
Western Downs SES takes out operational response award

In times of flood, fire and natural disaster these heroes in orange overalls are ready to lend a hand. They were recognised for their hard work at a ceremony in Toowoomba.

Brian Cook (centre) received a citation for "distinguished service to the SES through exceptional leadership, dedication and training of fellow members." at SES Week Awards on Saturday. He is flanked (from left) by SES Regional Manager Robert Bundy and Toowoomba Mayor Paul Antonio.
Brian Cook (centre) received a citation for "distinguished service to the SES through exceptional leadership, dedication and training of fellow members." at SES Week Awards on Saturday. He is flanked (from left) by SES Regional Manager Robert Bundy and Toowoomba Mayor Paul Antonio.

IN THE early hours of February 9, Western Downs SES volunteers stood in a soggy vigil along the Myall Creek as it swelled with floodwater.

Nearby, Dalby residents were sleeping in their warm, dry beds, unaware that the creek was about to break its banks and cut the town.

Sensing the danger, the SES unit knocked on doors to wake the slumbering residents, and by 6am its swift water rescue team was ferrying them to safety.

More rain was on its way, bringing more challenges that were met with expertise by the unit.

It was for this service that the unit received the Operational Response of the Year award at the 2020 Regional SES Week Ceremony.

The awards were held at the Cathedral Centre, Toowoomba, on Saturday.

Other notable awards included Warwick SES controller John Newley who received a 40-year meritorious service clasp and Crows Nest group leader Shelly Scott who won a regional award for her efforts during the Pechey fire.

Stanthorpe SES deputy group leader Elijah Smith was named Member of the Year after he organised the SES response to the Ballandean and Stanthorpe fires – despite only being in the role for about 18 months.

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