
Serial Toowoomba shoplifter sent back to prison

A Toowoomba woman with a history of shoplifting has been sent back to jail for her latest theft spree.

The Toowoomba woman had a history of shoplifting.
The Toowoomba woman had a history of shoplifting.

A TOOWOOMBA woman with a history of shoplifting has been sent back to jail for her latest theft spree.

Wendy Leah Hollis had walked out of the Sunglasses Hut in Grand Central on February 18 without paying for three pairs of sunglasses valued at a total $1590.

She had also walked out of a James St adult shop with two sets of adult toys she hadn’t paid for on February 24, Toowoomba Magistrates Court heard.

Both times she was identified on the stores’ CCTV camera footage, police prosecutor Rowan Brewster-Webb told the court.

She was eventually located by police who pulled her over while she was driving on Linora Drive, Gowrie Mountain, about 11pm, Tuesday night.

She spent the night in custody before appearing in court via video link to the watch house to plead guilty to those charges as well as to possessing nine suboxone tablets, three viagra pills, a set of electronic scales, two amphetamine pipes and a straw used for drug use found on her when police arrested her.

Duty lawyer Kyna Morice said her client instructed that all she had stolen was for her ex-partner with whom she had since broken up.

Her client was trying to turn her life around, she said.

Magistrate Howard Osborne sentenced Hollis to four months in jail but ordered she be eligible to apply for release on parole immediately and fined her a total $1900 and ordered she make restitution of $1990.

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