
Hobart Archbishop writes to schools of religious freedoms being ‘undermined’

Hobart’s Archbishop has been accused of politicising catholic schools after circulating a letter targeting the ‘woke movement’ and issues like abortion, gender and conversion therapy.

Archbishop Julian Porteous. Picture: LUKE BOWDEN
Archbishop Julian Porteous. Picture: LUKE BOWDEN

A letter circulated to all students at Hobart’s catholic schools from the Hobart Archbishop Julian Porteous has called for a “state override” position on restrictions on religious freedom laws, launching an attack on gender beliefs, abortion and conversion therapy as freedoms being “undermined”.

The pastoral letter published on Sunday, May 2, entitled “We are the Salt to the Earth”, details the “existential threat” to Catholic schools from potential changes to legislation in the Sex Discrimination Act (SDA) by the Australian Government.

Currently, faith-based schools are allowed under section 38 to insist staff and students adhere to the doctrines, tenets, beliefs and teachings of the religious school.

The letter goes on to discuss gender identities as “denying the reality of who we are” as well as describing changes to abortion and euthanasia laws as “killing” and “taking of one’s life”.

“Since this time we have seen the growth in what has been referred to as the ‘woke’ movement, seeking to overturn other traditional values and beliefs,” Mr Porteous wrote.

“This has included the push for ‘diversity and inclusivity’ training in the corporate sector and the attack on the biological reality of being male or female through a radicalised transgender lobby.

“Slowly but surely our freedoms are being undermined.”

Equality Tasmania spokesman Rodney Croome stated Archbishop Porteous was politicising Catholic schools and “spreading misinformation”.

“He is abusing his authority by effectively turning thousands of school students into couriers for his political views,” Mr Croome said.

“The Archbishop’s letter is also deliberately misleading about proposed law reforms.

“For example, he says a proposed federal ban on discrimination against LGBTIQA+ staff and students in faith-based schools poses ‘an existential threat’ to Catholic schools, but fails to acknowledge such discrimination has been banned in Tasmania for 26 years without any discernible, negative impacts on religious schools.”

“He also spreads misinformation about a proposed ban on conversion practices which I can only assume means he wants these cruel and harmful practices to continue.”

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