
Creepy humanoid robot twitches and flails

A disturbing video from a US robotics firm shows the moment their human-like android begins to twitch and flex its leg muscles.

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If you ever watched the Alien films and wondered what it would be like if the polite-but-deadly synthetics were real and walking among us, then you’re in luck, because a US-based robotics company has answered that question for you.

It would be really, really creepy.

In footage posted to YouTube, Clone Robotics unveiled its new pet project; the “Protoclone,” a tall, ghostly-white humanoid robot.

Creepy Footage of Twitching Robot

In the video, the faceless robot hangs suspended by a number of ropes from the ceiling of a warehouse in a scene that looks like it came straight out of a horror movie.

The model flails its legs back and forth, almost as if it’s trying to escape its captivity, giving the tech demo an uncannily disturbing feel.

A grainy, droning noise plays in the background, adding to the strange ambience.

The Protoclone flails its legs around in an apparent display of human-like autonomy. Source: YouTube/ Clone
The Protoclone flails its legs around in an apparent display of human-like autonomy. Source: YouTube/ Clone

According to its creators, the Protoclone boasts an advanced system of artificial muscles that it can flex and un-flex depending on the task or action it is conducting.

The Clone Robotics website claims the human skeleton is almost perfectly replicated by the android.

“The Clone’s skeletal system contains all 206 bones of the human body with a small number of bone fusions,” the web page said.

“The joints are fully articulated with artificial ligaments and connective tissues … the android is highly articular and includes one-to-many and many-to-one joint-muscle relationships.”

While it is clear the android is still in an experimental phase of production, other Clone Robotics projects suggest the wait for a fully-articulate, human-like robot may not be as long as you think.

The robot displays an advanced muscle and skeletal structure. Source: YouTube/ Clone
The robot displays an advanced muscle and skeletal structure. Source: YouTube/ Clone

Clone Robotics’ other major project is a machine replicant of a human hand, and the resemblance is astounding.

In a video published late last year, a technician uses a glove to direct the motions of a robotic hand, and its ability to move, handle and even catch a ball indicates a high level of motion.

Clone Robotics' android hand shows incredible levels of articulation. Source: YouTube/ Clone
Clone Robotics' android hand shows incredible levels of articulation. Source: YouTube/ Clone

Niamh Ancell recently wrote of the human obsession with artificially constructing human-like machines in Cybernews.

“The Ancient Greeks dreamt of Talos, a bronze giant, Leo da Vinci built a mechanical knight, and the first emperor of China was buried with an army of terracotta soldiers,” she wrote.

“Now, humanoid robots aren’t simply conceptual – they’re tangible. Innovators like Boston Dynamics, UniTree, Tesla, and a plethora of other tech companies have made robots a reality.”

Ancell believes that humanoid robots, if developed effectively, could be used to ease the burden for many tasks that humans believe are too menial or otherwise unsafe.

“In the context of physical, highly dangerous jobs, or even repetitive strenuous tasks, robots could take over the heavy lifting,” she said.

“While androids aren’t there yet, they’re certainly making progress, and if innovators are shouting about the benefits of humanoid robots – perhaps we should listen.”

Originally published as Creepy humanoid robot twitches and flails

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