed projects like the snug recycled plastic road

• Donation transparency is a con. Funding is easy to hide, spending caps are far more effective. Council services should be amalgamated where PRACTICAL. Hobart would perform better without councils. Due to silo’ing of services between the various levels. Political leaders need ABOVE ALL else co-operate and build communities

• The way forward is through tourism and giving new life to the old historic buildings whether they are old manufacturing/warehouses and getting people back into the middle of Hobart away from the ‘suburbs’ where the present infrastructure is already established. It would be good if the older generation could be more positive about the state when talking to out of towners instead of berating the state. And as a long shot, somehow get rid of this north south rivalry eg. perhaps build an AFL ground at Oatlands – at least it would be halfway!

• Get some balls and over rule the HCC and get the cable car built. Make Clarence Glenorchy and Hobart 1 council so we all get a say

• We need more specialists for health in the state. Easy access to these specialists. We also need more top end medical equipment. Lessen how much people have to travel to the mainland for treatment.

• I am applaud by disgusting long waiting time in the emergency departments at out public hospitals and then not being treated and the demeaning behavior of the attending doctors and not offered any treatment. There is need for A Royal Commission into family law/system. Hugely fund our hospitals and ambulance service,people are dying, A transport service for patients on government payments who are taken to the hospital by ambulance all hours and havnt got the money to get back home, investigating into taxi services fees & pricing being charged.

• mental health for young people really needs to be addressed, also there should be a place for younger people in care homes so they dont have to be placed in aged care units

• The greens having to much of a say but only have 2 sitting members. They are not really relevant.

• We NEED a functioning not third- world hospital

• Climate

• Macquarie point.How many more years.Should have a multi storey car park now

• Stop the endless negativity and bickering and actually work together. MPs are elected to represent the people not just play party politics. Reform state and council government to reduce the number of councils and increase state representatives so we can have more talent available to manage portfolios

• Stop car thefts and violence, burglaries and drinking driving and speeding.

• Health care - please invest in it - with a population of older folks you need to have the right care facilities, including dementia facilities at the hospitals; employ more personnel in these areas. Encourage Drs to come to Tasmania (tax incentives) and people to do nursing courses at University.

• Protect and conserve the natural environment because we cannot do without it

• Tasmanians need a pay rise to counter the cost of living and to achieve pay parity with other states to avoid losing skilled professionals. The health system needs a dramatic overhaul. The public need to stop abusing the health system - should be sent away from A&E for non-urgent treatment and we need a user pays system for ambulances to prevent abuse of ambulance use.

• I want the government to spend more on health and education. Stop allowing ugly development.

• Stop population growth. Keep or reduce tasmanias population to maintain our lifestyle. It is becoming too crowded here

• Stop taking the Us vs The Mainland attitude and embrace all ideas before saying ‘no’. Second place is not a win.

• political donations must either banned or be totally reformed, it’s quite disheartening

• Hobart is just perfect. There is no need to change anything. Enjoy what we have.

• Start budgetting sensible and use taxpayers money properly.we are sick of their stupid uses of our money.

• To stop thinking of themselves and move with the times. Embrace the young next generation, listen to them, put money where it is needed, stop selling us off to the highest bidder. Let us vote, if they are selling off our assets and history, it should be our discussion not theirs. Be more open. Lets bring in laws that make them accountable for their election promises, they should not be able to say things and then change their minds, once in office. I know I live in fairy land and they live in the real world...

• We are underpopulated, and lack a cohesive aggressive strategy to maximise tourism spend into every corner of the state. Self drive visitors will go anywhere and spend which boosts private revenue/tax/employment. Its called win win.

• Just to work for the welfare of Tasmania not the good of the party and success at the next election.

• Politicians pay cut. Or loss of allowances. One or the other, they are costing us to much. Minimum wages increased for everyone else.

• The survey switching of comments of “Not important” and “Important” between left and right was most confusing - got trapped a few times and had to return - I feel this may compromise the results.

• Cost of accomodation at UTAS, why has the rent increased by $26 in 2 years, students can’t find jobs and after paying rent have no money to support themselves. Rent for for 2019 over $500 per fortnight leaves a student to live on approx $80 not good, we need to look after our home born students and not foreign students. Tougher sentences are required for offenders the public expect this of our judiciory system but is being let down by magistrates and judges who let offenders off with light sentences so they can re-offend, enough is enough.

• f.o.i. regarding political donations and lobby groups - should be more transparent

• Urgent Climate change measures Preserve bio-diversity Stop clear-felling

• Population

• No cable car, no development in National Parks and Heritage areas, as our natural beauty is what makes our lifestyle and brings tourists, and the rest of the world is losing this rapidly.

• Transparency in political donations!!

• Fix our major infrastructure issues, between airport & sorell. Before it’s to late.

• Political donations to be declared now

• Ditch the moronic National Firearms Agreement. Licences and suitability checking achieve something; categories and registration are a waste of time and money, and achieve nothing useful.

• HEALTH. I have to wait a year just for an appointment at the royal. In the meantime I have had to give up work.

• Fund EVERY stable home for solar modules with low interest payback over an agreed period.

• Long term planning for Tasmania, not just based on election cycles.

• Lowering the voting age in local and state elections. I pay taxes, I am required to follow local and state laws, and I am more politically interested and knowledgeable than many adults. But I am not allowed to vote, because I am only 16.

• I really think the government should be investing in projects that build on our culture and pride in Tasmania ( think food,arts and environment) so we are all champions for our state.

• I think you have covered the major issues well, particularly around health, education and infrastructure. Also the number of Councils we have is ridiculous and any government needs to find the back bone to merge them but I don’t believe they should end up as super Councils. We should set up situations such that for example Kingborough picks up the Huon Valley, Clarence joins with Sorell, Tasman and maybe Glamorgan-Spring Bay, Glenorchy joins with Derwent Valley and Hobart stays as is. That way the wealth of the larger Councils is more evenly shared among some of the smaller ones. Similar things could happen around Launceston and Burnie. I think at the most we need 10-12 Councils but I see little to no benefit for the smaller/rural communities in us creating mega city based Councils and leaving the people elsewhere in Tassie still struggling.

• Holistic living standards and how they will enact ethical living immediately!

• Super ends with Parliamentary term.

• Just do something about our failing health system as we have an aging postulation reliant on a reliable and effective system. Get rid of the useless and inept ferguson.

• Transport infrastructure in Hobart has had no significant investment since the Sth Outlet was built. It helps to be in a marginal electorate like Braddon but could we please have some of our taxes applied to the lives of the majority of the population ....Hobart

• Stop privatizing profits and socialising costs. We need good planning to ensure out built heritage and amenity of our cities and rural areas is protected and buildings like the treasury building are kept in state hands. Keep commercial interests out of national parks; these are our children’s heritage.

• To get out in the real world, none of the current lot would have any idea what lifes like on the outside and i doubt any of them have worked in private enterprise. They are all in it to see how far they can get thier snouts in the trough be they be labor, libs or greens

• Corruption commission

• immigration- too many new immigrants coming to this country and Tasmania.

• Increase the number of Parliamentary representatives. Integrity. Keep election promises. Establish a citizens’ forum, including to review all legislation before referral to Parliamentary Committees.

• bring the uni in to the centre of the cbd is a mistake with the traffic

• For all Political Parties to finally after 200+ Years realise that the running of the State should be treated like a Business & not an opportunity to play politics at every turn. The main reason around every subject raised within this survey is that politics plays a major part on it’s struggles. Treat it as a successful small business and finally the State will be a perfect place to live, work, play and invest for Centuries to come.

• Get rid of the current occupant of the Speaker of the House of Assembly.

• Mt Wellington cable car

• Domestic violence solutions, the impact of expansion of salmon fisheries on our coast and in communities. commitment to transition to renewables, climate change preparedness.

• Health in Tasmania is in crisis. Michael Fergusion useless. Federal funding being sucked into bureaucracy. What planning is there for improving health infrastructure and housing access BEFORE increasing the population and tourism? They say charity begins at home.

• We need a positive approach to improving life in Tasmania. Community organisations need more support so they can help people break the poverty/drug/family violence cycle. We need a Housing Project to build homes for the homeless that everyone can participate in - builders to supervise and train people, school children and others can volunteer. This will increase the skill base, and encourage people into trades. It will increase self esteem and decrease crime.

• Stop the hidden boys club deals, total transparency, save our remaining natural environment, reduce & amalgamate local councils and all the wasted monies.

• Take the Politics out of Local Govt. elections. See that Seniors/Pensioners are not disadvantaged with high Rates, should they choose to remain in their own homes. Make entering a Nursing Home more affordable, for those who have no choice (and are on low incomes), but to enter them for care when aged and frail. Stop the Private Health Funds from increasing premiums at the rate they do. Get rid of the “for profit” ones in Australia.

• More global links and joined- up, holistic thinking about inspiring ideas such as taking out all the parking spaces along Hobart’s waterfront and adding trees, art, sculpture. Mainly, though, SUSTAINABILITY, and policies from everything that has an impact from population to transport, to green waste and free home compostors.

• Renewable energy because of global warming and electricity costs Fix the hospital/health system immediately Assist pensioners home owners to get solar & battery storage


• The liberal government needs to stop with their neo-liberal policies, looking after their mates (Coal industry), start taking climate change seriously, and stop pretending to care about the less fortunate/wealthy/etc. Labor are better in some areas but not by a long way overall. The Greens have the best range of sensible, funded policies that would help the country (and the state) move forward for the next 50 years! So the answer for question 2 is NOT Labor or COALition, but The Greens!!

• A considered population plan is a top priority and “If you build it, they will come” is not a policy. The urban footprint of Hobart is massive and will affect the climate as a heat sink in summer and a cold place in winter. Solution? Move the capital to Launceston and be done with it. That would shut up one Mick Leppard.

• Stopping lake Malbena

• Perhaps they should ensure that these kinds of surveys have consistent headings instead of changing headings designed to engineer a particular result.

• Health is a disaster. The $105m in “extra” funding would have been spent any way because the THS budget was already overspent by about that much. Health needs new money and for the existing constraints on spending it to be relieved. Implement 24x7 support services such as pathology, pharmacy, and radiology in order to keep hospital flow going and avoid the regular bed crisis each monday/tuesday. Hobart needs better cycling infrastructure and safer routes to and from the cycle track at various points along it (eg. safer entry from Risdon Rd, safer crossing at Springfield Ave). The Mac Point vision currently includes housing which is just diabolically dumb as it reduces the ability to hold concerts and events there. The number of conferences that come to Hobart will dwindle unless a large convention centre is built (catering for up to 2,500 delegates not the 900 that the Grand Chancellor can host). The construction of a dual lane midlands highway is a great step but it is taking too long and holding up business in the meantime.

• Measures to cap excessive tourism. Protection of our wilderness. Stop secret deals with developers.

• climate change, climate change, climate change

• Get light rail going - use the existing bloody infrastructure that’s there!

• Build the cable car, force local councils into three, remove greens

• We’ve all had enough of identity politics. Can we move on now?

• want to be able to trust our elected reps,sometimes this leaves a lot to be desired.

• Drop the cable car idea, it’s too divisive and will ruin the mountain. We don’t need another Antarctic Adventure. Address the social inequality issues. Get rid of poker machines. Hurry up and develop Mac Point. Invest in education and get rid of the TRB. Fix UTAS. Address climate change and move the state to 100% renewable and reduce power bills. Stop logging our forests for goodness sake!

• Improved bike and pedestrian infrastructure to help commuters use transport that reduces traffic-congestion. Improving the sewerage and industrial waste systems to clean the Derwent. Stronger assessment and consideration of tourism proposals to ensure Tasmania’s wilderness areas and image are not over-exploited or damaged for low value operations

• Improve the fractured relationship between north and south. There is no place for this short-sighted parochialism in such a small and sparsely populated state.

• NDIS is causing distress to any as it is in effect the privatisation of services for people with disabilities and there is market failure due to the lack of effective private services and the disappearance or fragmentation of teams resulting from a competitive service model. Health services - need more satellite multidisciplinary services including GP’s and allied health professionals to prevent people needing to go to hospital, in hospitals to facilitate the safe and effective discharge of people and in the community /rehab to support people post-discharge.

• Transparency, especially donations. Not playing politics. Less inequality. Bill of rights. Integrity and ethics.

• Provide more visibility of government decision re aquaculture in order to generate greater public support for the industry

• The inordinate cost of housing has caused household budget stress or homelessness to far too many people. There are many causes, all of which need to be addressed urgently. The inflated cost of petrol is an outrageous rip-off that is treated with ignore by the ACCC and other Federal and State instrumentalities which ought to be taking meaningful actions. In a State in which by far the majority of power used is generated by Hydro there seems to be no excuse for the grossly excessive cost of electricity. Let’s have an impartial enquiry into the causes of this anomaly. It seems likely that State Government rake-offs and extravagant infrastructure policies are among the probable culprits.

• Increase particpation in active transport especially bicycle riding as a 1. form of transport 2. health initiative 3. greenhouse gas reduction 4. Increased community cohesiveness

• Homelessness, cost of housing, lack of rentals, ridiculous cost of rentals. Acknowledgment of Aboriginal heritage and history MORE MONEY TO SAVE THREATENED SPECIES Action on mitigating Climate Change. the waterfront in hobart is dull and lifeless - business that are there are homogenous, and over priced.

• Need great health system to encourage self funded retirees in particular. Apprenticeships at all cost. In particular hospitality. Increase funding to arts and sport for encouraging participation and community service opportunities. The afl commission don’t need our help. They see us as a sponsor and an easy target to milk for cash and young player talent. Can only give statewide league presidents 10min each!!! Spend afl money on local participation. Let them encourage and sponsor the elite.

• Stop reacting to the noisey minority and show some strong leadership. Make the hard decisions and explain to the community why we need to, rather than pandering and trying to please every interest group. Way too much government funding of business which stifles innovation and competition.

• cronyism, nepotism, government corruption, abuse of power, deployment of 5G towers and artificial intelligence - killer bots - pharmaceutical companies corruption into our health system, decriminalization of drugs, make Tasmania into a Healing beautiful Island using Permaculture Principles - make Tasmania the Healing Jewel of the World using ecovillage model - nurturing villages instead of nursing homes, integrative hospitals build among our crown lands using monolithic domes enhancing and building our connection with nature - FOCUS on healing us and nature - local economy - healing economy - slow economy - share is care - NO MORE GREED please!!!!

• Please more cycle paths

• Today, the single most important issue is the environment. Climate Change, species extinction, chemical pollution the dying oceans and overfishing, forest clearing, industrial farming etc. It should be at the forefront of all development, population growth and economic decision making. The future is at stake.

• Decriminalisation of cannabis use and home-growing ( at least for medical use)

• Leaders must stop over-development in Tasmania — especially via tourism. Greater understanding of the importance of conserving habitat — including remnant forests etc — needs to occur. A focus on health and education and the arts will improve our future. Stop dogs polluting our waterways and marine life.

• Reduce foreign ownership and help the average residents have a comfortable and peaceful lifestyle

• Rising inequality and coming up with imaginative innovative and non-populist ways to reduce it. The environment is the state’s biggest asset. It must be preserved but sensitive environmental tourism should be encouraged. That doesn’t mean building resorts in national parks. Improving education attainment is essential. That includes technology. Unless we improve Tasmanians’ education and technology standards, we won’t progress.

• Am sick of hearing the current government say ‘We’ve got a plan’ (for just about every portfolio that has problems). It’s time to ACTION some of these plans.

• We need politicians who are open, transparent and honest. They must represent the people of their electorates. They need to be intentional in their actions and be people of integrity and fine examples of this.

• Making Tasmania Australia’s greenest and fairest state and making that work for the economy.

• 1) tourists come for the native animals and natural beauty - reduce the roadkill, and prioritise protecting the wildlife and natural wonders. 2) no more pokies - they leech money out of the state and are very automated so employ very few staff for the money spent - support high people dependent industries that export or at least keep the $ spent here. 3) keep housing costs down for locals, and keep the accommodation prices reasonable for tourists. 4) turn the brooker into a freeway - under/overpasses to replace traffic lights, etc. 5) legalise marijuana and decriminalise other drugs - safe injecting rooms,etc - treat illegal drugs as a health issue and stop probation which only funds and encourages organised crime.

• Funding and incentives to restore and beautify our heritage buildings... including our Federation buildings!....Why...we need to preserve our’s a disgrace that private or local govt cannot afford to maintain the upkeep of these important buildings for present and future generations!.... Also in keeping with this theme we need to have in place greater protection and funding for Aboriginal sites.. Further more of a similar priority we need more funding and resources to protect and maintain our National Parks and Wildlife reserves.... tourism is loving it to death!!

• Climate change Housing affordability Inequality This country needs to go back to a 100% public health system Free university (this absolutely can be done, see economist Steve Keen for how affordable this would be to achieve)

• The housing crisis! We need laws stopping AirBnB’s from swallowing up all the potential rental properties.

• Stay out of given help to the MWCC

• Introduce living skills in upper primary school, and more advanced living and trade based skills in high schools.

• Rapidly increase renewable electricity production to allow for rapid growth in electric transport and the elimination of fossil fuels from the state as much as possible.

• Palliative care funding for tasmanians support for sexually abused children support for our refugee population climate action

• Fix Health! Fix Cost of Living! TAX Airbnb in Australia at 50%

• Close Nauru and Manus Island detention centres. Because they shame Australians.

• The most important is to aggressively develop the energy pump idea so that our electricity becomes the cheapest in Australia (world) thus encouraging manufacturing opportunities and jobs in our state.

• Tasmania’s drug problem

• Climate change is THE most important issue the world, including us, faces today. It should be a factor in every government and council decision and it is relevant, though ignored, to almost every question in this survey. It’s not even mentioned. Why? Todays politicians will be judged more than harshly by future generations for their stupidity, their greed, their lack of foresight or of preventive measures to slow the rise of carbon levels - where is their support for renewables etc? Their heads are in the sand. So many of us are in despair over this. Appalling!

• Every one I know, myself included, is concerned with the sale of property to international buyers. I believe the adversarial style of politics in Australia does not allow Australians to trust what politicians say. I want to see good ideas valued and discussed openly and fairly by all parties.

• We need to move from endless debate and surveys to achieve a single integrated strategy and take action. We have been going round and round in noisy decreasing circles.

• Please better protect Tasmania’s greatest assets - World Heritage listed national parks (no inappropriate high end tourism developments) and declare a Tarkine National Park.

• Climate Change Climate Change Climate Change Keeping our Wilderness Areas Free from commercial development

• Stop talking and DO it. Don’t waste money on anything. It is not your money.

• I thtink one of the main issues for me is transparency around political donations, as I would hate to see a repeat of this year’s example with the federal group and the liberal party. I also think we need more transparency and potentially some further regulations around foreign investment in land and housing.

• The environment, climate change and introducing laws that prevent foreign ownership of property and most importantly large farms

• First: Safe walk and bike paths state wide. Everyone also kids in school age and elderly people should be able to walk or bike safely on every street. It is not expensive to realise and it will improve traffic and health problems. Second: raise the ambitions on public transport. Lightrail is great as a start, more busses also on sundays. And a train between Hobart and Launceston/Devonport would be fantastic and create and better connection with the two ends of the Island

• Corruption and political donation reporting.

• I want our leaders, especially this current government, to stop lying, being evasive, secretive and to stop selling off our natural and built assets, they can lease some built assets. The current government only make themselves look like idiots by thinking they are cleverer than everybody else just by being elected.

• 1 Pay rises to be no more than CPI 2 If politicians are caught doing the wrong thing then they should be kicked out. They should be setting the example. 3 If they want the public’s opinion on contentious matters eg amalgamation of councils then it should be included on the State ballot paper and the result binding.

• Rid the state of the Greens disease. Reform the House of Assembly to single member electorates.

• Govt should support an A League team

• Govern for resident Tasmanians rather than for visitors and rip-off investors who are happy to spoil our environment to make money which they mainly spend elsewhere.

• i know it’s a pipe dream but more co-operation and less political point scoring between our 2 major parties would be a good start

• climate change pay equity protection of our natural forests and heritage protect what is uniquely Tasmanian not to be seduced by overseas investment and development at all costs. No more cruise boats dumping their pollutants in our water

• Less spending on “bridges to nowhere” and Macquarie Point planning schemes and MUCH MORE on Public Housing and Health Centres to take pressure off RHHO

• Australia is still one of the best places on the planet, however, the inadequate and cruel Newstart allowance and the way Centrelink attacks the most vulnerable in our society is a travesty. We need to develop a more compassionate ‘Australian’ welfare system that doesn’t mimic the callous American way of treating human beings. If welfare recipients received sufficient funding to live a supported dignified life there would be less crime, less depression, more happiness and a better quality of life leading to a more balanced and equitable society.Also, the banks should be severely penalised for what they have done to our real estate market, farmers, small business operators and struggling families. Shame on them!

• No building in National Parks Wilderness, no more “eco lodges, restrict number of tourists to World Heritage, Wilderness, Freycinet and Bruny Island

• Remove one tier of government. We do not need Federal, State and local. Get rid of one lower tier, Either State or Council.

• A vision and plan for the state - developed in conjunction with the community, with tri-partisan commitment. A long-term, shared commitment and investment is the only way we can hope to turn around the foundational challenges we face in housing, health and education.

• Climate change, improved bike paths and walking paths from Suburbs to the city, keeping natural areas, protecting wilderness and more dog walking areas and beaches which will help people’s heath by encouraging walking

• Need to increase the size of the Parliament to reduce workload on Ministers and cut staff/consultancy costs. Money into rail and not roads.

• It is admirable to be in the black but we’ve been here for 7 years and have seen little movement on new programmes. The health system needs big ideas and money to be spent sooner rather than later-we are getting older and need to attract younger working families Hobart is gorgeous because of its unique architecture-planning has to be carefully watched in the CBD. Big buildings away from the city with decent transport.

• Improve cycling infrastructure in and around Hobart CBD!!

• Increase number of lower house MP’s. The gene pool is too limited. Publicise all political donations as they are received - no exceptions and no hidden channels. We must follow the money. Decent journalism to match pre-election promises to post - . This is obvious. Decent journalism to challenge politician’s promises - e.g.funding over 4, 6, 10 years attracting simplified headlines.

• Stop the PR spin...We all know you are all mouth & trousers ! Stop the secrecy . Give our Public Servants a decent pay rise. You SAY we are all doing well...I do not believe you ! The previous Labor Govt was responsible for most of the current construction activity in Hobart at present...stop claiming it Libs . A balanced budget is absolute have an unfunded huge Superannuation Liability for the State’s ex Public Servants...until you address that, there can be no balanced budget ! The Libs are shifting money from GBE’s to make themselves look better. The Liberal Govt hasn’t actually done anything substantial since coming to power, they have been incredibly lucky with world & national circumstances....Please tell me what you have done FOR the Tasmanian COMMUNITY)..not international developers and the like...Stay out of the Cable Car proposal unless you are going to ban it ( it’s a white elephant waiting to happen )...You said you would fix the RHH “Mess”..well FIX IT ! Stop talking about “having a plan “! There are only 2 Politicians worth their salary at present...Ruth Forrest & Rob Valentine ( they appear honest & make sense) & lately Sue Hickey is actually giving the Lib’s a dose of reality...Well done !

• Stop subsidising the forestry industry. It has lost close to 1 Billion over the past 20 years. Reduce the number of gambling machines. They are a social destructor. Reduce the expansion of fish farms. They are ecological disasters. Stop Foreign Investment. I can’t buy land in say China. State Government to underwrite public liability for Eco Tourism Ventures. New Zealand can do it.

• -poor governance -two term politicians - no more careerists -abandon population growth policies -no accommodation businesses in the wilderness - fix traffic - more tourism infrastructure not more tourists

• Govern for community not elite and tourists Container deposits Preventative Health Climate change Ban foreign investment in housing and land. Encourage personal responsibility

• The role of older people in our community.

• The anti-development mentality of the state is what has been holding it back for so many years. Development is a natural evolution and must be embraced and encouraged.

• care of the elderly, pensions more money and housing and care, wage growth

• We want a factual based discussion on the development of aquaculture, not pseudo science and scare tactics

• In answer to question 2: I do not think that labour or liberals would make a better government. I do believe there is very little difference between the two parties and thus far neither have delivered on specific issues and continue to not deliver or look for solutions to issues.

• Greater services for mental illness prevention and treatment Measures to prevent homelessness Housing availability and unrealistic rental prices Driver education to include defensive driving course Preparation for improved aged care, including customised dementia facilities.

• Honesty, be who you are when we vote not just follow all party line votes.

• Fish farm pollution needs to be addressed.

• Stop giving themselves all the bonuses and pay raises. The government need to spend a month in the shoes of those living on a shoestring budget to realise how truly bad the situation is for some Tasmanians. Then, and only then will they understand why people are moving away from the state, and those that remain are struggling to make ends meet... Another key area is to stop the Greens from blocking key transport solutions such as the Mt Wellington cable car, and to stop them locking away Forestry regrowth forests, and to stop focusing on the “unsustainable” state of forestry, and industry that, whenever a tree is cut down, plants 6 more trees to replace it! If that isn’t sustainable, then I don’t know what is!

• Value what Tasmania is, not trying to make it something different which would end up being the same as anywhere else. Tassie is a very special place - that’s what people come here for. They can see glass tower hotels anywhere. Value our agriculture and related industries - they support our food and wine reputation, help them keep the ‘clean and green’ reputation through sensitive development. Keep and develop access to markets through the freight equalisation scheme, consider improving it so it’s more accessible and helpful to smaller producers, e.g., not just for sending product out for also for bringing new equipment and stud stock in. Make sure ongoing support is provided to our refugee communities, not just for a year or so after they arrive - their needs don’t just suddenly get better and we fail them. Help our children value education and employment, even if their parents don’t. Stop selling our island’s assets to foreign investment - it’s a tempting short-term proposition to have overseas investors but carefully consider the longer term implications. Support local investors instead where possible. Incorporate climate change into planning.

• Limiting population growth - our environment and infrastructure can’t cope. Bi-partisan support of a health plan for the state. Recognition of the importance and fragility of our natural environment and detailed plans on how it will be protected and supported. More transparency in public life including real time announcement of political donations, an integrity commission with real teeth, investment in and support for renewable energy

• Please widen Boyer road at Church Road

• Build infrastructure to cope with population increases before increasing population Ensure we dont have enclaves of crime and violence based around poor immigration policy Use Melbourne as an example of what not to do!!!


• our infrastructure is already oversburdened due to lack of forward planning - we do not need more people here, we can’t cope now

• In an ageing State, much better end of life attitudes and services including addressing the current abysmal access to palliative care at home and access to hospices, better alternatives to hospital care, respect for people’s wishes for voluntary assisted dying and surveys like this including questions about such things!

• Sustainable population growth

• Our skies. Light and sound pollution issues from new flight path system being rolled out behind the scenes by Airservices Australia currently which is set to destroy the South East Coast tourism brand. Safety is also being sacrificed in new system (proven). A Senate hearing needs to be had into this ASAP to avoid a proposed 20 year plan becoming a 20 year nightmare for residents, business-owners and tourists alike. If we can’t get a domestic system working properly, how can we ever expect successful introduction of international or freight flights without introducing strict Hobart Airport curfews? In tandem with this, changes and plans in general aviation (light aircraft movements) needs public scrutiny. Commercial interests are currently outweighing Tasmanian brand values, public amenity and safety. NEEDS ACTION NOW.

• Larger parliament- not enough talent and hired staff cost more to do the work lollies can’t do Collaboration instead of division Real forward planning

• A respectful pay rise for state service employees which will flow across our economy

• Standards of government service to the public Standards of care for kids in care (no more pimping, underage sex etc) Let people live - get government out of our lives and hugely reduce the number of Councils

• Climate change is Tasmania’s biggest issue and not addressed in this survey?!

• Encourage sensible development - approval or otherwise of attractions such as the Cable Car should be based on planning laws not emotive political ideology.

• Address homelessness. No person in our rich country should be without shelter, we just need a government dedicated to solving it. The government could set up an investment program similar to that used by the armed forces to encourage local investors to use the increased equity in their homes to invest in developing affordable housing that has a government guaranteed return. Student accomodation is important if we want to encourage tertiary education of country students. Tasmanian students should get priority of affordable student housing before interstate and international students. Students should not be evicted from student housing half way through their degree to be left homeless.

• Imagine our political leaders being able to stop defensive dialogue and find a way to really listen and work together with each other, and the people they represent on key issues so important for everyone. I think the old patterns and reactions between major political parties continually lower the potential for a heathy vibrant environment and are so boring and predictable ... big despondant sigh .... and are lazy and cowardly....we need leaders with clear broad inclusive vision...and there are definately some with these attributes and who have courage and wisdom...good survey...thank you

• Replace the Speaker from the House of Assembly with a government member focused on strong stable government. Hickey, Labor and the Greens are simply terrorists in our parliament at present. We live in fear each day of what the Speaker might do next!

• Mental health

• Support for education and health

• Making the funding and provision of public services their number 1 priority.

• Wage increases More bike tracks Affordable housing More jobs Company training audits Lower politician wages

• Salmon farming

• We need a tougher code of Ministerial conduct that is overseen and enforced by an independent body with strong investigative and punitive powers. The current system simply doesn’t work as the Premier is unlikely to ever risk undermining his government by exposing his own members’ dishonesty

• A cable car on Mt Wellington. State desperately needs more value adding tourism infrastructure

• Set up a regional coordinating body to plan urban design, transport connections, heritage protection, liveable cities and connected communities. With representation of councils, NGOs, planners, engineers, architects.

• The time it takes to get anything done in Tasmania . Whether it be road construction, building of a hospital, resolution of a dispute, planning, discrimination or court matters we seem to drag everything out. Either we as a State are incredibly inefficient or we desperately need streamlined processes to ensure uncertainty doesn’t become a stranglehold on our future sustainability.

• Local Government taking more advice from experts (CSIRO University’s UN) etc to better inform political decision making (they are doing all this research why can we not learn and benefit from this in areas such as climate science and population growth)

• build the cable car. allow david to build his hotel.

• First home owners supported. Keeping the waterfront unique and free of high-rise. Promoting and protecting our environment for tourism and our future. No Pokies. Cracking down on Ice to help with the decay it is causing in families, communities and the increase in crime. Make David Walsh a tourism consultant.

• Moving fish farms away from coast, rotating position of pens, reducing associated noise, nightlights pollution. Bush fire prevention and protection especially around Hobart- consider a buffer zone. More restrictions on poker machines.

• More issues, less politics. I am sick to death of their stupid squabbling. More independents in the system might bring some intelligence into the nuthouse.

• Change legislation to reduce the influence of lawyers and insurance companies on our lifestyle. Move away from a nanny state to one where people can make and be responsible for their own decisions. Let people sign away the responsibility of others and enjoy slightly riskier activities bearing any costs and consequences themselves. This has worked for the adventure tour operators in New Zealand and would improve our tourism industry as well as our everyday lives.

• Tax system, replace regressive income and profits taxes with progressive consumption taxes rich soend more than poor. Restructure welfare in tecognition that technology is evaporating jobs faster than creating them

• A coherent, inclusive 5 year plan for education that listens to all major stakeholders including teachers and business

• Having quotas on how many tourists can access certain places, whilst ensuring that locals can gain access at anytime. Having levies on keys places is ok (but free for Tasmanians) Restricting foreign ownership, but allowing foreign investment - maybe partnering with a local person - thus building local capacity. The current extension to year 12 in city schools is a joke. We must not ruin our great year 11 & 12 colleges, they are exemplary. Keep access for students in country areas. Our retention rates are not because students aren’t enrolling at college, these issues begin during high school years - but at that point they are still enrolled (so it looks better statistically), but many have poor attendance.

• Sustainable logging. No logging in Tarkine or other forests of international importantance. Stricter regulations for fish farming. More environmentally friendly electricity.

• High speed rail between Hobart and Burnie. Investment in electric car recharging infrastructure.

• health and education needs more funding

• Increase number of MP’s back to 35.

• Clear accountable government including: better FOI (faster); clear and immediate details of political donations (how much and who for any above $1,000); development in national parks and wilderness areas (sensitive & open decision making), increasing lower house members (increase the talent pool); less poker machines (social damage is enormous) and more/better walking & cycling paths to assist with traffic problems.

• Food education to reduce obesity and health problems, subsidised healthy canteens in school, more ambitious education system, embrace multiculturalism and educate to avoid racism.

• WE need a real leader - not politicians, simple

• Spend more of the money earned from National Parks fees on protection of the parks than on showcase visitor centres. We need to protect what people come to see and not allow the extra foot traffic and human waste destroy our valuable natural assets. Limit aquaculture to sustainable levels because the market is already turning against our companies in response to their bad practices. An environmentally responsible industry has a much longer term profitable future than one seeking to push out ever increasing volumes of product.

• Support of the aquaculture industry to grow sustainably

• Climate change

• The Parliament needs to be restored to 35 members so that whichever party s in power will have enough MPs to take on ministries. It’s currently almost a case of everyone gets not one but several guernseys no matter how inept or inexperienced they are.

• Use of renewable energy and green technologies. Tasmania could be a leader in this area

• Long term planning not just a few months ahead.

• A focus on schooling, primary and high school especially for regional areas. Better education opportunities for next generation will improve the economy, health issues and crime.

• Build the cable car for tourism.

• Listen to the people.

• Consider the impacts of climate change in all areas

• Infrastructure most importantly. Roads and rail. Many rural roads under local council control suffer very poor maintenance. Dust pollution from gravel roads a health hazard. Loose gravel and playground gravel used on some roads a safety hazard. Gravel roads in rural residential areas especially.

• Greater transparency in government. (Who’s donating what to whom?!) Fewer or no pokies; Mental health care and funding.

• Support the Mt Wellington cable car

• Preserve Tasmania’s national parks and wilderness. Preserve heritage buildings, parks, art, cultural facilities and libraries.

• Education, health, safe transport systems and protecting the environment from over development are important. We should not compromise what we are now(which is a beautiful and special place (I am an immigrant drawn to the magic of this place)) for a state driven by commercial profit from tourism and/or development. Our beauty and uniqueness will draw more visitors than eg developing a cable car up Mt Wellington. Using that example once the change is made it cannot be undone and being up the mountain last weekend looking around that beautiful, rugged, unspoilt attraction, it does not need more. Further education of our youth both academically and in health and the arts is important.

• Climate change

• Both Launceston and Hobart need single councils for their forward development. The currently divided cities are suffering from lack of cohesion in development and the councils compete for funds to maintain and have the same services available within a few kms of each other.

• Less focus on themselves and more on the taxpayers they are meant to serve! MJor infrastructure plan for Hobart.

• Overseas land/property investment - we’re allowing too much.

• WE need a cable car on the mountain

• Do not allow foreign investment and we do not want Muslims here

• We need to look after what makes Tasmania great - it’s wild areas and pristine environment, unique experiences and high quality, disease-free agricultural produce among the most important.

• can they just tell the truth and keep the crap to a minimun

• Regulate AirBNB’s in Tasmania; Make cyclists wear high-vis clothing; Fine drivers more for using mobiles while driving; Ensure Local Govt. have regulations in place to protect home/property owners from drop-kick neighbours who allow trees and vegitation to grow over their fences, thereby devaluing the owners property. Nobody seems to want to do anything about it, even candidates running for Local Govt. elections, haven’t got a clue how this impacts on residents lifestyles and comfort.

• International Students + Visa holders sending all earnings back to their own countries, Therefore not contributing to the local community and economy.

• Children’s therapy and disability services. More funding for assessment and therapy for example brain injuries. Why do we have St Giles and not a true government children’s therapy service? What happened to the Children’s therapy review study???

• Long term goals, not four-year cycles; Less conflict, more compromise between major parties; Listen to community ideas for preferred, not probable futures - government needs to change the direction of policy so that it does not continue with unpopular ideas like tourist development at expense of environment, prioritising tourists ahead of residents.

• Just stop this madness of ‘developments’ (destroying) our magnificent National Parks and WWHA. It is just ludicrous.

• Trickle down economics, global economy isn’t working “the peasants are revolting” Wizard of Id

• Get actively busy on providing Hobart traffic bypasses. Stop discouraging and restricting parking which restricts and hampers public access and therefore business. Provide more Police, Teachers, Nurses and Doctors. Properly fund and support hospitals. Improve state infrastructure to support growth of business, tourism and population.

• Lack of serious support for Salmon Industry

• The difficulties in getting council approvals for minor and major developments

• decentralisation

• Leaving the gun laws alone. and focus on criminals

• Public Transport where I live (Kingston Beach) is a disgrace. A bus every 2 hours (or 1/ hour if you are willing to go via Blackmans Bay) on a Friday or Saturday night and a lousy service for the rest of the time is not good enough!

• Decentralise Hobart by encouraging businesses to move out of the city centre. It would help with traffic congestion. Many specialty shops in town that would do just as well out in suburbs. Maybe some kind of tax incentive or relocation allowance to move. Tighten up laws to stop anti fish farm green groups from posting misleading and slanderous information on social media. Potentially putting jobs at risk. Abolish stamp duty or reintroduce a first home buyers grant to help with entry into an increasingly unaffordable housing market.

• Stop listening to noisy micro-minority groups, eg, cyclists. Stop wasting money on rarely-used cycle lanes. Stop turning major arterial roads into obstacle courses. Focus on making Hobart more liveable for residents. Ban all commercial developments in National Parks. Preserve Hobart’s heritage and culture by preventing developments above 4 or 5 stories; highrise developments dwarf existing buildings and create shadows and wind tunnels. Hobart is cold enough as it is! Prevent further development in the CBD until AFTER Hobart’s traffic congestion has been solved. Stand up to self-interested developers such as the Federal Group and the Fragrance Group. Tasmania for Tasmanians, not Tasmania for the highest bidder.

• Make planning decisions more promptly to speed up development. Stop making decisions to benefit party donors which is against public interest. Find ways to improve representation - our politicians and councillors are decision-averse and often just not fit for purpose.

• Advise all voters of all donations received by all parties prior to election date so voters are informed of which donors are attempting to buy political favor ie the lobby for poker machines as an example.

• The salmon industry and particularly TASSAL is the most important industry and generator of income to this state. THE MOST SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTOR. it needs to be recognised, encouraged and fully appreciated. TASSAL is vital to Tasmania. 10,000 jobs linked to the salmon industry. An amazing industry where Tasmania is buoyant. It provides incentive, drive, purpose, role modelling, a great product and it’s sustainable and extremely well run. We should be proud beyond words. The Mercury and media need to fully understand the importance of Tassal and support its promotion. Tassal is world class !!!


• wages in the small business sector are below wages in public sector. This is the revers of what should be happening. Enterprise and risk need to be rewarded. Tasmania’s public service conditions are extremely good.

• Affordable housing.

• They should identify the communities needs and focus attention on achieving the required outcomes rather than focussing attention on themselves.

• Keep Tassie unique and different. Support job creation and sustainable industries - aquaculture and renewables and appropriate tourism. Prioritise the natural environment and lifting educational outcomes.

• Tas needs a moritorium on salom farms ie no expansion of leases until independent science based base line then full community engagement in potential new snd existing sites then monitoring by independent body not the current practice. Listen to the community consider the effect on people

• Non-existent adequate dental services. Low-cost preventative health programmes. Housing maintenance finance upgrades to facilitate a higher volume of properly cared-for homes.

• Rural community health care. Looking after the homeless people in Tasmania. Keeping foreign (Chinese) investment out of Tasmania

• Support Aquaculture and help get the community trust. Salmon Farming is leading edge science and technology that will continue to improve. Support and encourage them to continue to achieve great results for Tasmania, Tasmanians (and Australia) and help them strive for improvements and be the worlds best. The minority backlash is ridiculous.

• Get the cable car built and stop wasting time with it.

• Calculate a sustainable ‘target’ population for australia and the states and adjust policies accordingly. eg 25 million for australia. Aim to reduce the birth rate, adjust skilled immigration and increase orderly refugees intake to meet the population target

• Political leaders spend too much time trying to come up with about trying some prevention strategies. It saves money, reduces sickness, reduces social problems and creates a more positive culture.

• Better Transport to rural communities to help youth access schools, tafe,universities and employment Eg Cygnet,Woodbridge, Cradoc and further south

• Priority number one should be the rail network. Every major city has a functioning train system and we should develop one before the population gets too big and it becomes too late to start

• Number of accidents being caused by tourists bad driving. The issues being caused by Air Services Australia mishandling organising plane routes. Planning for the impact of climate change and development of a statewide fund to protect infrastructure against sea incursions. Strengthen the fire and emergency response groups.

• Stop changing priministers and promote aquaculture

• A proper climate change strategy

• The State needs to develop a Strstegic Vision to 2050 with clear goals. Strong business community that feeds into and draws from a strong education platform that will then support better health outcomes. If we get this right we will then have a State where education is relevant and connected into business and students will see relevancy to their education and be inspired and have aspirations - and then this, through better education will lead to better health outcomes

• Cap fish farm growth and expansion

• Bold vision for education and linkages to current and emerging industries with pathways to support this. All schools to extend to year 12, even if this means efficiencies in regional areas. Additional resources to be drawn from industry and business connections with stronger VET programs in place as well as character and personal development opportunities for all children in all schools.

• more accountability from politicians. Stop backdoor deals between politicians and big business.

• Change Competitive Neutrality Laws to eliminate unfair protection of single businesses and industries

• Stop stifling development in Hobart.

• Royal commission into the use of consultants providing services to government rather than employing qualified public servants - too much infrastructure seems to be commission driven, the more it costs, then the more the consulting firm gets paid, all at the expense of improved design/outcome per public dollar spent

• Protection of Forests- Making theTarkine a wholly protected Area- Making the Citycenter a Car free Area-keep the Area around the Harbour as open and peoplefriently as possible-restrictSalmonfarming which is Polluting our Fishinggrounds and are driven by Greed.Encourage BusserRvice especially METRO to improve-more Training of young,unemployed young people,Rehabilitation of Prisoners and Help with succesful integration back into Society.Better preservation of our Heritage buildings- and OPEN GOVERNMENT.

• State Government MUST give EPA more power to restrict the over development of Aquaculture and Forestry industries Build another Hospital on a greenfields site, have regional Medical Centres in surrounding high density areas, such as Kingston, Bellerive and Glenorchy Invest more in Drug Intelligence, and Rehabilitation Centres

• Population growth

• Lead - Don’t follow public opinion

• The failing state of the health system, which I see every day working on the front line. Funding must be increased and healthcare workers need a pay rise, as the job market here is not competetive with the mainland and it is difficult to attract employees. Traffic congestion and the rising cost of living also needs to be addressed. I would like to see our wilderness and national parks preserved, not opened for development.

• The number of liquor licences being handed out. Over saturation in the city make it hard for business outside the waterfront.

• Instead of continuous talk fests, the government needs to start doing something about traffic congestion in Hobart. Spend money!

• Climate change is the No.1 issue facing Hobart, Tasmania and the world. I’m surprised it was glossed over in this survey. Everything else is irrelevant if it isn’t addressed.

• Small government that doesn’t interfere with my life. Stability so I can plan for my future, and not have to adjust to new taxes. A realisation that one man’s pay rise is another man’s job, and just increases the overall cost of living. I want government to reduce spending - improving education is important, but this can be done with policies, not increasing expenditure

• Cable Car - Would be great for the state Control Building Heights in Hobart No Salmon Farming in pristine recreational areas.

• Stop selling off Tasmania to overseas investors, if we can’t buy in their countries then they can’t buy in ours. Celebrate Tasmania’s uniqueness and stop being influenced by other cultures and what they want when living or visiting Tasmania.

• No cable car!

• Stop treating politics as a game and start thinking about governing over the long term, for the benefit of the community.

• As a young family having lived interstate and overseas i really believe it’s time to put in rail over the entire state and light rail. The tracks are there and it is ridiculous not to use them. Also many people moving from sydney don’t drive and older generations are suffering from isolation due to the fact the rely on someone to drive them or taking irregular buses on congested roads. Hobart will be one of the greatest cities in the world if only there was functional public transport

• Keep wilderness areas wild, no developments within parks in particular within wilderness aresa. Address climate change, support electric vehicles (lead the push to 100% renewable power, provide incentives for electric vehicles). Become a shining light for clean, green and sustainable.

• Tasmania needs a govt that is brave enough to make the touch decisions to allow the state to move ford, Real Leadership.

• These are the weirdest range of questions to ask and I’m not sure how you’ll get anything useful out of it. But most disappointing is that all of these questions are premised on the idea that Tassie needs to keep growing, keep trying to get a bigger population and more tourists and sending more things overseas and more and more and more. It’s this obsession that the privilieged have with more and more and more that is making life for the rest of us incredibly difficult. Rental shortages, housing unaffordibility, traffic, tourists in formerly quiet and peaceful places, rising waste and water pollution issues... All of this is because Tasmanian leaders and this newspaper don’t have the intellectual bravery to consider whether growth is good, and for whom. Editorials filed weekly implore us that it is almost a moral responsibility to make as much money as we can at the moment, and only considers those who are left behind as a footnote. So I’d love for someone - anyone - with a voice to actually have the guts to question whether any of the developments happening in Tasmania today are really good for the whole.

• Stop aligning with leftists! No such thing as climate change. It’s cyclical, it’s called weather.

• Open true consultation with affected groups where they may be affected by Government actions. That Tasmanians rights take a preference over visitors/tourists. Stop the selling off of Tasmania’s heritage buildings. To learn from the mainlands mistakes.

• Progress in Hobart has to happen, we cannot sit idle and hope that our old buildings will bring in tourists.

• Why is the Cable Car not listed as an important infrastructure option in this survey? Build it!

• Improve public transport, ie via buses,ferry or light rail. Fix the State’s disastrous health system, employ more doctors,nurses and support staff. Open suburban clinics operating longer hours to lift load from HH Emergency. Increase funding to Ambulance services to put more vehicles and Ambos on the road.

• Tasmania needs a cable car as it will allow many to access the mountain and see Hobart and its beautiful surrounds. As an aging population not everyone can walk, cycle and drive up there . I believe its time this was allowed to go ahead and the politicians need to stand up for the majority of Tasmanians.

• Make all political donations public within a month. The Mercury should be less biased towards Liberals.

• Co-ordinating, connecting, linking many niche businesses both tourism and food/wine to ensure maximum incomes from many diverse streams.

• Macquarie Point hotel complex, shopping ‘Harbour Town’ and not dfo, as well as adventure hub to start to unlock adventure tourism

• We need a new Health Minister as the current one appears to be an incompetent fool and the problem to hand has escaped his capacity to correct. If the Premier waits any longer then the Community will take action and the Premier will look like a fool

• We’re good at finding and focusing on what’s wrong or failing - and at seeking to fix those things. We need to be equally good at finding, understanding, building on and proliferating our successes, what we get right. It’s all too often we break things that are working well when trying to fix other problems. Let’s lead the world in the search for success.

• To support the MWCC project as I believe it is a significant tourist and local attraction that will boost jobs and the economy whilst providing better ecological protect to Mt Wellington (reduction of traffic), all year access, and an improved inclusive experiance to better cater for elderly and disabled children and adults.

• Cable car and better access for all Improved and wider development for Hobart city

• Wood smoke pollution. We need bans on burning wood in all towns and cities.

• Stop hindering development of tourism projects

• Curb the influence of the extreme right wing politicians eg Abetz.

• The disproportionate amount of people on welfare in Tasmania. Drains too much from govt financial resources. Increases cost of running healthcare. Need a work for the dole scheme.

• The main one is health..the political classes should hang their heads in shame...their attitudes/policies Show contempt for the poorer people ..shame on them and their private health policies. Secondly, our state is unique, if we change it for developers profit..we will be as interesting as any other place one visits...protect our natural environment...stop,logging primary forests...enable diversity in our communities so that they are a good place to visit and are unique to their little part of the world. Ferry and rail services are a must..and leave the city as it is...we do not want the same look as other capital cities....they are all the same and boring.

• Assist in anyway possible the Tasmanian Farmers Co Operative.

• Access to Mt Wellington by cable car. Not only a better solution than driving up but also more environmentally friendly.

• Light Rail and Ferry to connect suburbs with city. Creating more accessible land for new property development and lower housing.

• Making it illegal to hit a child, as many countries have already done. We don’t allow it for adults or animals. A line needs to be drawn.

• Elect me in a few years when I run.

• Drop the 2% pay cap that was brought in to save money and jobs during the GFC. That is well and truly over and done with now! “Tasmania is booming” According to the Liberal government. Who are just being typical greedy pigs, not removing the pay rise cap to keep their precious budget looking good. No public owned assets should be sold off. This government is not representing their employers. The tax payers of Tasmania! They’re representing themselves and their big business donors.

• Stop the HCC’s attempts to stifle housing supply. Medium density residential projects are blocked all the time. It’s a social justice issue—a bunch of people who probably really do convince themselves they’re progressive by pandering to NIMBYs are just hurting the poor by preventing new housing being built to alleviate the housing crisis. It’s holding Tasmania back at a moment of historic inflection, and its most vulnerable are suffering for it.

• Hobart needs to follow other innovative cities eg Lisbon, and prevent inner city high rise to retain its beauty and identity. Tasmania must retain as much wilderness as possible because it is disappearing rapidly elsewhere and this is what attracts people to the state.

• Housing prices, limit foreign ownership of houses and agricultural land, limit number of investment properties. Banning single use plastic bags and containers

• Wilderness world heritage management and development issues How do old and new industries align to work together into the future - make Tasmania progressive and not always corrupt and assisting mates through political donations and favouritism

• Proper transparency in government, including donations, as promised by the current government, and not the clandestine BS that we are getting now, e.g. Lake Malbena. There needs to be a proper code of conduct for parliamentarians, especially ministers, both state and federal government. Brooks and Courtney should be properly disciplined, in fact dismissed. We need a functional anti-corruption watchdog.

• I want members of both state and local governments to focus on our common good not their own personal ambitions to climb the political ladder

• I want the State Liberal government to honour their pre-election commitment to have Hobart Rail up and running within 5 years and get on with it!

• Environment.......filthy fish farms should be forced to be land based. ....leave the forests alone........stop foreign investors buying our major agricultural farms.......stop high risers in Hobart.....

• Pro cable car but anti Adrian Bold’s proposal. A good proposal should involve, enhance and excite Tasmania not divide, obstruct and ignore the community. Bad process.

• Not being afraid to embrace new ideas that will benefit local business and tourism and will generate money for infrastructure and make Hobart an exciting place to visit, such as the proposed Cable Car which would enable tourists and Tasmanian’s access to Mt.Wellington and enjoy the views over the whole of Hobart. Access that would also enable people with disabilities and school groups to be able to do this.

• Enable a Cable car for Mt Wellington

• Reduce councils to 3

• The influx of Asian’s who are buying up Tasmanian property. There should be a review on how much and where. In New Zealand, a lot of suburbs are out of bounds caused by the local population unable to afford property. We need to look at this so that Tasmania doesn’t fall for the same issues. Also, Tafe needs to be better funded and supported so it can offer courses to propel Tasmania into the future.

• I just want the government to stop interfering in my life. Live & let live should be our approach and government should only interfere in absolutely critical circumstances.

• I want Peter Gutwein to grant the Mount Wellington Cableway Company a permit so they can conduct geotech and other survey work to allow them to submit a development application for their cable car up Mt Wellington.

• Less Chinese investment. Less immigration. Progressive but sensitive development in the state.

• 1. Scrapping the 2% salary cap as having wages fail to keep pace with inflation is hurting Tasmanian families and leaving them with less to spend, thus having a dampening effect on our economy. 2. Electoral reform to restore the lower house to 35 seats as there clearly is not enough talent in the current government to manage the portfolios they have. Costs are also higher with less politicians as they have hired so many extra advisors and consultants. 3. Replacement of the Integrity Commission with a more powerful ICAC body as greater oversight is required to rebuild trust in our elected representatives.

• the southern outlet going into Mcquarrie st the bottle neck in peck hour maybe looking into closing of an oncoming lane of a morning from Davey like what happens on the Tasmanian bridge of a morning something is better than nothing as traffic is on the increase from the Channel no point in more lanes on the outlet that will increase more bottle neck

• Mount Wellington’s views are incredible. The Organ Pipes are amazing. Let’s have the best access for all to see these up close without touching the ground and disturbing the fauna and flora. Environmentally friendly tourist transport. Pinicle Rd is far too dangerous and will only become more busy, giving Ferntree a break from excess traffic. Go the cable car....

• Maintain the architectural and historic nature of Hobart buildings. Restrict new building locations and height. Kick the University and Antarctic facilities off the waterfront and make it more accessible to the residents, especially at Mac Point. Fire the Mac Point development team and replace them with smart conservative business people who understand they have a responsibility to perform. Build the Mt. Wellington cable car to run from Mac Point/Domain to Knocklofty then to the mountain top. Send Cassie O’Conner overseas on a one way ticket.

• Improved communication, transparency and accountability . The use of lying by ommission needs to stop, together with the use of fake news to manipulate.

• Make the cable car happen!!! The current designs are perfect!

• 1 Shortage of affordable housing is a critical issue in the State at the moment and deserves a partisan resolution. 2 Lifting Tasmanian children out of poverty. No child should be hungry, without proper housing and basic nessesities.

• Why is tourism and the building of new tourism accommodation, and the push for more people to live here, a top priority in this state, when the current hospitals can’t cope. If a person has to wait more than 2 years for a simple operation, what would happen if two tourist buses collided head on, where would the patients go for treatment? As for accommodation, the current water/sewerage and other utilities are not going to cope with increases unless upgrades are made. In our local area, there has been a lot of people from the mainland move here, and now all of a sudden Council is spending money, because some of these people are not happy with the facilities on hand. If they don’t like what was already provided, why have they moved here.

• I want Peter Gutwein to grant the Mount Wellington Cableway Company a permit so they can conduct geotech and other survey work to allow them to submit a development application for their cable car up kunanyi/Mt Wellington.

• Climate change.

• Get that bloody cable car up and running. It will be the best thing for Hobart at minimal cost

• Lack of regional health centres, particularly, would ease pressure on RHH.

• Build a hospital near Bellerive. Shopping centre near Mona. Increase Metro Bus services. Light Rail. All to vote on the Cable Car.

• Misinformation and fake news.

• Mt Wellington cablecar Voluntary euthanasia policy Foreign land ownership

• Mt Wellington cable car is a great opportunity and the bias shown by HCC and its inability to assess the project of state significance on its merit requires addressing.

• Education for our future leaders & health for our current population

• We need a cable car for Mt Wellington as a priority it is a project of state significance to help drive our tourist state tag.

• Discuss ways of bringing more people to live in the State.

• More affordable housing for pensioners to rent. Pensions are nowhere near keeping up with private rental increases and there is a large shortfall in afforable rental accommodation. A review of housing criterias for accomodation. Just because I’m a pensioner with no-one currently living with me I still have children and grandchilden who may need to stay over occasionally necessitating a second bedroom. I am also a Secretsry of an staye organisation and need space for a computer and printer set up with NBN access. Light rail and the czble car proposal need to be fast tracked. The rail will encourage business to set up close to the line and, if done correctly like Perth did, it will remove some of the individual sole occupant vehicles and reducd congestion. The cable car will provide a safer way to the summit of Kunyani/Mt Wellington than the current narrowing, crumbling edged road.

• amalgamate councils; get a statewide planning scheme, stop saying no

• The Mount Wellington Cable Car proposal. The heavy anti bias of the Hobart Council has shown them unable and unwilling to properly assess this project which is of state importance not just Hobart.

• Allow the Mt Wellington Cable Car to be properly accessed. Get the City deal done. Move the Mac point sewerage plant and get on with developing the site. Ensuring that sensible development is given the opportunity to be accessed rather than than the anti everything brigade getting a disproportionate share of voice.

• I am born and bred Tasmanian. All I see is Tasmania getting worse. My lifestyle here is already suffering from increases in tourism and mainlanders moving here. Driving anywhere is now horrendous. I have had to move back with my mum because I can’t afford to buy a house because the prices have been pushed so high by mainland and foreign investment. And you compete with way too many people for a rental. Who gets rich from tourism? Seems to me it’s only making life worse for ordinary Tasmanians. I’m scared of the day my favourite secret beach is overrun by tourists. I think residents that support tourism are extremely naive. Tasmania is on a crash course to be loved to death. On the issue of health this government has no vision. 24 hour bulk billing gp clinics should be set up in Glenorchy, Sorell and Kingston where the time wasters that go to emergency should be going.

• I will not vote for any candidate or party that sees Tourism as the magic bullet, as the ‘driver of growth’ doing so these people are rapidly creating an environment where the lifestyle that we have enjoyed for generations is irrevocably damaged this is not a zoo for the tourism barons to exploit- the situation is already being mismanaged and our congested roads, state reserve camping grounds, national parks and water ways are already past the point of being peaceful, enjoyable spaces....parties and candidates that have a plan for the development and export of renewables technologies and the creation of a vibrant, high end agricultural export industry speak to my grandchildren’s, my children’s and my own future.

• Reduce the number of houses on Airbnb. Far too many and it is affecting small family run self contained accommodation businesses. It’s not a fair playing field.

• For Tasmania to not necessarily vote for their favourite political family.Greens, Labour or Liberal.And vote for the organisation who makes the most sense.

• Take the Mt Wellington cable car project out of the hands of the Hobart City Council as a binding and conclusive Referendum would uphold Mercury surveys that 7 in 10 Tasmsnians want it!

• Build a ring road around CBD. Have buses doing city loops

• Infrastructure. Limit of population growth (what is the big picture? - what is the ‘sustainable aim’?). Quality tourism. Audits on organisations like MWCC who lie about so-called ‘consultation’.

• Capital City council more open when dealing with propsals not to purposely road block at every opportunity. Give development proposals a fair and unbaised hearing so we can get a fair assessment from the trained staff they employ. Rather than operating outside of their authority scope. This is more true when we are looking at state investors, amenities for all, trying to promote a green state and reduce environmental emmsions

• Climate change and protecting the environment more generally!

• Cable car for Mt Wellington

• Address Climate change- Mining and resources are not the way forward - these are the backbone of developing economies. They have a part to play in a developed technological advanced society but not the lowest denominator style we do here in tas.

• Crime

• Build the cable car !!!

• Make voting compulsory and merge Councils to reduce the self-interest of greens and anti-development groups e.g. South Hobart residents opposition to the Mt Wellington cableway, Wilderness Society and tge Bob Brown Foundation

• Stop funding elite mainland sports such as AFL

• Build the cable car

• Getting past the anti-everything brigade. Tasmania will never thrive whilst we have people like Bob Brown wanting to lock the place up!

• In regards to more police presence, I feel we need to implement a visible “Motorway patrol” team in order to curb dangerous, idiotic driving and road rage incidents. Also in regards to education and youth crime, perhaps alternate education would help wayward youth, because for many, their offending begins with bullying and frustration at school (many young people don’t learn in a largely populated classroom).

• A top public transport system please and big picture thinking. Yes tourism is important for us now but it is not a sustainable industry so need to build other strengths.

• Much more affordable housing for Tasmanians because I know a man who’s been homeless for years because he can’t afford private rental. There needs to be an inquest into Child Safety Services and their treatment of birth parents and Legal Aid need to fund legal representation for the birth parents, regardless if perceived merit!

• Strict height limit in CBD Control and limit Airbnb No chairlift to Mt Wellington No Battery Point cycle/walkway Paper information for elderly non-tech users

• AirBNB is a disgrace. Get rid of it, or regulate it to stop investors converting properties from long term rentals to AirBNB. Urgently amalgamate the Hobart City Council with Glenorchy and Kingborough to create two councils covering the greater Hobart area - one western shore and one eastern shore council.

• The lack of strategic planning from local councils and the ability to link those to actionable outcomes. City councils need to be merged. Regional councils probably need to stay as is.

• caps on foreign investment/ownership. regional economic development & provision of tertiary education to regional areas. adequate funding for mental health and drug rehabilitation.

• AirBnB and the impact it’s having on the rental market. Improving wages so we have a degree of parity with the mainland. Making political donations more transparent and implementing real time reporting of donations or remove donations all together and make elections publicly funded. Increase the number of reps in the house in order to allow government to function without members taking on multiple ministries. Lobbying to improve NBN services, rip up and replace FTTN connections where possible and keep Tasmania on Fibre.

• Transparency. Please. The current mob seem to take us for a pack of fools. Thank goodness for Sue Hickey, she seems to be prepared to talk openly and with honesty and integrity. The whole election campaign funding secrecy really stinks.

• Housing - reduction in AirBnb’s ability to register properties and restrictions in unit complexes Jobs - more intiatives for graduates

• Transparancy. Secretiveness (’State interest’ crap) and lying. Looking after rich mates (developers etc) - the ‘old boys’ network. Stop ANY development in National Parks and World Heritage areas!!!!

• local ICAC and full transparency of govt decisions

• fully funded CGM’s fr all diabetics.....$2,500 a year sure beats paying $150k for an amputation. we need to develop a marijuana growing industry...if the govt taxed it at 20% or even 25%, we would have enough money to fix all the roads, all the health things, all the emergency service hirings, build houses to house every homeless person.....and still have money left.....if we did this as a state, it would prove we don’t need the GST pennies they placate us with

• Significant catch up pay rise for public servants.

• A fair & rigorous Planning system which supports and retains both our heritage built and natural environments. A properly funded and soundly administered health system. A Tourism Levy to provide for the development of appropriate visitor infrastructure and Tourism policy that does not ride roughshod over local needs and priorities. World class regional development that is sensitive to local needs and the features of our Tasmanian way of life.

• I Do not want pollies to bang on about terrorism or law and order - all in order to scare people. Honest open and no more of this rubbish of not fully publishing all policies well before the election date.

• Less talk and just get on with the task. We are sick and tired of listening to Politicians promising the world and only delivering debt. And please,no Bill Shorten lead Federal Government. We can only take so much.

• Federally? Address climate change. State: increase the size of Parliament

• We need real political leadership on macro reform issues. This means making hard decisions to prepare us for the future rather than catering to the whims of a noisy few. This means fixing education, health, justice and local government. It also means being prepared to see our state evolve on an economic & investment basis rather than being too scared to make decisions in case they don’t get voted in again. If we continue to accept the status quo we are compromising the future of our children and that’s just not acceptable!

• Crime - sentences need to fit the crime. They do not currently. I suspect this is due to the jail being full. Give harsh penalties, penalties that serve as a deterrent. Prisoner numbers will increase initially, but when the deterent factor kicks in, hopefully less prisioners. Currently the penalty for speeding in a car is more than assaulting someone. Also, every breach of bail should result in the full sentence having to be served. Second offences of simular crimes (ie dishonesty, violence, sexual abuse) should not be eligible for bail. Traffic congestion is a major problem. SPEND money, build bypasses, stop procrastinating. Public transport is expensive and irregular from my area (Margate). It is cheaper to drive and saves me 1hr per day through nit having to wait for multiple connecting buses. Parties need to focus on their strengths. Currently they try to get a step up by criticising the other party and scare tactics. Pathetic schoolyard antics. Grow up!

• Public transport to places such as Collinsvale.

• I want politicians to abide by their ‘promises’ and not to hide the fact they will be implemented in the following term of government ie after four years. The biggest issue Tasmania is facing is lack of future planning. This has been an issue created by successive governments over the past 50 or so years. Lack of infrastructure planning in particular, has created many of the issues we are facing in health, education and roads. Politicians just make statements that help them survive the electoral cycle, They think we are fools - we are not. We see through this fluff and spin. A politician being honest enough to simply say ‘we’re not doing well enough’ would get my vote any time, compared to one who just says what he/she wants me to hear that is primarily based on news polls.

• Transparent government on all acounts! Stop interference with local Council.

• Remove major planning issues from local councils & move them under the state government’s jurisdiction

• Will Hodgeman invited the world to come and stay. He didn’t make sure he had a spare bed and he didn’t stock the first aid kit. He wants our natural environment to be developed and sold off to overseas developers he has no idea how special our home is because I doubt he has ever bothered to see it. He has encouraged growth but has neglected his own people. He wastes money on football teams and car racing rather than pay for the essentials like health, education and shelter.

• There needs to be more transparency and honesty in politics. Federals involvement in the state election still isn’t clear and without appropriate disclosure laws it will continue to smell.

• the mass growth of outer suburbs such as sorell, kingston, howrah/oakdowns & the northern suburbs, without creating any infrastructure to support them. highway bypassing the city, extra lanes on the bridge, there are too many bottlenecks and serious money needs to be spent ASAP to alleviate this.

• Health and education are the two most important things that need to be addressed!

• speed limit reductions on state wide roads.

• Fix the roads and the hospitals, then fix education.

• Heads are buried in the sand of a 3 year election cycle whilst politicians deny deny deny issues that they think may risk their position if they strive to fix them. Best example is denial of a traffic issue in Hobart...

• Increased number of parliamentarians = increased number of Ministers. I feel really sorry for Ministers with numerous portfolios.

• Royal Hobart hospital fiasco!

• Voluntary Assisted Dying law. 70% of Tasmanians want it and the other 30% don’t have to chose it! It’s about time!

• Action on climate change.

• Anew replacement for the Tasman Bridge. Long term planning!

• A Tarkine National Park NOW!

• There are far too many people “living off the fat of the land” in Tasmania. Greenies, druggies, and dole bludgers don’t make any contribution. Their government benefits need to be reviewed with a view to their working to their full capacity.

• Health and hospitals - more wards and nurses More bus services, light rail and ferries to reduce congestion and provide better road and transport infrastructure

• Climate Change!!!! Public transport- light rail is a must Renewable energy

• International investment is good but also keeping Australia businesses in Australian hands and keep profits here and not be sent overseas.

• No UTAS moved from Newnham to Inveresk

• Long term vision for sustainable salmon farming based on reduced number of fish farms

• Selling off public assets is wrong. Keep national parks for everyone and open to all. No private development in them. Keep tasmania a unique place. We dont need skyscrapers and overdevelopment. Take care in sustainable growth. No overpopulation. Honesty and transparency in govt. No cable car. Improve health and education. Stop wealthy developers from railroading locals.

• The issues of Tourist Levies, more National Parks and Light Rail are populist and unfunded or impractical and should only proceed after a 25 year costing analysis, which would expose costs the community cannot afford

• Be more pro-active not re-active.

• Bring back passenger rail and support decentralization of commercial districts - this will ease congestion in Hobart as commuters will start moving in the opposite direction to the current peak, as well as enriching those in regional areas. The new commercial centres must only be in areas where all locals welcome it. This may mean developing them in areas where very few people live.

• Bridgewater bridge (BUILD IT)

• Infrastructure, stop and reduce migrant visa holders moving to tasmania, remove tasmania as regional area for migration visa holders, hospital, rental crisis, cost ofliving, take control of population growth

• The compulsion to grow the population at an exponential rate is not the best vision for the future. The infrastructure isn’t coping now which equates to quantity crushing quality. All of the reasons that make people want to live in Tasmania are slowly being eroded by growth that is too fast too soon. Greed by top-end investors and developers are not in the best interests of the general population, it only benefits shareholders and investors and I think it is a short term vision. To destroy the very fabric of a historically rich heritage that makes Hobart and Tasmania the draw card that it is ludicrous and eventually we will become the same as the rest of the over-developed world that people are trying to get away from. Sensible, sustainable restraint should be employed to better plan for a demanding international situation.

• traffic and public transport. education and early learning. council amalgamations

• We need two things 1 tunnel or similar under Hobart. We need educated industries for grads of STEM all our brightest are leaving tassie as there are no real jobs for our good people. Let make tassie smart

• Beautifying satellite suburbs like Brighton & Sorell with more commercial shops in these areas.

• Traffic, Tasman Bridge replacement

• Stop the whole gender on birth certificates debate. Health, education and cost of living are the highest priority. Why are dental costs so high? Bad teeth have other health consequences.

• The format of your survey is confusing and can easily lead to the selection of opposite answers than intended. eg. the order of not important, slightly important, important, fairly important, very important changes a number of times throughout the survey.

• Increase the size of the Tasmanian parliament. The pool of competent politicians is too shallow!

• Provide long-term policy guidance and stop interfering with professionals applying their expertise.

• Start considering what impact mass tourism and unrestrained development is having on all Tasmanians. We should be aiming for quality, not quantity, in everything we do and not forgetting that there are Tasmanians who aren’t sharing in the benefits that these changes are bringing. Until our leaders can say that all Tasmanians have decent housing, education, and health, then they’ve failed in their job.

• Waste of time making a comment as Party politics prevent a politician from doing anything.

• The main priority is to open up the river derwent and channel to a affordable ferry network for transport and tourism. And to get international flights to Asia and NZ out of Hobart airport.

• Leave lake Malbena alone

• dont kill the golden goose - if you develop Hobart into every other city, we will have nothing for tourists to come here for

• Protection of agricultural land, National Parks, Wilderness Areas, Colonial Buildings etc from overseas investors and developers.


• Teachers wages should be performance based, as the majority of industries are.

• Actually fund their promises not just pronise and never deliver. When you build a road do it properly, look at the highway from Canberra to Golburn that is what the Midland Highway should be like

• stop over seas people buying houses and land in tassie someone that lives overseas should not be able to but hoses and then rent them back to us at high prices

• Forget about politics as a job and stick to the serving the public idea

• Less bad behaviour and more cooperation in Parliament, Sue Hickey is doing the right things. Increase seats so there can be more Ministers with realistic workloads. Merge Concils so local government can be more efficient and effective.

• Climate change. Although we are a small player, we have to lead the way. Without an environment sustainable to life, none of the above matters mean a thing.

• Leaders need to lead by example regarding social cohesion

• Act like statesmen, not children claiming political titles.

• Health, housing and trade skill training are the big issues facing Tasmania. Health needs to be tackled from the preventative measure approach with greater emphasis on decentralized treatment centres. With the advent of our communication facilities via mobile phones an investigation of medical advice lines could be investigated. Housing, medium density multi story housing in already established areas should be encouraged and incentivised to conserve resources and better use existing services. Trade training. A major social issue is the underutilisation of young people into the trade skilled areas, not everyone is able to take advantage of university level training, they just do not have the ability or aptitude to take advantage of that, however they could have a very fulfilling life with a trade base training and we need tradespeople, in particular and other service industry trainees. Creating trade opportunities will build a sense of self worth in our young people and eliminate much of the behaviour challenges that they experience. Post WW2 society has created multiple generations of learned helplessness and dependence on social security, only a major shift to lift perceived the value of our younger people will enable those changes.

• Must be preparing for climate change, both on direct impacts here - fires, floods, health, infrastructure, industries that depence on vanishing resources etc and on indirect impacts such as migration, insurance costs. Political leaders have to lose the cargo cult mentality that means they grovel to anyone who offers a few trinkets for a slice of Tasmania. We are selling it way too cheap and without any view of longer term benefit. Way too ready to privatise our assets for the benefit of a few. Got to shift away frtom government by rent-seekers, lobby groups and vested interests to people first, principled, open, intelligent decision making.

• Stop the boats Stop immigration Tougher sentences Tougher laws for foreigners and people on Visa Stop welfare payouts. people to work for the dole. Increase stamp duty and taxes on overseas property investments Only Aussie’s can buy houses

• What about the rest of the State. The last time I looked Tasmania is not just Hobart and its immediate surrounding suburbs.

• Get rid of the Upper House, restore former MP numbers, pay politicians at the rate of the average wage. This would encourage them to increase the average wage!

• Climate change, housing affordability and thoughtful planning. Tourism risks damaging what we all live here for. shift to a smarter, kinder way of life and comminuty and dont follow all the other cities in the world that lost their own heart by seeking only tourist dollar.

• prioritise use of council funds

• Education give the teachers more resources

• Health service funding is number 1, 2, 3.

• Increasing parliament to include a wider pool of talent and reducing the size of ministers’portfolios. A blend of what is uniquely Tasmania, even the simple and quality.

• Get our education and health services sorted. Then I will be happy.

• Give real power to the integrity commission. Make Freedom of Information Laws effective and transparent.

• Long term planning. Most present problems stem from the lack of forward thinking. We should be investing in a range of energy sources. We should be encouraging preventative medicine. We should be building the arts as a career choice to bring people here, to give young people a future in the state and to enrich our lives. Present funding of the arts is a disgrace. The arts question is the only one that does not allow multiple choice, a Though it says it does.

• Affordable rental properties - highly educated and experienced people are leaving the state because accommodation isn’t avaliable. Tasmania you’re losing the good people.

• Having well resourced public schools and hospitals, and well paid and valued staff in them!

• Rental shortage and housing price inflation.

• STOP foreign investment in Tasmania. You must have been either born in Tasmania or now living in Tasmania to buy property. Mainland investment hurting Tasmanians. Keep the natural part of tasmania natural, that’s why people visit.

• The government should stop blocking legislation to give justice to trans folk. The government should honour its commitments to the National STI/BBV strategies by funding a peer sex worker organisation the way most other states have for decades. The government should stop pork barrelling Health money

• The state needs active immigration of young people, not just retirees. Telecommuting is a future growth sector and opens opportunities for young professionals to have Hobart lifestyle with National and international jobs.

• High end tourists paying a tax to maintain the infrastructure they use. Register and restrictions on foreign ownership of property.

• The large number of Tasmanians on government welfare, important for Tasmanias youth to have confidence that they can find a job in Tasmania before growing the States population by immigration.

• Croneyism

• Outline a vision for the state that enables all Tasmanians to thrive with a major focus on education. Also let’s focus on developing our strengths and become a lot more progressive in our thinking. That is let’s be more welcoming and inclusive.

• Lack of affordable housing, especially rentals. Foreign students are crowding out families from suburban housing. More student accommodation in the city is urgently required. A high land tax on non residents should be considered, as well as an Airbnb tax. The funds should be used to build more affordable state owned housing stock or to encourage subsidized private sector development. Tasmanians literally cannot afford to live in their own state any more and are being crowded out by non resident short term rental landlords and foreign students, and being made homeless. Unacceptable!

• State - longer term strategic plan to ensure development is in line with ‘natural, sustainable’ brand. Federal - rational energy policy. Tax reform. Retirement incomes policy

• The government needs to increase infrastructure and housing to catch up with population and tourism growth.

• Accept the fact that the public service provides a net gain to the community, and that by restricting staff access to reasonable wages, the government is restricting access to the best possible productivity from the public service, thereby diminishing the potential community returns

• Need to focus on improving lifestyle of northern suburbs to stop urban sprawl far south and east on Hobart. Light rail is key to this. Stop crying foul about affordable housing - no one’s entitled to live in or close to Hobart, people can find a place further out. Building a heap of cheap houses just make areas worse to live. Take the opportunity to remove the bogan strain of Hobart!

• Providing economic opportunity for all. Too much time is consumed by non issues like climate change. Not because it is not a significant global issue but because of our peculiar circumstances of being hydro powered and underpopulated. Climate change at a global issue is for others to address. Tasmania must address its own failing to support the well being of its youth through opportunity over many generations. The quality of political support received by the electorate at all levels has generally been woeful. Oh and how about lower fuel prices. There is 1000 dollars that can go straight back in households pockets every year with some action.

• Infrastructure and public transport improvements

• Pay rise for Tassies public sector workers - share the wealth and keep development out of national parks - not too much to ask.

• To have the best education and health systems we need to pay our workers a decent and respectable wage. These professionals are the backbone of our community without their work ethic and working overtime to support our most vulnerable citizens our systems would be devastated. Public servants are in crisis, just take a look, stop procrastinating about a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work. Enough is enough, value our workers, supplying better working conditions that we can retain our young employers and build capacity amongst our workers who don’t deserve to be disrespected by being amongst the lowest paid in the country. Tassie can do better than this. We should and can be leaders in education and health, show respect for their hard work, their long hours and their commitment to their jobs.

• Do we want developments without regards to the reason why people love Tassie. Often it seems lately that developments are aimed at the benefit of short to medium term tourism without an eye on the long term...the reason why Tassie is unique can easily be swamped by developments that make Tassie generic..

• Remove barriers to all business. Red tape, rates and taxes, payroll. Stop recognizing the Greens as a party, they are just independants. Biggest must do is reduce infrastructure cost, combine councils to no more than 3.

• Better conditions for Support Staff in schools. Address stand down for Teacher Assistants so they can be paid 52 weeks of the year not the 40 they do now! Quality education for all.

• Climate change is the single most important issue to address.

• Eliminate Legislative Council, reduce tax evasion,

• Scrap the wages cap!

• Gender Equitable Practices and Outcomes. Female are subject to unconscious bias across all levels of society. Metrics and measures in place - the Mercury reporting on sport is still an issue too!

• I would just like to see Will Hodgman actually make some decisions and get on with it. Too much dithering and he appears totally controlled by the Treasurer who is welded to surpluses and who does not care about hospitals and misery being created

• Get the electricity prices down to encourage companies to come here not drive them out. Get the water and sewage prices more affordable.

• The Nepotism and cronyism that exists in our political, education and business sectors

• Multiple choice options aren’t working properly in this survey when done on my iPhone

• Health and education as these areas drive all other important outcomes

• Salmon farming pollution; Size of parliament.

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