

Podcast transcript: John and Fadi Ibrahim argue over $200K loan

This is an edited transcript of phone calls between Fadi and Michael Ibrahim, Fadi and John Ibrahim, Michael Ibrahim and an unnamed friend and Fadi Ibrahim and accountant Bahia Nasser. WARNING: GRAPHICS LANGUAGE.

This is an edited transcript of phone calls between Fadi and Michael Ibrahim, Fadi and John Ibrahim, Michael Ibrahim and an unnamed friend and Fadi Ibrahim and accountant Bahia Nasser.

These calls were tendered to court.

Warning: Graphic language.


Unnamed friend: I heard you’re keeping away from everyone but.

Michael Ibrahim: No, I stay away from everyone now mate. F**k, it’s not worth it.

MI: F**k no, I’ve wasted too much of my life already, you know what I mean? F**k that shit. It’s too treacherous out there brother. You can’t trust no one ever, it’s worse than before.

UF: Oh one hundred per cent.

MI: And you can’t trust no one mate, every c**t comes up to you and tries to be your best mate and then they’re setting you up behind your back. You know what I mean?

UF: F**king everyone, honestly, you can only trust your brothers now.

MI: Mate, even them, you can’t trust them, trust me. You can’t trust no one.

MI: F**k, money comes and goes brother, you know what? F**k money.

UF: You know what the thing is? Like f**king you know what, even though like we were doing it tough like if we want to go and eat we can afford to eat. Like f**king some people f**king can’t do nothing.

MI: That’s exactly right bro. Look at my f**king brother John got hit, four million.

UF: Oh did he?

MI: Yeah.

UF: I didn’t know.

MI: Yeah they wanted 10 million off him, but then he negotiated it down to four million.

UF: F**king hell. How much did they want to hit him with?

MI: They hit him up with 10 million at first.

UF: Jesus man.

MI: But then they negotiated it down to four million.

UF: Bro they’re coming after everyone huh. They’re coming after everyone.

MI: Yeah yeah nah. You got to pay taxes. You can be shifted out of all of it. Bro I’m going straight I’m not doing nothing shonky no more.

UF: Good on you.

M I: You know what I mean? Now my biggest problem is going to be tax not the police, I don’t give a f**k about the police. You go to jail for life or you end up dead, there’s only two things brother.

UF: Yeah. Yeah.

MI: There’s no happily ever after.

UF: And you know what man? I swear to god only the dirtiest people f**king survive man.

MI: Its treacherous I’m telling you now. Listen, it’s different. Like say 10, say 15 years ago it was treacherous but not like now mate. Yeah like every c**t thinks he is a f**king hit man. For 50 bucks, you know what I mean? Ugly game brother ugly game.


Fadi Ibrahim: Bahia.

Bahia Nasser: Yeah?

FI: How are you my dear?

BN: Good you?

FI: Oh you sound busy.

BN: No just with the kids.

FI: Sorry. I know it’s your day off completely forgive me but can I ask for a quick favour. You know how you might made a loan agreement for Michael with John. Yeah. Can I get the same loan.

BN: No I didn’t do it with John, I did it with one of the cars.

FI: Oh I don’t want one of the cars. I want one with John Ibrahim, I just loaned him 400 grand. Can you do the same contract but for 400 grand from me to John?

BN: Personally… from personally to personally?

FI: Yes, yes because then that way I can put a caveat on his property.

B N: Is there terms and conditions?

FI: It’s secured by f**king number one George Street, Dover Heights.

BN: Okay.

----------- LATER -----------

BN: Why did you give him money? And where did you get the money to give him? Off the loan account?

FI: I borrowed it from my home loan.

BN: Okay, because you haven’t learnt.

FI: But what am I supposed to do? F**king oath they’ve got me in a corner.

BN: I thought you don’t even have a f**king relationship with him how does he have you in a corner?

FI: Trust me they’ve got me in a f**king corner man and they told me, “oh he’s got some tax bill,” he goes, “mate just help me out.”

BN: I know he’s got a tax bill but why loan him money?

FI: Yeah but he goes the interest I’m going to pay back, to pay back your house loan, is more than what if I don’t pay the Australian Taxation Office or some shit.

BN: Which is correct.

FI: He goes I’d rather just pay it off to you.

BN: Well where’s all his money?

FI: He’s got none.

FI: He had to pay the tax office. And he’s a f**kwit he’s over capitalised, he’s bought too much stuff he’s over capitalised. I don’t give a shit at the end of the day it’s secured on his property isn’t it?


Fadi Ibrahim: It’s f**king scary for me man. Especially after all I’ve loaned about three or four guys some money right now. You know what I mean? My repayments don’t even cover the f**king the money.

Michael Ibrahim: I’ll make a deal with you, I’ll go halves with you and I’ll guarantee you.

FI: Yeah f**king oath.

FI: Mick, listen man I’ll go halves with you in anything man. You know what I mean.

MI: Listen, listen, he’ll pay. Trust me.

FI: I f**king hate that c**t bro.

MI: Well right now you’re in a pretty shit situation. I’m just trying to help you out.

FI: Yeah I know.

MI: I’ll I’ve been hearing is whinging, “I cant afford this I can’t afford that”.

FI: I can’t afford shit man. Mick you know what, when you come home I’ll open up all my accounts, have a look.


B ahia Nasser: Yeah Fadi you told me you’ve got no money but then you wanna go f**king lend John half a million dollars. What are you doing mate? You know, you stress yourself out, like you know Fadi, I talk to you, like you are my best friend.

Fadi Ibrahim: When I see you I’ll explain to you, you know, these guys. These guys they’re like terrorists they f**king come and put it on me. They’re putting it on me.

BN: You’re going to die from all this f**king stress.

FI: They come and put it on me Bahia and you know what? I’ll explain it to you, they come and put it on me so they can use any excuse, so they can so they can rip me off. You know what I’m talking about.

BN: Yeah I know what you’re talking about but you know what?

FI: They’re trying to use every excuse so they can rip me.

FI: “Okay you never helped us f you”

BN: Okay fine, fine, when you’ve got the money, fine. But you don’t even have it.

FI: I told them I’m borrowing it from my home loan. My home loan is getting bigger and bigger and I haven’t got the income to pay back the repayments.

BN: Like do they not f**king understand that.

FI: No they give two shits.

BN: Alright. Maybe when the money comes in, alright I get it. I get that. Fine. But at the moment, there’s nothing, they know this. And that’s the worst part about it.

FI: Well how do you think I feel about it man, they’re ruthless, how do you think I feel?

FI: They’re just bullies mate and they just put it on you.

FI: To the point where you fight with them and that’s exactly what they want Bahia. They want me to fight it so they can they can bar me in the end.


Fadi Ibrahim: Hello.

John Ibrahim: I was up last night Fadi, I was asleep.

FI: Sorry mate. Um the guy from AMEX rang me back. He said can you call him me. I’ll give you his number.

FI: And the other thing John, please brother I need to settle on this mortgage by Monday. Can I get that 200 back?

JI: I haven’t got it in my account Fadi.

FI: Can you give me anything back? Like a hundred?

JI: I got a hundred and f**king eighty grand on my credit why do you think I’m bringing up my Amex. I got a 180 grand on my Amex. I’ll check but I got to put money in my account.

FI: Can you get it from someone? I’ve got to, I’ve got to settle on this property, if I don’t settle I’m going to lose, I’m going to lose my money. I’m going to borrow on my house but I’m short, because I lent you guys money.

JI: I know I’m f**ked too bra, I got no money in my account I paid it all to tax, I paid a hundred grand to tax.

FI: I haven’t even paid my tax this year I’ve been delaying it.

JI: Let me see. I’m telling you. I’ve got no money in my account. I’ll have to get it from someone like I got it from you.

FI: Even if you give me a hundred now that will help me out. You know what I mean please John.

JI: I got a bank loan come through as well.

FI: Yeah but I’ve got to, I’m going. This is the problem right.

JI: Well lets start f**king asking around

FI: I’ve even asked Ben I’ve asked everyone I can

JI: Ben hasn’t got it?

FI: No and even Coby, I lent Coby money. He said to me he’s going to give it back to me but you know on that one, when that’s happening?

JI: I got no money in my accounts and I’m trying to get a 500 thousand overdraft now on my house so I could f**king pay the rest of this crap off to be paid.

FI: Haven’t you paid it off?

JI: I’ve paid it all, I’ve paid $6.9 million in two years.

FI: I thought it was only three.

FI: Nah, and then I’ve had two years backlag and just hit me with a f**king land tax and the backlag all at once.

FI: I’m going to get a big tax release here too man, don’t worry, but not that much.

JI: Just let me see let me see how much I can get up from the accounts but I’m telling you. What do you think I’m getting your mate to extend my f**king Amex?

FI: Call him after five man because I mean he’s flat chat, especially now.

JI: Send me his details.

FI: I’ll send it right now.

FI: I’ll send you the contact details so you have everything email and phone. I’ll send you the message he sent me

Originally published as Podcast transcript: John and Fadi Ibrahim argue over $200K loan

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