

The Coronavirus (COVID - 19) has heavily disrupted the cruise ship industry.  Pictured is the MSC Magnifica (berthed) while the Sea Princess prepares to dock.  Passengers aboard the Magnifica are not allowed to disembark.Picture: MATT THOMPSON

No more cruise ships allowed

Public concern over cruise ship passengers disembarking in Tasmania has prompted the government to issue a ban on them docking here – two days after Burnie hosted passengers from its sixth ship in a fortnight.

Shane Van Gisbergen of Team Red Bull Holden Racing starts from pole to win race 8 at Symmons Plains. PICTURE CHRIS KIDD

Supercars cling to hope of Tassie races

Supercars officials, team owners and drivers are eager to race in Tasmania this year despite the coronavirus cloud, with a return later in the year possible if next month’s event is postponed.

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