Spending, inflation top budget priority
Treasurer Jim Chalmers has been tasked with further reining in spending in the federal budget as the tight jobs market risks further inflation.
Treasurer Jim Chalmers has been tasked with further reining in spending in the federal budget as the tight jobs market risks further inflation.
With rents forecast to rise 10 per cent in the next 12 months, the Greens have put a number on how much that would cost renters as they plead for a rental freeze.
A student with an average HECS debt of about $26,000, will have their debt cut by about by about $1200, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese explains.
Tuesday’s budget will unveil tax reform beyond the changes to stage 3 cuts, the Treasurer has said, as he sets out the government’s priorities.
Millions of Australians can expect some relief on their interest rates as the country is set to avoid a dreaded recession and more jobs are on the way.
It’s the end of Medicare as we know it. This is what the federal government has planned with a two-tier system including different rebates. See how it applies to you.
Moments after Jim Chalmers delivered his second budget, he was snapped with his daughter.
Many Australians will be able to gain cheaper access to medical care, rent and welfare payments in this year’s federal budget.
One group of Australians will be scratching their heads looking for any sweeteners in this budget.
Jim Chalmers has unveiled the bottom line black ink that has eluded all treasurers, Labor and Coalition alike, since Costello. So how did he weave his fiscal magic?
About 1.6 million lower-income NSW households’ power bills will fall next financial year — but many families will miss out.
Nearly 12 million Aussies will get to see a GP for free under one of the “largest ever” funding boosts.
Hundreds of thousands of Aussies will score a welcome boost to their welfare payments after rumours sparked furious backlash.
Treasurer Jim Chalmers has promised cost-of-living relief for Australians of all ages in tonight’s budget.
Original URL: https://www.themercury.com.au/news/national/federal-budget/page/21