
White House rejects apology from Steve Bannon, calling his comments ‘repugnant’ and ‘grotesque’

THE White House has rejected Steve Bannon’s apology over his comments in a new book about Donald Trump, while lawyers for the book’s author are not backing down over the President’s legal threats.

Fire and Fury is already a bestseller. Picture: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images/AFP
Fire and Fury is already a bestseller. Picture: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images/AFP

THE White House has rejected an apology from President Trump’s former chief strategist Steve Bannon, blasting his comments in an explosive new book about the Trump White House as “repugnant” and “grotesque”.

“When you go after somebody’s family in the matter which he did, two of the president’s children are serving this nation, sacrificing in their service, it is repugnant, it is grotesque and I challenge anybody to go and talk about somebody’s family and see if that person doesn’t come back and comes back hard,” said White House spokesman Hogan Gidley.

“I don’t believe there is any way back for Mr Bannon at this point,” Gidley told reporters on Air Force One as the president travelled to Tennessee for a speech. “I just don’t think there’s any way back.”

US President Donald Trump’s White House is the subject of the explosive new book. Picture: AFP
US President Donald Trump’s White House is the subject of the explosive new book. Picture: AFP

Bannon was a major voice in Michael Wolff’s behind-the-scenes look at Trump’s young presidency, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, which characterises the president as clueless and his administration as incompetent.

When book excerpts first appeared last week, Trump said Bannon “lost it”.

On Sunday, Bannon tried to bury the hatchet with Trump by expressing “regret” over his comments and referring to his son Donald Trump Jr as a “patriot” and a “good man.”

He also disputed quotes attributed to him in the book calling Donald Jr “treasonous” for meeting Russians at the Trump Tower during the campaign in June 2016.

Bannon, in a statement to Axios, said that comment was directed at Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort, who attended the meeting with Donald Jr and the president’s son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner.

Bannon also said the president’s daughter made a deal with her husband — a couple he mocked as “Jarvanka” — that if one of them would run for president it would be her because she wanted to be the country’s first female commander-in-chief.

The White House has refused Bannon’s apology. Picture: AFP
The White House has refused Bannon’s apology. Picture: AFP

“It is very obvious Mr Bannon worked with Mr Wolff in this particular book​, ​”​ Gidley said, dismissing Bannon’s mea culpa. “The president has been very clear on his thoughts, issued a four-paragraph statement about Mr Bannon. Zero ambiguity in those statements.”

He went on to call Fire and Fury “false and fake” ​and reiterated the president’s earlier comments that Bannon “is not in it for the country but instead in it for himself. And those statements still stand. ​”

The comments come as author Michael Wolff has shared a letter from his lawyers responding to Trump’s threats of legal action over the book.

“My clients do not intend to cease publication, no such retraction will occur, and no apology is warranted,” the letter reads.

The response comes after Trump’s legal team sent a letter demanding they cease publication and “issue a full and complete retraction and apology”.

“We have no reason to doubt — and your letter provides no reason to change this conclusion — that Mr Wolff’s book is an accurate report on events of vital public importance.

“Mr Trump is the President of the United States, with the ‘bully pulpit’ at his disposal’.”

The three-page letter goes on to say that Trump’s legal team have failed to identify “a single statement in the book that is factually false or defamatory”.

It also points out that New York law, under which the claims were made, such a cause of action is not recognised.

“Put simply, the book’s purpose is news reporting and nothing more,” it states.

Author disputes Bannon’s backtrack

Meanwhile, Wolff has also disputed Steve Bannon’s claim that he meant his “treasonous” comment for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and not Donald Trump Jr.

“I like Steve, I’m grateful for the time he gave me, the insights he gave me, and I don’t want to put him in more hot water than he is already in, but it was not directed at Manafort, it was directed directly at Don Jr,” Wolff said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

Bannon, the former White House chief strategist, is quoted in Wolff’s explosive book calling a meeting Trump Jr, Manafort and the president’s son-in-law Jared Kushner had with Russian officials at Trump Tower in June 2016 “treasonous” and “unpatriotic”.

When excerpts began to be released last week that included quotes from Bannon, President Trump chalked them up to his former top strategist “losing his mind”.

Asked about Bannon’s remarks in the book that special counsel Robert Mueller would “crack Don Jr like an egg on national TV,” Wolff said Bannon believed “there was obstruction”.

“I think he believes Don Jr. had no idea what he was doing,” Wolff said, adding that the meeting with a Russian lawyer with ties to the Kremlin was his way to prove he had the chops to work on the campaign.

“He had to do something to show his father he had the stuff,” Wolff said.

In his apology, Bannon said Manafort, “a seasoned campaign professional,” should have known better than to meet with Russians during the campaign.

“He should have known they are duplicitous, cunning and not our friends,” Bannon said.

Originally published as White House rejects apology from Steve Bannon, calling his comments ‘repugnant’ and ‘grotesque’

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