
Vulnerable mother’s transition to stable life in rental market

A young mum, determined to escape her troubled past and build a better life for her baby, shares her battle to break into Townsville’s tough rental market.

Single mother, Amy Hopkins, pictured with her daughter Khalisa, 10 months, is supported by Rent Connect into the private rental market. Picture: Shae Beplate.
Single mother, Amy Hopkins, pictured with her daughter Khalisa, 10 months, is supported by Rent Connect into the private rental market. Picture: Shae Beplate.

Amy Hopkins, 27, was heavily pregnant and desperate for a change when she left Brisbane, determined to escape the bad influences of her past and build a better life for her unborn daughter, Khalisa.

It’s a year later and the transition to Townsville has been a challenge for Ms Hopkins as she confronts for the first time a full-time job, without a car, while raising her daughter Khalisa as she breaks into the rental market.

“I’m a complete stiff now, and I like it like that,” she said.

“I work hard now, I don’t see myself going backwards now.”

Ms Hopkins has benefited from the state government’s RentConnect service which helps financially struggling Queenslanders who have a limited rental history, are struggling to meet the bond, or cannot meet the 30 per cent threshold.

Single mother, Amy Hopkins, with her daughter Khalisa, 10mths. Picture: Shae Beplate.
Single mother, Amy Hopkins, with her daughter Khalisa, 10mths. Picture: Shae Beplate.

A significant part of this program is the Rent Connect officers who work directly with high-needs clients such as Ms Hopkins to work through their situations and interact directly with real estate agents to help start off a positive rental history.

Without an officer Ms Hopkins believes she would have remained homeless, as she had been in the past.

Ms Hopkins grew up in the foster care system but ran away from it, continuing living in her 20s with a lengthy criminal history.

Single mother, Amy Hopkins at a press conference with Department Housing staff and her Rent Connect officer. They speak at a press conference. Picture: Shae Beplate.
Single mother, Amy Hopkins at a press conference with Department Housing staff and her Rent Connect officer. They speak at a press conference. Picture: Shae Beplate.

“I’ve been in and out of the justice system from as long as I can remember,” she said.

“It’s taken me this long to sort of recognise I wasn’t happy where I was in my previous life.

“I had to move away from Brisbane to change my life, and then when I came to Townsville, it was like a fresh start for me; I know absolutely nobody here.

Member for Mundingburra Les Walker highlights the significance of Rent Connect. Picture: Shae Beplate.
Member for Mundingburra Les Walker highlights the significance of Rent Connect. Picture: Shae Beplate.

“I had to do what was best for myself and for Khalisa as well.”

Ms Hopkins said that in the longer term she would like to study youth work, so she could draw on her own life experiences and help troubled youth.

Ms Hopkins spoke to the media alongside Mundingburra Labor MP Les Walker, who says he has used any opportunity he can get to advocate for vulnerable mothers and families by increasing services and social and affordable homes.

Mr Walker said under a Labor Government the number of RentConnect officers in Townsville would double from two to four, to help people to pay their rent cap or bond money.

It was part of a fund of $160m which would help vulnerable people break into the rental market with the help of officers.

“Even though our unemployment rates are down very low, it’s that gap between what their income is and what they are asking for rent today, because there’s a lot of pressure in that space,” Mr Walker said.

“They (officers) have got a great database and they continually talk to the market, and what’s available and what the need to do to get their clients into those properties.”

Originally published as Vulnerable mother’s transition to stable life in rental market

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