
Refugee support ‘crisis’: Council meeting calls for federal funding

Nearly 3000 refugees have relocated to the Toowoomba region in the past three years resulting in urgent calls for funding.

Catholic Care Social Services executive director Kate Venables delivered a presentation to Toowoomba Regional Council at its meeting on Tuesday outlining the critical need for more funding. Picture: Kevin Farmer
Catholic Care Social Services executive director Kate Venables delivered a presentation to Toowoomba Regional Council at its meeting on Tuesday outlining the critical need for more funding. Picture: Kevin Farmer

NEARLY 3000 refugees have relocated to the Toowoomba region in the past three years resulting in urgent calls for funding.

Catholic Care Social Services executive director Kate Venables delivered a presentation to Toowoomba Regional Council at its meeting on Tuesday outlining the critical need for more funding.

“We have welcomed 2800 people to town in the past two to three years, and that is an enormous amount when you consider the weight that puts on all support services,” Ms Venables said.

“The largest group we currently have in town is the Yazidi cohort – an amazing group of people who have come to town and are now calling Toowoomba home.”

During the council meeting, Ms Venables said of the 2800 refugees, 50% of that group were children under the age of 18.

The executive director said the support services assisted refugees with language and literacy barriers, employment, education, housing and health.

But without funding, the organisation is facing the threat of not being able to assist everyone, with an estimation of 878 clients per support worker.

“We are so incredibly desirable of finding ways to navigate the system,” Ms Venables said.

“There is the probable likelihood that we will not get this funding which means we’ll be two case workers down.

“We are hopeful people, and we pray that hearts will be moved and dollars will come.”

Ms Venables said Brisbane numbers were sitting at about 1000 in comparison and since the borders closed in March last year the region had not received any refugees from international borders.

Toowoomba Mayor Paul Antonio said the issue was at “crisis point”.

“This is a crisis as Kate clearly pointed out … these people are in great need,” Cr Antonio said.

“That’s something the Federal Government has to take into account.

“If you go back historically, those figures – numbers of people – coming here were a couple of hundred a year and suddenly without notification to us there were 900 coming here needing more care.”

Cr Antonio said he was aware Ms Venables had already made contact with people in Canberra and his office was also arranging a meeting.

The Chronicle has contacted Federal Minister for Home Affairs Karen Andrews but no response was received by press time.

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