
Work begins on Geham State School’s anniversary celebration

PREPARATIONS are under way for the Geham State School’s 150th anniversary celebration - find out more here.

PREPARATIONS are under way for the Geham State School's 150th anniversary celebration, which are due to take place next year.

An anniversary event will be held on March 27, 2021, organised by a newly made committee.

The event will kick off at 9am and finish with a dinner dance at 6pm.

Past principals, teachers, staff, students and families are all welcome to attend and bookings will be essential, available at a later date.

Event organisers are currently on the look out for history, information, photos, stories or memorabilia from the school to add to the celebrations and encourage people with these items to contact Elaine Kahler at the Geham School on (07) 4612 6333 or via email at

A Facebook group for the event can be found at Geham SS150.

If you, or someone you know, attended Geham State School during the 1920s or 1930s, let the committee know.

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