
What you said about calls to ban escooters from shared paths

The future of escooters across Australia continues to be called into question. HAVE YOUR SAY

Prince William spotted zipping around Windsor Castle on an electric scooter is a sight to see

To escooter or not to escooter?

That is the question many Aussies are asking after the latest string of incidents.

There have already been plenty of calls to ban the use of escooters, while others have said they should have restricted zones.

Readers were quick to jump into the debate.

“These things are an absolute nightmare. It would be OK if the riders had any idea how to ride and control them but unfortunately only about 10 per cent of riders are competent to be able to ride them safely in shared spaces,” Fred wrote.

Others claimed the speed limit – or lack of – was often the issue resulting in an incident with pedestrians or cars.

Scooters continue to be a common sight across footpaths in Australia. Picture: Tertius Pickard
Scooters continue to be a common sight across footpaths in Australia. Picture: Tertius Pickard

“The speed they can do is the issue, too many illegal high powered scooters out there,” Mark wrote.

Either way, some were left bemused at the lack of manners used on the roads or footpaths.

“Just part of our society, no one cares about others, does not matter what they are riding,”

Electrolytic Lad wrote.

More than 80 per cent of voters in an online poll called for escooters to be banned from shared paths.

See what you had to say below and join the conversation >>>


Don’t blame the scooters

V of R

It’s really the fault of the authorities, not the riders, as they will exploit whatever suits them.


They’re really only a problem if the rider is going too fast. Footpaths should be walking pace


Banning eScooters isn’t the answer. What will prevent accidents is speed limiting controls when they are made. Currently, eScooters can do 25kmh. Mobility Scooters should be exempt because their maximum speed is 12kmh maximum while average speeds are 4-6 km/h.


These things are an absolute nightmare. It would be OK if the riders had any idea how to ride and control them but unfortunately only about 10% of riders are competent to be able to ride them safely in shared spaces.

Many say it’s time to end the escooter era.
Many say it’s time to end the escooter era.

Do the speed limit

Western Rod

If you want to ride on the footpath over the general speed, get on the road and leave the walkers in safety.


The speed they can do is the issue, too many illegal high powered scooters out there!


Roads have speed limits, one reason being motorists travel safely at uniform speed and not be rear ended. Our road rules are not the Autobahn. A designated travel corridor such as a footpath means all traffic should mean uniform speed ~5Kmph.


A good start would be to enforce the 12kmph speed limit. People are doing crazy speeds and going faster than the cars on the road in the same areas.

Where are the manners?

Electrolytic Lad

Just part of our society, no one cares about others, does not matter what they are riding. Even bike riders no longer use a bell when coming up behind you, they just wiz by on the footpath. We are no longer a caring nation.


We had to dive off the path to get out of the way of an out of control scooter only to have to render assistance to the inexperienced fool riding it. All the stupid girl riding it kept repeating was “sorry” I’m sorry but sorry doesn’t cut it.


I walk in the bike path it’s safer than walking on the footpath


You would think that a pedestrian would have right of way on a footpath.


I refuse move when someone is ringing their bell at me to move out of their way … on a footpath!! with a bike lane on the road beside us!!

Should escooters be allowed on footpaths?
Should escooters be allowed on footpaths?

I have an idea


They are called footpaths for a reason, maybe if they are going keep E-Scooters around then there needs to be better designed and designated Scooter tracks.


Unfortunately, a lot of the existing bike paths in the city do not connect. Means bikes and scooters are pushed onto paths or roads.


They’re wanting to post obesity warnings on fast food but it’s fine to provide scooters so people don’t have to walk a couple of kilometres.


It wouldn’t be Australia If we weren’t whinging or wanting to ban something

The guru 👁

At least they don’t float, so not a problem to get rid of them

Originally published as What you said about calls to ban escooters from shared paths

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