
Toowoomba family grateful for Children’s Hospital Foundation after three-day-old baby stopped breathing

A Toowoomba family have recalled the moment their three-day-old baby stopped breathing, and the life-saving measures put in place to support the family during a horrendous time. Now, they have urged the public to help them return the favour. 

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Imagine holding your three-day-old daughter when suddenly, she stops breathing and your heart drops.

That is exactly what happened with Bec and Chris Peacock’s daughter Annabelle, now one.

At three weeks old, Annabelle was diagnosed with laryngomalacia, a condition where soft tissue falls over and blocks the airway.

“It was horrible,” Mrs Peacock said.

Toowoomba toddler Annabelle Peacock, 1, was diagnosed with laryngomalacia at three weeks old, that caused soft tissue to fall over and block her airway.
Toowoomba toddler Annabelle Peacock, 1, was diagnosed with laryngomalacia at three weeks old, that caused soft tissue to fall over and block her airway.

“The image of my three-week-old baby not breathing in my arms is the most horrendous thing.”

After two surgeries, and a stay at the Queensland Children’s Hospital, Mrs Peacock has thanked the Children’s Hospital Foundation Steggles Cuddle Carer service for their constant support during a heartbreaking time.

“She was having episodes at least once a day, sometimes three or four times, and I had to be ready to resuscitate her,” Mrs Peacock said.

“Without the support of the foundation, it would have been impossible to even take a shower or eat something. They were amazing.”

Saturday night’s Nine Telethon will raise funds for the Children’s Hospital Foundation.

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