
Playgolf WEEK Promotion

To celebrate Playgolf WEEK from 17-23 November, the Mercury and the Sunday Tasmanian are giving you an unbelievable chance to win a new Audi A1! Seven lucky runners-up will have the chance to score a hole-in-one by winning their own set of Cobra Golf irons and a Puma Formstripe bag.

Win an Audi A1!

News_Image_File: Win an Audi A1_online banner all statesGolf Australia, the Mercury and the Sunday Tasmanian are giving you an unbelievable chance to win a new Audi A1!

Seven lucky runners-up will have the chance to score a hole-in-one by winning their own set of Cobra Golf Bio Cell irons and a Puma Formstripe bag.

It is all to celebrate Playgolf WEEK to be held from 17-23 November, Australia’s biggest week of golf activities, with Come & Try Days, special Offers and various other prizes  and competitions.

To find out more visit

For your chance to win enter below:
News_Module: Win an Audi A1_iFrameNews Limited - Golf Australia Win an Audi A1 Promotion

By entering the Golf Australia Win an Audi A1 Promotion, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:

1.1    Information on how to enter forms part of the terms of entry. Entry into the promotion is deemed acceptance of these conditions of entry.

2.1    Subject to clause 2.2 entry is open to all residents of Australia.
•    Major prize draw is only open to Australian residents over the age of 18
•    Six (6) Runner up prizes are only open to Australian residents over the age of 18
•    One (1) Runner up prize is open to all Australian residents under the age of 18

2.2    Directors, management, employees and their immediate families of News Limited and Golf Australia, and their associated agencies and companies are not eligible to enter. Immediate family means any of the following: spouse, ex-spouse, de-facto spouse, child or step-child (whether by natural or by adoption), parent, step-parent, grandparent, step-grandparent, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister or first cousin.

3.1    The competition commences on Sunday 26 October, 2014 at 12.05AM (AEDT) and concludes Sunday 23 November, 2014 at 11.55PM (AEDT) (“the Competition Period”).
3.2    To enter the competition readers must enter online via one of the below websites:

3.3    Entrants must enter all details required on the online competition page. Standard masthead website terms and conditions apply. This competition is a game of skill and winners will be selected from all valid responses by the most creative answer (according to these terms and conditions).
3.4    The time of entry will, in each case, be the time that the entry is received online via News Limited servers.
3.5    The Promoter, its agents, affiliates or representatives will not be liable for any lost, late or misdirected entries.
3.6    Incomprehensible and incomplete entries will be deemed invalid.
3.7    Entrants to the competition may only enter once, their first entry will be deemed as the valid entry. Only one prize per person will be awarded.

4.    HOW TO WIN

4.1    Each entrant who has entered the competition over the Competition Period and registered all details in accordance with clauses 2 and 3 will be entered into the draw. The draw will take place at News Limited, Level 5, 40 City Road, Southbank, VIC 3006 on Monday 24 November, 2014 at 11:00AM (AEDT).
4.2    Eight (8) prize winners will be selected nationally, from all valid entrants.
4.3    The Promoters’ decision in relation to any aspects of the competition is final and the Promoters will not enter into any correspondence regarding the result.
4.4    It is a condition of accepting the prize that the winner may be required to sign a legal release in a form determined by the Promoters in its absolute discretion.
4.5    Entries not completed in accordance with these terms and conditions will not be considered valid and will not be included in the judging. Indecipherable or incomplete entries will be deemed invalid.
4.6    The Promoters reserve the right to request the winner to provide proof of identity, proof of residency at the nominated prize delivery address and/or proof of entry validity (including phone bills) in order to claim the prize. Proof of identification, residency and entry considered suitable for verification is at the discretion of the Promoter. In the event that a winner cannot provide suitable proof, the winner will forfeit the prize in whole and no substitute will be offered.
4.7    The Promoters reserves the right to verify the validity of entries and to disqualify any entry which, in the opinion of the Promoters, includes objectionable content, profanity, potentially insulting, inflammatory or defamatory statements, disqualify any entrant who tampers with the entry process, who submits an entry that is not in accordance with these terms and conditions or entry, or who has, in the opinion of the Promoters, engaged in conduct in entering the promotion which is fraudulent, misleading, deceptive or generally damaging to the goodwill or reputation of the promotion and/or Promoters. The Promoters reserve the right to disqualify a winner if the Promoters become aware that the winner and/or the winner’s entry, is of a type described in this clause.
4.8    The prize winners will be notified via telephone and email by Tuesday 25 November, 2014 and their details will be published on their state’s relevant website: (NSW), (VIC); (QLD), (SA), (WA), (TAS) and (NT) by Tuesday 25 November, 2014.
 4.9    Subject to any written directions given, an unclaimed prize draw will take place News Limited, Level 5, 40 City Road, Southbank, VIC 3006, on Monday 23 February, 2015 at 11:00AM (AEDT). The new winners will be notified via email and telephone and their details will be published on (NSW), (VIC); (QLD), (SA), (WA), (TAS) and by Monday 23 February, 2015.


One (1) major prize winner will be selected nationally for the person 18 years and over as at the date the competition closes:
•    Audi A1 car (black 1.4TFSI Attraction with Style Pack/Black Gloss Vents/ Arm Rest)
•    Major prize includes registration, CTP, stamp duty and dealer delivery charges (which may vary State by State)
•    The winner will take delivery of the Audi from their nearest Audi dealership
•    Additional insurance, options, petrol and all other ancillary costs are the responsibility of the winner
Major prize RRP AU $36,000

Seven (7) runner up prizes will be awarded in total.

Six (6) state runner up prizes will be awarded for persons 18 years and over as at the date the competition closes, winners will be selected nationally, one per state (excluding the state the major prize winner is from). Each runner up prize winner will receive:
•    A set of Cobra Golf Bio Cell Irons and Puma Formstripe Bag RRP AU $922

One (1) runner up under the age of 18 years as at the date the competition closes will be selected nationally. The runner up prize winner will receive:
•    A set of Cobra Golf Bio Cell Irons and Puma Formstripe Bag RRP AU $922
Total runner up prize pool: RRP AU $6,454

Total prize pool value is RRP AU $42,454

5.2    Prizes cannot be transferred, exchanged or redeemed for cash. In the event that the winner does not take the prize as offered in the time stipulated, then the prize will be forfeited by the winner and cash will not be awarded in lieu of the prize. Prizes must be taken as offered and cannot be varied. All elements of the prize must be taken together. Any unused portion of the prize is not-transferrable, non-refundable and non-redeemable for other goods or services and cannot be taken as cash.
5.3    The Promoters accept no responsibility for any variations in the value of the prize as quoted in these terms and conditions. In the event that the prize components as listed cannot be offered at the time of fulfilment at the fault of the promoter, a replacement prize will be offered of equivalent value (at the combined discretion of the promoters).
5.4    In participating in the prizes, the winner agrees to participate and co-operate as required in all editorial activities relating to the promotion, including but not limited to being interviewed and photographed. The winner grants the Promoters a perpetual and non-exclusive licence to use such footage and photographs in all media worldwide and the winner (and their travelling companions) will not be entitled to any fee for such use.
5.5    The winner agrees that they will not sell or otherwise provide their story and/or photographs to any media or other organisation.
5.6    The winner must, on request by the Promoters, be able to provide evidence which, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Promoters, demonstrates that the winner is an eligible entrant (as per clauses 2.1, 2.2) and has complied with these terms and conditions.

6.1    The Promoters shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever which is suffered (including but not limited to indirect or consequential loss) or for any personal injury suffered or sustained in connection with any prize/s except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law. Neither are the Promoters responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate information, either caused by the entrant or for any of the equipment or programming associated with, or utilised in this competition, or for any technical error, or any combination thereof that may occur in the course of the administration of this competition, including any omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line or telephone, mobile or satellite failure, theft or destruction or unauthorised access to, or alteration of, entries, and reserves the right to take any action that may be available.
6.2    If for any reason, this competition is not capable of running as planned, including due to infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, technical failures or any other causes beyond the reasonable control of the Promoters, which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of this promotion, the Promoters reserve the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual who tampers with the entry process, take any action that may be available and to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the competition subject to any written directions given under State Legislation.
6.3    Except for any liability that cannot be excluded by law, the Promoters (including it officers, employees and agents) excludes all liability (including negligence) for any personal injury or loss or damage (including loss of opportunity) whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising in any way out of the promotion, including but not limited to, where arising out of the following:
a) any technical difficulties or equipment malfunction (whether or not under the Promoter’s control);
    b) any theft, unauthorised access or third party interference;
c) any entry or prize claim that is late, lost, altered, damaged or misdirected (whether or not after receipt by the Promoters) due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Promoters.
    d) any variation in prize value to that stated in these conditions of entry;
    e) any tax liability incurred by a winner or entrant;
f) the broadcast of any program relating to the competition or the publication of any material, including statements made by any compere, staff member, journalist, other entrants or any other person; and/or
    g) participation in the prize.
6.4    Once prizes have left the Promoters’ premises, the Promoters and their associated agencies take no responsibility for prizes damaged, delayed or lost in transit.
6.5    The Promoters reserve the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual who the Promoters have reason to believe has breached any of these conditions, or engaged in any unlawful or other improper misconduct calculated to jeopardise the fair and proper conduct of the promotion. The Promoters’ legal rights to recover damages or other compensation from such an offender are reserved.

7.1    To provide you with this promotion, the Promoters need to collect personal information about you. If you do not provide the information requested, the Promoters may not be able to provide you with the promotion entry.
7.2    Each entrant agrees that subject to the Privacy Act, the Promoters or its agents may do the following:
a) transfer personal information confidentially to the Promoters or other organisations that provide services in relation to this promotion;
    b) disclose personal information to State and Territory lottery departments;
    c) publish the winners’ names as required under applicable law; and/or
d) use the prize winners’ personal information in any media for publicity purposes associated with the promotion without any further payment or other compensation, unless the prize winner otherwise notifies the Promoters at the time of accepting the prize.
7.3    Entry details remain the property of the Promoters, and their related entities and are collecting the entrant's personal information for the purpose of conducting and promoting this competition (including but not limited to determining and notifying winners). The entrant may request access to his or her personal information by calling the News Ltd privacy office on 02 9288 3212.
7.4    When competition entrants subscribe to the prize givers email newsletter they are agreeing to receive email marketing. In the event that entrants decide to opt out of receiving information on promotions, services and market research provided by the prize giver, they can email or contact Golf Australia Head Office on 03 9626 5050.

8.1          The Promoters are News Limited (ABN: 47 007 871 178) of 2 Holt St, Surry Hills NSW 2010 and Golf Australia (ABN 54 118 151 894) of 95 Coventry Street, South Melbourne VIC 3205
8.2     This competition is a game of skill.


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