

Voters deserve better than Labor’s latest antics that led to David O’Byrne’s downfall

Labor’s self destruction is bad for us all, with too many would-be puppeteers keen to pull strings from afar, writes Political Editor DAVID KILLICK in the wake of David O’Byrne’s resignation.

David O'Byrne welcomes challenge


DAVID O’Byrne has admitted to conduct that was incompatible with him staying on as Labor leader. His decision to leave was the right one.

Despite the brevity of his stay, all sympathy in this case belongs only to the woman whose complaint started this sad affair.

But the leaking of her statement to the media is the latest in a series of deliberately destructive acts by Labor insiders as a bitter battle for control rages unabated.

The factions accuse each other of being determined to keep Labor in opposition.

If things keep going as they are, the pile of rubble and ashes left for the victor will not have been worth fighting over.

Labor’s slow self destruction is bad for all of us.

As Premier Peter Gutwein pointed out during the week, the Westminster system relies on good oppositions holding governments to account.

Tasmania at the moment has a government that rules with very little effective opposition.

In parliament last week, it was the Greens and new independent Kristie Johnston doing all of the heavy lifting.

David O’Byrne in parliament after stepping aside as Labor leader last week. Picture: Nikki Davis-Jones
David O’Byrne in parliament after stepping aside as Labor leader last week. Picture: Nikki Davis-Jones

A party with a largely clear run to the next election, and probably beyond, is in nobody’s best interests.

A good opposition works on behalf of us all. There are ample crises to choose from — pick health, the prisons, donations, child welfare, integrity — which need someone to take the ball up to the government.

Labor at its best is a proud champion of the working class, of the downtrodden and the hard-done by, a party that fights for justice and decency and a more caring and more equal future for all Tasmanians.

The parliamentary Labor Party is stacked with talent: smart, experienced and dedicated people who — despite our cynicism — are working to make this state a better place, at least to the extent they can from the opposition benches. But it is not enough.

The party needs to be united and supported. It needs a leader who not only takes responsibility for outcomes, but also is given unfettered freedom to set the direction.

There are too many would-be puppeteers keen to pull strings from afar and too many bomb throwers angry that they don’t get enough of a say.

Rebuilding sounds like mission impossible. It’s not surprising finding a taker could be hard work.

How long it takes Labor to recover from the first half of 2021 is anybody’s guess.

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