
Linwood Barclay reveals more about his new book Elevator Pitch

Someone is sabotaging elevators all over New York, with terrifying results. That’s the chilling scenario comes from author Linwood Barclay in his new book.

Thriller writer Linwood Barclay has a new book out. Picture: Supplied
Thriller writer Linwood Barclay has a new book out. Picture: Supplied

Do you get nervous in elevators? A bit suspicious of self-driving cars and similar technology? Linwood Barcaly gets you. His latest novel, Elevator Pitch, features someone sabotaging lifts across New York, with terrifying results; and his next features murderous motor vehicles. Given that Stephen King is a major fan, US-born Barclay must be doing something very right in the thriller world. Today he shares his secrets with the Sunday Book Club.

You began your writing career as a newspaper journalist — what made you turn your hand to penning thrillers?

It’s kind of the other way around. I was writing thrillers in my teens and early twenties — I’d probably done three or four by the time I was 25 — but no one wanted to publish them, and we can all be grateful for that. So I thought, how does someone who loves to write get paid every day to do just that? So at the age of 22 I got my first job on a newspaper, eventually getting to Canada’s largest circulation newspaper, The Toronto Star, where I spent the better part of three decades. But I never gave up my dream to write crime fiction, and in 2004, my first novel came out.

Elevator Pitch marks your 20th thriller novel. How do you keep your ideas fresh — how do they gestate?

I wait for a great “what if” to strike me. A terrific hook that can sustain a 100,000-word book. For example, what if you woke up one morning and your entire family was gone? And you went 25 years never knowing how they vanished into the night. That idea came to me at 5am one day, and became the novel No Time for Goodbye. The challenge is giving readers the kinds the twists and turns they’ve come to expect from you, but at the same time, not repeating yourself.

Can you give us the, erm, elevator pitch?

Someone is sabotaging elevators — seemingly at random — throughout Manhattan, bringing one of the most vertical cities in the world to a standstill.

Why do you think people are fascinated by serial killers?

When someone dies in, say, a bar fight, or a cheating husband is murdered, we think, well, that’s awful, but so long as I don’t go into dangerous places, or fool around, I’m safe. But it’s the randomness of the serial killer that unnerves us. There’s no, at least to us, apparent reason for it. Any one of us could end up being a victim. The serial killer is a predator, and we could turn out to be the prey, and there’s not really anything we can do about it, especially when you consider that the serial killer very likely lives among us.

Are you someone that scares easily? What makes your blood pressure rise?

It’s really not ghosts or monsters or things that go bump in the night that scare me. It’s the current, global political state we’re in, where ignorance is celebrated, where science and evidence are discounted, where it’s more expedient to build support by promoting hate against a person or a group than actually trying to solve problems that are staring us in the face.

Do you like to read and watch within the genre? What are you reading and watching at the moment?

I binge-watch a lot of crime dramas, and can’t wait for the second season of Mindhunter, for example. I read mostly fiction — right now I am into The New Iberia Blues by the brilliant James Lee Burke — but just before that I read a fantastic biography of Mel Brooks called Funny Man, by Patrick McGilligan.

Elevator Pitch by Linwood Barclay
Elevator Pitch by Linwood Barclay

How much planning goes into the structure of your books? Are you a plotter or a pantser*?

I fall somewhere in between. Before I start writing, a need to know the basics. Who did what? What are the underpinnings of the story? Where do I want to end up? When I know those things, I start writing, even though I haven’t figured out, in any great detail, the big “mushy middle” of the story. I won’t know the opportunities that exist in the book until I get into there.

Elevator Pitch does for elevators what Psycho did for showers — what have been the jump-scare books or movies that have stayed with you?

That hand coming out of the grave at the end of Carrie is still the biggest scare I have ever had at the movies. That, and when the head shows up in that hole in the bottom of the boat in Jaws. And while not necessarily scary, the last five minutes of the movie Vertigo are the best last five minutes of any movie ever made. As for books, we’re back to Stephen King again, and Pet Sematary. Still the most frightening novel I’ve ever read.

Stephen King is a huge fan of yours — do you ever swap ideas around or workshop together?

No. He’s doing just fine without any ideas from me. But we’re back and forth, occasionally, in emails, and have met a couple of times. I’ve been a huge fan since the late ‘70s, so knowing he likes my books is immensely gratifying. And I have to say, his latest, The Institute, is one of his best.

What are you working on next?

A few things. I’ve finished a book that’s bit more like a Michael Crichton thriller. Think Jurassic Park, but instead of dinosaurs, it’s self-driving cars. Things go very, very badly when, in a test community with nothing but those kinds of cars on the road, a virus is introduced into the network and the vehicles turn homicidal. Plus, I’m thinking about the next novel, as well as writing the pilot for a possible TV series based on my Promise Falls novels.

(*Book industry speak for someone who flies by the seat of their pants …)


Linwood Barclay’s Elevator Pitch, published by HarperCollins Australia, is on sale August 19 in all good book shops. Online readers, read a sample here.

Speaking of good book retailers, as usual our pals at Booktopia have a special offer for Sunday Book Club readers — our book of the month, Adele Parks’ Lies Lies Lies, for 30 per cent off. Visit the site and use the code BCBT19. Plus come and talk all things booktastic at the Sunday Book Club Facebook group.

Originally published as Linwood Barclay reveals more about his new book Elevator Pitch

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