Biggest ever: First look at four-tower mega development
A landmark development has been unveiled for Coomera, bringing much-needed housing and a new architectural icon to the city. SEE THE IMAGES
A landmark development has been unveiled for Coomera, bringing much-needed housing and a new architectural icon to the city. SEE THE IMAGES
Geelong renters search for smaller, cheaper options as new data reveals the rental affordability landscape for Victorians is better than in other states.
The developer who vowed to build 10 towers in 10 years is ramping up its plans, going on a buying spree across the central Gold Coast.
It’s not just tenants hurting from ridiculously high rental costs – even property owners and investors are impacted.
Home values are expected to rise rapidly in a range of Sydney suburbs where it’s still possible to buy houses for under $800,000, a new study shows. See the full list
As Queensland races to meet the demand of a population explosion and earn its place on the global stage, these are the developments to watch. SEE THE LIST.
Melbourne property prices continued a slow recovery in June after last year’s interest rate hikes, as a leading economist warns buyers are being scared off by the idea of a big mortgage.
A heritage Abbotsford home once owned by Sir Keith Murdoch’s boss and former politician Theodore Fink flew $130,000 above reserve. REPLAY AUCTIONS AND SEE ALL THE RESULTS.
The future of grand plans to build a $200m new shopping centre on the central Gold Coast as part of $1bn mini-city can be revealed after a fateful decision.
With the costs of rentals skyrocketing in recent years, there are only a few places you can still buy for less than the cost of renting. And they’re not all out in the sticks. Here’s where you can save big.
Puzzled prospective tenants have questioned the value of a $350-a-week rental in Brisbane’s west with a striking resemblance to a children’s cubbyhouse.
Keep an eye on the Brisbane property market in real time with our live auction coverage.
A series of clever deals has netted real estate legend Bill Malouf a whopping price for his now redundant blue chip office space.
Adelaide is again leading the nation in property price growth, with the average homebuyer now paying $35k more than a year ago, new market data shows.
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