
I'm craving to be pregnant again but I don't want another baby

"I'm definitely one and done, but when I hear of others carrying their second, I WISH it was me," the mum shares. 

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A woman has confessed a feeling that many mums have found relatable - that she wants to be pregnant again - but without having another baby - because she's definitely "one and done."

Sharing her feelings in a parenting forum, the woman wonders if others feel the same - and the responses are mixed.

She asks, "Anybody craving to be pregnant again but don't want any more kids?"

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"Craving to be pregnant but don't want a second"

The mum writes, "I don't know if this is just me, but I hear all about people pregnant with their second and I WISH I was pregnant, but I don't want a second.

"Me and fiancé are one and done and know for sure we're done, I just want to be pregnant again :(."

Some mums commented that they related to the poster's feelings, like this one: "One and done 100% but I'm approaching my daughter's first birthday and reminiscing about the pregnancy and birth and missing it.

"I keep thinking 'maybe I could do it again', but then my logical brain kicks in and says absolutely not."

This woman shared, "The other night I had a dream that I was pregnant again. Pregnancy was not great for me and logically I know that having another kid (at least for the next few years) would be a terrible idea, but I guess my hormones feel differently lol."

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Source: iStock

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"I want to be pregnant again - but with our baby"

Another mum agreed it's a complex feeling: "I tell my partner all the time 'I want to be pregnant again- but with our baby again. And only our baby.'

"I want to feel baby kicks. I want to caress my baby bump while looking down the baby clothes aisle. I want everyone to ask about my baby when they see me. I want to give birth again!

"But, do I want another baby? HELL NO. I love being One and Done, but I did love having my baby girl with me all the time. I miss having her all to myself."

Other mums offered a different perspective, with one writing, "I actually want the opposite! I'd like another baby without the risks that come with pregnancy."

And this one wrote, "Am pregnant again and hate it. If someone could magically just give me two weeks of second trimester (that short gap where you look super cute and round but not huge, don't have first trimester symptoms but also don't have hip/back/pelvic pain and you get lovely kicks that don't wind you) followed by a baby I'd be a very happy woman."

This mum was clear that she could not relate at all, bluntly sharing, "Absolutely not LOL. I'm the opposite - I want another kid and never want to be pregnant or give birth again."

Finally, one woman was the most detailed about her pregnancy experience: "Let's see... terrible hyperemesis until birth, pre-eclampsia, dehydration and malnutrition, restricted uterine growth (last two due to hg) swollen, f**k no!!!

"I am the opposite- I don't ever want to be pregnant again (unless they magically got better for me) but I'd love more kids!"

How do you feel about more kids and/or being pregnant again? Tell us in the Facebook comments.

Originally published as I'm craving to be pregnant again but I don't want another baby

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