
Simon Jones charged with murder of Crows Nest woman Krishna Chopra, has case mentioned in Toowoomba Magistrates Court

A year after a 33-year-old man was charged with murdering his mother-in-law, Crows Nest woman Krishna Chopra, the case has been set down for a court hearing.

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The case against a 33-year-old man accused of killing his mother-in-law has been set down for a directions hearing.

Simon Jones has been held in custody since his arrest in March 2022 on a charge of murder arising from the death of his mother-in-law Krishna Chopra and was not required to be in Toowoomba Magistrates Court when his case was mentioned on Friday, March 17.

Krishna Chopra was found dead in her Crows Nest home in January 2022.
Krishna Chopra was found dead in her Crows Nest home in January 2022.

The case has been stalled while the police brief of evidence remained incomplete due to outstanding scientific statements and DNA evidence yet to be finalised.

Police believe Ms Chopra, 61, was killed some time around January 21, 2022, some 10 days before her body was found inside her Park Rd home in Crows Nest.

Preliminary autopsy results pointed to Ms Chopra having died from severe head trauma and police later seized a metal bar allegedly found during a search of an area not far from Ms Chopra’s home.

A QPS forensic team search a property in Pratten in connection to the murder of Krishna Chopra in Crows Nest. Saturday, March 12, 2022. Picture: Nev Madsen.
A QPS forensic team search a property in Pratten in connection to the murder of Krishna Chopra in Crows Nest. Saturday, March 12, 2022. Picture: Nev Madsen.

In the hope of moving the case forward through the courts, magistrate Louise Shephard on Friday ordered a directions hearing be heard in the same court on May 2.

Mr Jones has not as yet been called upon to enter any plea to the charge of murder.

Ms Shephard remanded Mr Jones in custody and adjourned the case to May 2 when the directions hearing would be held.

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