
Agriculture minister Adam Marshall asks for inquiry into circus animals and dolphins

NSW agriculture minister Adam Marshall has sent a puzzling letter to upper house Shooters, Fishers and Farmers member Mark Banasiak, suggesting the committee Mr Banasiak chairs should investigate “the exhibition of exotic animals in circuses and the exhibition of cetaceans in NSW”.

Cheeky seal and dolphin become best friends

NSW agriculture minister Adam Marshall has sent a puzzling letter to upper house Shooters, Fishers and Farmers member Mark Banasiak, suggesting the committee Mr Banasiak chairs should investigate “the exhibition of exotic animals in circuses and the exhibition of cetaceans in NSW”.

NSW agriculture minister Adam Marshall. Picture: Jonathan Ng
NSW agriculture minister Adam Marshall. Picture: Jonathan Ng

The letter, dated August 1, says:

“Dear Mr Banasiak, I write to you as chair of Portfolio Committee No. 4 — Industry, to request an inquiry into the exhibition of exotic animals and the exhibition of cetaceans in NSW. Please find enclosed the inquiry terms of reference for self-referral to the committee, including a suggested reporting date of 14 February 2020 … Yours sincerely, Adam Marshall.”

The terms of reference state the inquiry would investigate the welfare of exotic animals in circuses, the welfare of cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises), and then consider whether these animals should continue being bred for exhibition, whether their usages in circuses should be phased out, and whether regulatory action is required.

The potential inquiry affects NSW circuses, and the Dolphin Marine Park at Coffs Harbour, which is the only place left in NSW which exhibits dolphins.

Mr Banasiak said he was surprised to receive the letter from Mr Marshall last week.

“We know that Mr Marshall has no empathy for the agricultural sector. This letter has verified that,” he said.

“The flow on effect of this inquiry into rural communities will see the banning of country shows and rodeos and indeed any exhibition of any animals.”

Stardust Circus. Picture: Tim Hunter.
Stardust Circus. Picture: Tim Hunter.

Mr Marshall denies these allegations and says they are misleading.

“Let me be very clear. I will never introduce any legislation or regulations that ban rodeos, zoos, the use of exotic animals in circuses or the display of cetaceans at venues such as the Sydney Aquarium. To suggest so is just plain madness,” he said.

“This is a terms of reference for a committee to consider a self-referred inquiry — it is not a decision of government or me as minister, it is strictly a matter for the committee.”

Radio shock jock Ray Hadley blasted the potential inquiry this morning and took aim at Mr Marshall, suggesting the agriculture minister was cosying up to the Animal Justice Party.

“Of all the people that have been ministers in NSW parliaments since federation, this bloke is the biggest joke of all time Adam Marshall,” Hadley said on 2GB.

“There have been some dopes in Cabinet and Ministry. I think he is on the podium as a gold medal winner when it comes to dopes,” he said.

“This will be the thin end of the wedge and that’s what the Nationals need to understand, once they get in bed with the Animal Justice Party they’ll catch some fleas,” Hadley said.

Mr Marshall said the Shooters and Fishers were blocking legislation in the upper house, which was forcing the Coalition to work with the crossbench.

"Because the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party have decided they would rather play politics rather than support any government bills or motions in the Legislative Council, we are forced to deal with other members of the crossbench,” he said.

Agriculture minister Adam Marshall has asked for inquiry into circus animals and dolphins.
Agriculture minister Adam Marshall has asked for inquiry into circus animals and dolphins.

Originally published as Agriculture minister Adam Marshall asks for inquiry into circus animals and dolphins

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