
A school mum accused me of having a boob job and makeover

"I want to know because I want work done, too," the other mum claimed. Would you be insulted by her invasive questions?

Common myths of being a working parent

How does a conversation between two school mums end with one being called to the principal's office?

After the heated outburst, one of the mums wrote into Kidspot's Advice Needed to ask what she should do, and explain why she had been sent to the principal.

It all began when she took in a cake for her son's birthday. 

"On the big day, we dropped off the cake early, and there was this mum I hadn't chatted with before," the poster said.

"She's known for being outspoken and annoying, so I tried to keep it short. She spotted my cake and asked to check it out, then started grilling me about whether it was gluten-free. I told her I had already cleared it with the teacher and baked it myself." 

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"Big boob job like mine"

But the interaction didn't end there.

"Then she shifted to asking about where I got my makeover done, and I quickly shut that down, saying I hadn't had any work done.

"She kept pushing, saying it was fine to tell her because she was considering a big boob job like mine.

"I stayed calm and told her I've always been really busty, no enhancements."

But the other mum didn't believe that.

 "I finally managed to change the subject back to the cake recipe, and she had the nerve to assume it was for my 'grandson'. I was fuming, clarifying that he's my son, not my grandson, and we had him later in life with my husband.

"She didn't apologise; instead, she asked how old I was when I got pregnant. I bit my tongue and said I was 43 at the time, now 49. Then she had the audacity to comment on my age, saying it was a bit late."

"That's when I snapped her, telling her at least my husband still enjoys satisfying me."

The mum concluded her post by saying that she'd apparently caused the woman "great grief" with her answers and would need to explain herself to the school principal.

Image: iStock
Image: iStock

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"How embarrassing for her"

With over 700 comments, there was overwhelming support for the mother who wrote in. 

"Did a grown-ass woman seriously run to tell the principal because her feelings got hurt? How embarrassing for her," one said, in a comment that resonated with many.

Another added, "I would go in and tell them exactly what she said, and then request they ask her to come in so they can talk about her inability to respect personal boundaries. Also, who knows what she told them, it could be anything you need to set the record straight." 

A third said, "I would be saying, I'm sorry I'm not coming in for a meeting; it's not about my children. It's not my worry! Some parents still like to think they are in high school. The pettiness in some people they never grow up." 

Many agreed with that, with one writing, "Am I the only one wondering why, as a grown adult, you need to go in and explain anything to a principal of a school when it has absolutely nothing to do with any of the kids? " 

One "late motherhood" mum shared her support: "Welcome to late motherhood…I was 45 with my last, now 59. Yeah, the criticism you get is unbelievable."

Others quickly pointed out, without sounding too childish, that "she started it" and was upset that she was beaten at her own game. 

"What a cheeky diva!! She started it!!" one wrote. 

"I'm not going into the school to explain myself, I'm not the child that's been naughty," another quipped. 

And this mum had some strong advice: "She’s tried to knock you down a peg because she’s jealous. Tell the principal that she was commenting on your breasts and age - discrimination and sexual harassment - and you want her banned from the school. Take that! Don’t you dare go in there and smooth it over. Double down."

Finally, another "bullied" parent shared her story: "Parent bullying goes on; I experienced this from another parent. The school totally believed her. To the point where my child was bullied and changed schools. The said parent was friends with the school secretary, so therefore couldn’t possibly be lying!

"I don’t understand how adults can behave in this way." 

Have you had trouble at school with a parent? Tell us in the comments on Facebook.

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Originally published as A school mum accused me of having a boob job and makeover

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