
Alexandra Dubrovskaya swore at and kicked nurse trying to help her

The woman told the court she had just months to live, pleaded guilty to the drunken assault and a separate alcohol-fuelled offence. Here’s how it unfolded.

Dying woman's attack on Toowoomba Hospital nurse

A 40-year-old woman who assaulted a triage nurse during a drunken tirade at Toowoomba Hospital has told a city court she only has months to live.

“I have two to six months to live,” Alexandra Dubrovskaya told Toowoomba Magistrates Court after she was sentenced for two separate alcohol-fuelled incidents.

In the first incident on November 7, last year, Dubrovskaya had been suffering back pain and was taken to Toowoomba Hospital by ambulance, the court heard.

Told by a triage nurse to wait, the 40-year-old rolled off the stretcher and onto the floor, blocking the aisle, and started yelling obscenities at hospital staff.

When the nurse asked her to get up, Dubrovskaya kicked her in the knee causing the nurse immediate pain, police prosecutor Bettina Trenear told the court.

Dubrovskaya was arrested and taken to the watch house where she was breath tested at 0.236, she said.

Alexandra Dubrovskaya (left) leaves Toowoomba Magistrates Court after being sentenced on August 17, 2022.
Alexandra Dubrovskaya (left) leaves Toowoomba Magistrates Court after being sentenced on August 17, 2022.

Dubrovskaya was then involved in a car crash in Toowoomba’s CBD on January 22 but left the scene of the accident, the court heard.

Police later found her at home but she struggled with officers when arrested, dropping to the ground when being carried to the police van, Ms Trenear said.

At the watch house she had refused to provide a sample of breath despite three warnings but eventually two hours later provided a sample of breath which recorded her breath/alcohol reading as 0.196, she said.

Dubrovskaya pleaded guilty to serious assault of a public officer while adversely affected in a public place, high-range drink-driving, public nuisance, failing to provide a sample of breath and obstructing police.

Her solicitor Ryan McCullough, of MacDonald Law, told the court his client was born in Uzbekistan and came to Australia with her husband when she was 26.

Her husband had since died and she had suffered domestic violence during a subsequent relationship leading to her alcohol issues, he said.

Dubrovskaya was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder and agoraphobia and she had contracted hepatitis C leading to liver disease which was terminal, Mr McCullough said.

Magistrate Clare Kelly said Dubrovskaya was not suitable for probation or community service due to her difficulties.

Ms Kelly fined her $1200, which was referred to SPER, and disqualified her from driving for 12 months.

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