
Causes and most common foods associated with pregnancy cravings revealed

"One of the most common cravings are dairy foods," says midwife, Jane Barry. Mmmmmm cheeeeeeese.... Is your weakness in the top five?

The hungry girl's guide to pregnancy

It’s been said that during pregnancy women crave certain foods because of their nutrient content, which makes sense if the food being yearned for is nutritious. But there are no rules when it comes to pregnancy cravings where almost anything goes. It is generally the taste and texture of food, rather than its nutrient content that is so appealing during pregnancy.

It can be reassuring to know that most pregnancy food cravings are harmless, no matter how strange they may seem.

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Even wild cravings are harmless. Source: iStock.
Even wild cravings are harmless. Source: iStock.

RELATED: Woman tries and rates the weirdest pregnancy cravings

What are pregnancy cravings?

Cravings relate to a yearning to eat a particular type of food. From around 12 weeks, many women find themselves craving specific foods, even those they may not usually enjoy. A craving can be mild or very powerful, to the point where it’s difficult to think about anything else. The issue with pregnancy cravings is that unless you’ve experienced them, it’s hard to fully appreciate how overwhelming they can be.

Cravings can be based on taste, texture, smell and even appearance. Combinations of flavours during pregnancy can be very strong - sweet with sour, salty with sweet, acidic with spicy, tart with sweet, there is no one consistent flavour which appeals to every pregnant woman.

Cravings can happen at any time of the day or night and not be restricted to mealtimes. The urge to eat something very specific can come without warning or any reason. Chips with melted cheese, nachos with ice cream, and sultanas mixed with peanut butter are some of the more interesting.

RELATED: What your pregnancy food cravings are telling you

What did you crave? Source: iStock.
What did you crave? Source: iStock.

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What causes pregnancy cravings?

The truth is that we don’t really know. But like so many other pregnancy symptoms, it appears that pregnancy hormones are to blame. There is probably a connection between cravings and changes in the salivary glands and taste buds during pregnancy. In the same way, as food cravings can be very strong, so can food aversions.

During pregnancy, the sense of smell generally becomes more exaggerated. This is one of the reasons why certain foods being cooked can trigger food aversions and feelings of nausea. Many women find themselves ‘going off’ foods during their pregnancy that they normally love. Once their baby is born, the same patterns of food preference tend to return.

What’s the point of food cravings during pregnancy?

Some researchers believe that pregnancy cravings and aversions are nature’s way of protecting the mother and her unborn baby. Foods with strong odours such as cooked meat, and cruciferous vegetables e.g. cauliflower and broccoli can carry bacteria if not washed and cooked thoroughly.

In the same way that food smells can cause feelings of nausea in some women, in others they can also generate cravings. Certain ‘comfort’ foods like chips, hash browns and battered foods can be almost irresistible to pregnant women.

Cravings happen just like nausea can. Source: iStock.
Cravings happen just like nausea can. Source: iStock.

What are the most common pregnancy cravings?

There is no one consistent group of foods that are popular with all pregnant women. What some find delicious, others will be repulsed by. Similarly, pregnancy cravings can change according to pregnancy gestation. What you crave in your second trimester may not be as enticing as your due date gets closer.

You may crave more of the same types of foods you always prefer or yearn to try something new.

The most common pregnancy cravings:

  • Dairy foods like milk, yoghurt, cheese, ice cream and frozen desserts.
  • Hot chips and starchy carbohydrates, including toasted sandwiches.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables – often the sourer-tasting fruits like oranges and mandarins.
  • Take away food such as Thai, Chinese and Indian.
  • Lollies and chocolate.
  • Chewing on ice cubes or sucking on cold water.

What are the most unusual pregnancy cravings?

The strangest pregnancy cravings are often combinations of sweet and savoury foods. Ice cream and hot chips, tacos with chocolate sauce, sardines with custard, the list is endless. Interestingly, as soon as their baby is born, most women completely move on from having food cravings. Some even struggle to comprehend what possessed them to want certain foods in the first place.

Pickles and cake, anyone? Source: iStock.
Pickles and cake, anyone? Source: iStock.

What can I do about my pregnancy food cravings?

Give into them. Pregnancy cravings can be very, very strong and a lot of the time you’ll just find it easier to relent and eat what your body is craving. As long as you’re not eating foods that contain a risk of Listeria, most foods are generally safe to eat during pregnancy.

5 top tips to deal with food cravings during pregnancy

  1. Make sure your diet is generally healthy, well-balanced and nutritious.
  2. Avoid feeling guilty about eating what you’re craving – just enjoy it.
  3. If you’re craving non–edible foods like chalk, dirt and detergent, consider if you may have a nutritional deficiency. Your maternity care provider will be able to advise you about this.
  4. Keep a small ‘stash’ of your favourite foods in the house so you don’t need to do midnight runs to the shops.
  5. Be mindful of maintaining a healthy pregnancy weight. Use your pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index (BMI) as a guide for healthy weight gain.

Written for Kidspot by Jane Barry, midwife and child health nurse, August 2022.

Remember: everything in moderation. Source: iStock.
Remember: everything in moderation. Source: iStock.

Originally published as Causes and most common foods associated with pregnancy cravings revealed

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