
Mass ‘death scene’ in Hobart to highlight climate change

Hobart Mall was a sombre scene today when a crowd of people dramatised their fears about the future of the human race.

Climate change protesters Extinction Rebellion staging a mass 'die-in' in the Elizabeth Street Mall, Hobart. Picture: NIKKI DAVIS-JONES
Climate change protesters Extinction Rebellion staging a mass 'die-in' in the Elizabeth Street Mall, Hobart. Picture: NIKKI DAVIS-JONES

A CROWD of people collapsed “dead” in the Hobart Mall today as a symbolic statement about the future of the planet in the face of climate change.

About 200 people were part of the dramatic civil action, called a “mass die-in”, aimed at highlighting how perilously close they believe we are to extinction as a species.

The death scene happened just before noon, when a crowd entered the mall and fell to the ground.

About a dozen actors dressed in swathes of white, pretending to be ghostly nurses, then wove between the bodies scattering petals and prayers.

Organiser Tristan Sykes, from Extinction Rebellion Tasmania, said the “deaths” represented the deaths and species extinction that will happen if governments do not act urgently.

“Yes it’s symbolic, but imagine everyone in the mall representing a million people or a million species. That is reality,” he said.

He said the crowd contained many people he had never met before, as the word spread during the previous days about the action.

“It was easy to recruit,” he said.

He said this was the first mass “die-in” for southern Tasmania, and more were planned.

The crowd spanned all ages, with many wearing signs: “Tell the Truth”.

Mr Sykes said the message was for government, because there would be greater civil unrest and demand for action if governments were honest and open about the future of the planet.

“The nature of the climate emergency hasn’t become public knowledge. If the public was truly aware of how dire our situation is they would be demanding immediate action.”

Participant Tess Harkin, 17, said the issue was concerning for young people.

“I’m here because I want to be able to show my kids the world that we live in, but if we continue with business as usual then it will be impossible because of climate change,” she said.

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