
National Housing Amplification forum results revealed: Pre-built homes take top spot

A group of 100 everyday Australians including renters, homeowners and investors were challenged to find a solution to the national housing crisis. One idea rose above the rest. See the results.

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Streamlined approval for pre-built homes could solve the ­national housing crisis after 100 renters, homeowners and investors decided it was the ­ultimate property policy in an Australian-first experiment.

The consensus comes after a group of everyday Aussies were flown from across the country for the National ­Housing Amplification forum in Sydney last week.

The group were asked to narrow 13 housing reforms down to the top policies to put forward to state and federal governments later this year.

After two days of debate, 96 per cent agreed governments should harmonise “modular” construction codes across the country to build more homes off site, reducing development times, weather delays and ­vacant lots.

The think tank behind the concept, the Blueprint Institute, said prefabricated housing was limited by inconsistent rules across the states and territories, creating uncertainty for companies and consumers.

Workers construct prefabricated sustainable homes at Gateway Constructions in Cairns.
Workers construct prefabricated sustainable homes at Gateway Constructions in Cairns.

Blueprint Institute chief executive officer Liana Downey said the support proved Australians want “practical solutions to the housing crisis”.

“They want governments to get with the times and harmonise state regulation around modular construction so we can quickly build the affordable, sustainable homes people are crying out for,” Ms Downey said.

All 13 reform options received support from more than 70 per cent of the group. Picture: AMPLIFY
All 13 reform options received support from more than 70 per cent of the group. Picture: AMPLIFY

The top reforms chosen by the group also included improving renters’ rights and building homes near transport links to create more “commuter communities”.

Across the board, all 13 reforms were supported by more than 70 per cent of the group.

AMPLIFY chief policy and research officer Dr Rory Gallagher said the results showed Australians’ were ready for bold changes.

“People are scared off by campaigns that paint that Blade Runner-style image of massive skyscrapers everywhere, but what this has shown is that there is support for higher density,” Mr Gallagher said.

“Our message to governments is you have the constituency on board to be bolder with reform and you aren’t moving fast enough.”

Originally published as National Housing Amplification forum results revealed: Pre-built homes take top spot

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