
Peter Gutwein tells retailers to comply with social distancing guidelines or be shut down

The Premier and Opposition leader have expressed concerns about the large number of people flocking to shops — and there is a warning for retailers who don’t take social distancing measures seriously.

Coronavirus: Coles and Woolworths tighten social distancing rules

PREMIER Peter Gutwein has issued a stern warning to retailers in Tasmania amid the coronavirus crisis — comply with social distancing requirements or be shut down.

And Mr Gutwein again renewed his calls for people to stay home, after noticing gatherings in retail areas and lack of adherence to guidelines designed to stop the spread of the virus.

The Premier on Monday again urged people to stay home unless they absolutely needed to go out, including to go to work or to buy essential supplies.

“Going out and purchasing essential supplies is one thing, but going out and browsing and having a family outing is entirely another,’’ he said.

“It is entirely unacceptable and to be frank, it is irresponsible in terms of the health of the community, the health of your family, those that you love and I would urge you to think very carefully about the reasons that you would go out.”

Mr Gutwein said he had heard concerns about the number of people attending large supermarkets and other large stores.

“I note today that Coles and Woolies have announced that they will be introducing new rules over Easter, allowing only set numbers into their stores, a one-in, one-out policy, including queuing outside to ensure that people appropriately socially distance as well,’’ he said.

“This type of sensible management needs to be extended across all retail stores, whether you are a large supermarket, a big box, K-Mart, Bunnings, who have already taken considerable measures inside their stores.”

Premier Peter Gutwein during the COVID-19 update at Hobart. Picture: CHRIS KIDD
Premier Peter Gutwein during the COVID-19 update at Hobart. Picture: CHRIS KIDD

Mr Gutwein said maximum numbers allowed inside stores should be based on the social distancing policy of four square metres of space per person.

“The application of social distancing needs to be followed, it should be followed by retailers either small or large,’’ he said.

“And I want to be clear, if we don’t get this right, if the rules aren’t followed, then I will have no other option than to shut you down.

“I don’t want to do that, but if that’s where we need to get to, and that we need to identify only essential retail, then that is what we will do.”

Opposition leader Rebecca White said she had relayed to the Premier community concerns about people flocking to major shopping centres and retailers.

“People should stay home, they shouldn’t be going out and browsing and they shouldn’t just be popping down to the shops to buy a couple of odds and sods because they’re bored,’’ she said.

“That is inexcusable and I would encourage the Government to think about ways they could restrict people’s access to those shops if it’s not an essential reason for them to travel there.”

Tasmanian Labor leader Rebecca White on parliament lawns recently. Picture: CHRIS KIDD
Tasmanian Labor leader Rebecca White on parliament lawns recently. Picture: CHRIS KIDD

Meanwhile, Mr Gutwein said he still has concerns about the staging of the Hobart Farmers’ Market.

“Any time that a crowd comes together, it raises the risk,’’ he said.

Mr Gutwein said he had received emails from many people last night — both stallholders and attendees — who were concerned about the future of the market.

“My aim in this is to save lives and if that market needs to be closed because the public health advice is that it should, then I’ll close it,’’ he said.

“I had a conversation with the Lord Mayor [Anna Reynolds] yesterday and she asked if she could send through some information in terms of how they might better manage certain aspects of it which they have last night and as I said, we’ll look at that today.\

“But I do want to be clear and I want to thank those people that sent through those emails — believe me I understand your position — but this is about saving lives and if the advice is that it should be shut, then I’ll shut it.”

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