
Chaos as Hardcore Fighting Championship erupts before the bell

MMA fighters started trading blows before the opening bell as a chaotic Hardcore Fighting Championship bout was swiftly called off.

MMA fighters start trading blows before opening bell

An MMA bout failed to make it to the opening bell as one of the fighters sparked a brawl during the introductions in a wild scene.

Artur Kulinskiy was set to throw down with Farid Yadullaev on Hardcore Fighting Championship’s Reality Final card in Moscow, Russia on Friday (AEDT), The Sun reports.

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But Kulinskiy, nicknamed “Acab”, wasn’t in the mood to wait for the opening bell.

He sensationally attacked social media sensation Yadullaev just as the announcer had begun introducing the pair.

Kulinskiy entering the octagon. Photo: Hardcore Fighting Championship
Kulinskiy entering the octagon. Photo: Hardcore Fighting Championship
He immediately started taunting his opponent. Photo: Hardcore Fighting Championship
He immediately started taunting his opponent. Photo: Hardcore Fighting Championship

Kulinskiy ran straight towards Yadullaev and threw a wild right hand and a follow-up hook.

Yadullaev, however, managed to evade the attempted cheap shots.

But he ended up being floored by a left body kick from Kulinskiy as he retreated.

The referee tried his best to stop Kulinskiy but was unable to until security stormed the cage and separated the pair.

In subtitles on the video, an official is heard allegedly saying in Russian: “Remove the fighters from the octagon. There will not be a fight.

The announcer had barely begun the introductions. Photo: Hardcore Fighting Championship
The announcer had barely begun the introductions. Photo: Hardcore Fighting Championship

“Enough is enough. Remove both from the f**king octagon.”

Footage of the insane moment went viral and stunned MMA fans worldwide.

One wrote on Instagram: “What was necessary to prove?”

Another said: “F**k this is the best thing I’ve ever seen on hardcore.”

Another commented: “Are you serious?!”

A fourth remarked: “F**k hype fighting.”

Another simply chimed in with: “Circus.”

The fighters got straight into it. Photo: Hardcore Fighting Championship
The fighters got straight into it. Photo: Hardcore Fighting Championship
And that was the end of the action. Photo: Hardcore Fighting Championship
And that was the end of the action. Photo: Hardcore Fighting Championship

Hardcore chiefs immediately cancelled the bout, much to the frustration of Yadullaev.

The Moscow influencer commented on a clip of the video and said: “Well, Acab is draining the fight, now I’m waiting for him to continue.

“But he’s not there and what do you say?

“I’m still in the arena, Acab, if you’re a man, come out.

“I’m dressed and standing near the cage!!!!”

This article originally appeared in The Sun and was reproduced with permission

Originally published as Chaos as Hardcore Fighting Championship erupts before the bell

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