
Disendorsed Liberal Lyons candidate speaks of threats to family

UPDATE: FORMER Lyons Liberal candidate Jessica Whelan will run as an independent in the upcoming federal election after resigning in disgrace over alleged anti-Islamic comments made on social media. SEE THE POSTS

Federal Election 2019: Jessica Whelan quits over offensive anti-Muslim posts

UPDATE 12.15pm: FORMER Lyons Liberal candidate Jessica Whelan will run as an independent in the upcoming federal election after resigning in disgrace over alleged anti-Islamic comments made on social media.

In a statement this morning, Ms Whelan admitted to making “ill-advised and misinformed comments in the past,” but would pursue legal action regarding posts “falsely attributed to me.”

“It saddens me that people who put their hand up to represent the people of Australia are subjected to such vicious personal attacks from their opposition, born directly from their fear of losing,” Ms Whelan said.

“I want to thank the many people who have supported me and those who continue to support me and my family and I look forward to continue contributing to the community.”

She told WIN she would run as an independent, but did not return the Mercury’s calls.

Ms Whelan also sits on the Brighton Council, which will investigate whether her comments amount to a breach of its Code of Conduct.

Mayor Tony Foster this morning emphasised the comments — including ones saying there should be a referendum on Muslim immigration — did not represent the views of his council.

“Personally, it really hurts me that someone who is a Brighton Councillor has those thoughts in her mind and actually speaks them,” Cr Foster.

Liberal senator Jonathon Duniam this morning said the Tasmanian Liberals would review their vetting processes.

EARLIER: JESSICA Whelan will run in Lyons as an independent, it is understood.

In a statement to WIN, the now disendorsed Liberal Lyons candidate said she was “receiving threats to the level I could never have imagine.”

Ms Whelan said she looked forward to “contributing to the community.”

EARLIER: JESSICA Whelan will not run for the Liberals in Lyons after further anti-Islamic posts bearing her name were revealed.

In a statement, the Tasmanian Liberals said Ms Whelan “vehemently maintains” she did not make a post that called for women who support Muslims to have their genitals mutilated and sold into slavery.

But, she had admitted to saying Australia should hold a referendum on Islamic immigration and that Syrian and Iraqi refugees should not be settled in Tasmania.

“Clearly these posts are inappropriate, and the Liberal Party was not aware of their existence until they were reported,” the statement said.

“Therefore, she has offered her resignation as a candidate and the Liberal Party has accepted it.

“We note that our Coalition partners, the Nationals, are running a candidate in Lyons, Deanna Hutchinson, and we would encourage voters to support her and to vote Liberal in the Senate.”

Both the Liberal Party and Ms Whelan had said the Facebook posts disparaging Muslims had been doctored and that claim was reportedly being investigated by the Australian Federal Police.

But, this morning an AFP spokeswoman said the force had seen only media reports on the subject.

“The AFP is aware of media reporting in relation to this matter,” she said.

Front page of today’s <i>Mercury</i>
Front page of today’s Mercury

EARLIER: COALITION spokesman Simon Birmingham has indicated Tasmanian Liberals will today disendorse embattled Lyons candidate Jessica Whelan.

Senator Birmingham told the Today Show that he expected that after further anti-Islamic comments from Ms Whelan were revealed by the Mercury, “she’ll not be continued to be the Liberal candidate”.

“The state executive of the Liberal Party in Tasmania will be taking steps to deal with that candidate,” Senator Birmingham said.

Liberal Party state director Sam McQuestin has been contacted for comment.

EARLIER: Fresh anti-Muslim comments have emerged appearing to originate from embattled Liberal Lyons candidate Jessica Whelan.

Ms Whelan, the Liberal candidate for the seat of Lyons, made a chaotic appearance at Agfest in northern Tasmania on Thursday with Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Both the Liberal Party and Ms Whelan have denied she made social media posts disparaging of Muslims on Facebook, saying they were doctored.

The Australian Federal Police are reportedly investigating that claim.



Liberal Candidate for Lyons Jessica Whelan. Picture: AAP Image/Mick Tsikas
Liberal Candidate for Lyons Jessica Whelan. Picture: AAP Image/Mick Tsikas

In new material provided to the Mercury today, comments under the name “Jessica Whelan” and bearing her photograph called for a referendum on excluding Muslim migrants from Australia — something she said she would support.

“I care about our safety,” she wrote in response to a comment by former One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts. “How about we have a referendum on whether or not we close our borders to Muslims? Now that I could vote for.”

In a second, she commented on refugees fleeing conflict in Syria and Iraq: “Don’t bloody send them to Tasmania. We don’t want them.”

Comments about Muslim immigration allegedly made by Liberal candidate Jessica Whelan on Facebook.
Comments about Muslim immigration allegedly made by Liberal candidate Jessica Whelan on Facebook.
Comments about Muslim immigration allegedly made by Liberal candidate Jessica Whelan on Facebook.
Comments about Muslim immigration allegedly made by Liberal candidate Jessica Whelan on Facebook.

Mr Morrison’s minders formed a human shield around Ms Whelan at Agfest today so the media could not question her.

Aside from a brief Liberal Party statement to the Mercury, the candidate has not spoken publicly since the scandal broke.

Her only on-the-record comment has been a statement denying the authorship of a single comment.

Ms Whelan is rushed to a waiting car to avoid questions from the travelling media pack about Facebook comments. Picture: GARY RAMAGE
Ms Whelan is rushed to a waiting car to avoid questions from the travelling media pack about Facebook comments. Picture: GARY RAMAGE
Ms Whelan in the thick of it at Agfest. Picture: GARY RAMAGE
Ms Whelan in the thick of it at Agfest. Picture: GARY RAMAGE
Ms Whelan leaving Agfest. Picture: GARY RAMAGE
Ms Whelan leaving Agfest. Picture: GARY RAMAGE

A spokesman said: “The comment on the post about ‘feminists in America’ appears to be have been digitally manipulated. Ms Whelan strenuously denies making this comment. We will be referring it to the relevant authorities.”

Tasmanian Labor leader Rebecca White says she is prepared to give sworn evidence that the comments originated from Ms Whelan’s facebook account and were genuine.

“The comments that were left on my Facebook page were quite clearly left by Jessica Whelan. They are racist, they are intolerable and they were not doctored,” she said.

“They were quite clearly left there for all to see. I have no doubt she has probably deleted them by now, but we have copies of those.

“I am absolutely 100 per cent sure that those comments made by Jessica Whelan on my Facebook page, those racist, intolerable comments, are true and accurate and are reflective of a pattern of behaviour by her that shows she has views that are intolerable and she cannot continue on as an endorsed Liberal candidate in Lyons,” she said.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison with the embattled Ms Whelan at Agfest. Picture: GARY RAMAGE
Prime Minister Scott Morrison with the embattled Ms Whelan at Agfest. Picture: GARY RAMAGE
PM Scott Morrison says all Jessica can do is refer the matter to the AFP and have confidence in their ability to pursue it. Picture: GARY RAMAGE
PM Scott Morrison says all Jessica can do is refer the matter to the AFP and have confidence in their ability to pursue it. Picture: GARY RAMAGE

One of the posts which Ms Whelan was accused of making condemned women who supported Islam.

“Round them up Donald, cut their clitoris’ off & sell them to Muslims in Muslim countries & cancel their passports. You’ll make a mint.”

Another post attributed to Ms Whelan included a comment that Muslims should not be allowed to live in Australia.

“Given that your profile states you went to College at ‘Never lose hope in ALLAH’. I hope you’re bloody NOT on our housing waiting list. You shouldn’t even be in Australia if you believe in ALLAH!” the comment read.

Mr Morrison today backed his candidate.

“I don’t think it’s hard to believe in this day and age that images can be doctored,” he told reporters in northern Tasmania on Thursday.

“All we can do, all Jessica can do, is refer the matter to the AFP and have confidence in their ability to pursue the matter in the way you’d expect the AFP to.”

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